EVA Report – December 23rd


EVA #1

Author: Shefali Rana

Start time: 11.20 AM

End time: 12.16 AM

Narrative: Team conducted a training EVA for Marble Ritual. Crew members collected and loaded rock samples at the collection baskets on Cow Dung Road. CMD and JOU went up the ridge and explored the vantage point. Post survey, CMD, HSO, and JOU came down the trail and dislodged some rocks for analysis. The trip back was led by Spirit followed by Curiosity.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 518700 4250800

Participants: Cesare (CMD), Shefali (HSO), Ben (JOU)

Road(s) and routes as per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Spirit and Curiosity

EVA #2

Author: Shefali Rana

Start time: 12.36 PM

End time: 1.20 PM

Narrative: Team conducted an egress/ ingress training EVA for Marble Ritual. Crew members collected and loaded rock samples at the collection baskets on Cow Dung Road. ENG and GEO went on the trail by the ridge and led the way back to Hab with Spirit leading the way.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 518700 4250800

Participants: LuzMa (ENG), Pat (GEO)

Road(s) and routes as per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Spirit and Curiosity

Shefali Rana


Crew 218

EVA Report – December 23rd


EVA #1

Author: Shefali Rana

Start time: 11.20 AM

End time: 12.16 AM

Narrative: Team conducted a training EVA for Marble Ritual. Crew members collected and loaded rock samples at the collection baskets on Cow Dung Road. CMD and JOU went up the ridge and explored the vantage point. Post survey, CMD, HSO, and JOU came down the trail and dislodged some rocks for analysis. The trip back was led by Spirit followed by Curiosity.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 518700 4250800

Participants: Crew CMD, HSO, JOU

Road(s) and routes as per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Spirit and Curiosity

EVA #2

Author: Shefali Rana

Start time: 12.36 PM

End time: 1.20 PM

Narrative: Team conducted an egress/ ingress training EVA for Marble Ritual. Crew members collected and loaded rock samples at the collection baskets on Cow Dung Road. ENG and GEO went on the trail by the ridge and led the way back to Hab with Spirit leading the way.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 518700 4250800

Participants: Crew ENG, GEO

Road(s) and routes as per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Spirit and Curiosity

Shefali Rana


Crew 218

EVA Report – December 22nd


Crew 218 EVA Request 22-DEC-2019

EVA #: 1

Today’s Date: 22 Dec 2019

Requested EVA Date: 23 Dec 2019

Requested start time for EVA: 11:00

Requested end time for EVA: 12:15

Does weather report support EVA at this time? Yes

Purpose of EVA: Exploratory EVA to familiarize with use of space suits, use of rovers with gear, and communication procedures

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E518700, N4250800 EVA Participants: Cesare Guariniello, CMD; Ben Durkee, JOU; Shefali Rana, HSO

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, then walk East towards Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): Spirit and Curiosity

EVA #: 2

Today’s Date: 22 Dec 2019

Requested EVA Date: 23 Dec 2019

Requested start time for EVA: 12:45

Requested end time for EVA: 14:00

Does weather report support EVA at this time? Yes

Purpose of EVA: Exploratory EVA to familiarize with use of space suits, use of rovers with gear, and communication procedures

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E518700, N4250800 EVA Participants: Pat Pesa, GEO; LuzMa Agudelo, ENG

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, then walk East towards Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): Spirit and Curiosity

EVA #: 3

Today’s Date: 22 Dec 2019

Requested EVA Date: 23 Dec 2019

Requested start time for EVA: 14:30

Requested end time for EVA: 15:45

Does weather report support EVA at this time? Yes

Purpose of EVA: Exploratory EVA to familiarize with use of space suits and communication procedures. One crew member cannot perform EVA on rovers, therefore this EVA is to let him familiarize with EVAs with the traditional expedition to Marble Ritual, but on foot

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E518700, N4250800 EVA Participants: Cesare Guariniello, CMD; Jonathan Buzan, SCI

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, then walk East towards Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Walking

Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): None

Please note the reason for request of third EVA.


Commander, MDRS 218

EVA Report – December 12th


Crew 217 EVA Report
11 Dec 2019

Ann Rockett

EVA Date: Sol 2, 12-11-19

Start time for EVA: 9:00 am

End time for EVA: 12:30 pm

Weather was clear and sunny.

Purpose of EVA:

To investigate the presence of life in water found in potholes study.
Green bands sample collection to bring back to lab for analysis and

Destination: Lith Canyon

Cow dung road Dino quarry at Lith Canyon traveling by rover and on foot

EVA Participants: Cynthia, Teresa, Kevin, Ann


EVA One (Ann, Cynthia, Kevin, Teresa) journeyed to Lith Canyon. One
of MDRS’s absolute rules is that one stops when the Rovers’ battery
reaches 60%. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Do not take the
Rover further afield when the battery reads 60%. About two-thirds
the way to Lith Canyon, Spirit’s battery read 60%. Not to be deterred,
the astronauts continued with their mission, one Rover down. Failure
was not an option.

They successfully collected water samples from three separate
potholes. They also took measured pH and temperature and took
salinity readings They also scaped rock samples from four samples from
the green sediment in the Morrison strata: one from above the green
layer, one from the green layer, one from under the green layer, and
one from a group of crystalline structures in the layer above the
green layer. Finding themselves with over 60 minutes left in their
EVA allotment of time, the group also collected gypsum samples at the
Cow Dung Road/Moon Overlook Road junction.

EVA Report – December 11th


Crew 217 EVA Request 12-11-19

EVA #: 3

Today’s date: Sol 2

Requested EVA Date: Sol 3, 12-12-19

Requested start time for EVA: 10:00 am

Requested end time for EVA:13:00 pm

Weather is clear and sunny supporting the requested EVA.

Purpose of EVA:

To collect ancient invertebrates for presentation to students upon
return to Earth.


Walk from Hab up Sagan Street to Hab Ridge (destination)

Coordinates: 518,000, 4251,300 UTM

EVA Participants: Cynthia, Teresa, Kevin, Ann, Jen, Hope 

EVA Report – November 25th

 Crew 216 EVA Report 06-Dec-2019
EVA # 16
Author: Whittle
Purpose of EVA: Returning UV samples to Robert's Rock Garden and obtaining film footage in the area west of Zubrin's Head.
start time for EVA: 0830
end time for EVA: 1040
Narrative: Drove to Robert's Rock Garden, returned UV samples to correct locations. Continued to Zubrin's Head. Left vehicles and explored variable terrain to west of Cow Dung Road. Collected lots of footage in circular route over ridges and back along base of wash. Returned to Hab via Cow Dung Road.
Destination: West of Zubrin's Head
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518501 4248050
EVA Participants: Whittle, Kennedy, Alexandrova
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Drove from Hab to Zubrin's Head (12 S 0519500 4248050) via Cow Dung Road, returning samples at Robert's Rock Garden on route
2) Explored area west of Cow Dung Road on foot, circular route around 12 S 0518501 4248050.
3) Returned to Hab via same route
Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit 

Crew 216 EVA Report 04Dec2019

[title EVA Report – December 04th]

Crew 216 EVA Report 04-Dec-2019
EVA # 14
Author: Kennedy
Purpose of EVA: To capture film footage in support of Evgenia’s and Ho’s projects.
Start time for EVA: 0830
End time for EVA: 1030
Narrative:Left the Hab on foot with Kennedy, Alexandrova, Levesque, and Ho. We traveled due east towards Phobos peak. In transit we discovered a large dinosaur bone protruding from the side of a cliff. GPS coordinates taken and coordinated with Shannon. We then continued to the southern base of Phobos ridge. Michael stayed at the bottom to run his drone footage. We climbed to the top of the ridge with drone footage and pictures taken from the Hab. We reached the peak around 0945. After returning to the base we returned to the Hab following a more northerly route, passing by several capstone formations “mushrooms” passing in site of the marble ritual, before returning to the Hab at 1030. Both Alexandrova and Ho reported excellent footage being taken for their respective projects.
Destination:Phobos Peak
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0519319E 4250181N
EVA Participants: Alexandrova, Kennedy, Ho, Levesque
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Walked to from Hab to base of Phobos Peak
2) Ascended Phobos Peak
2) Returned to Hab from Phobos Peak
Mode of travel: Foot
Vehicles used: None


Crew 216 EVA Report 04Dec2019

[title EVA Report – December 04th]

Crew 216 EVA Report 04-Dec-2019
EVA # 15
Author: Levesque
Purpose of EVA: To set up a cross-band repeater in the Crew Commander’s vehicle for an attempt to contact the International Space Station via amateur radio.
Start time for EVA: 1230
End time for EVA: 1345
Narrative: Walked to vehicle to set up radio in cross-band mode. Returned to Hab for contact attempt, and then returned to vehicle to shut down radio.
Destination: Crew Commander’s vehicle next to Outpost.
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518364 4249273.
EVA Participants: Levesque and Lawson
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Walk from Hab to vehicle to set up the repeater
2) Return to Hab for contact attempt with a handheld radio
3) Return to vehicle to shut off repeater and the vehicle
Mode of travel: Foot


EVA Report – December 3rd

Crew 216 EVA Report 03-Dec-2019
EVA # 13
Author: Whittle
Purpose of EVA: In-situ fluorescent mineral survey. Per agreement with the director, this EVA extended into low light and was therefore partial sim (flight suits only). No photos/videos were taken. Start time for EVA: 1700
End time for EVA: 1820
Narrative: Drove to Robert’s Rock Garden, inspected sites found on EVA 12. Proof of concept completed and a number of samples collected for lab analysis. Returned to Hab via same route.
Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge (Robert’s Rock Garden)
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518364 4249273.
EVA Participants: Lawson, Whittle, Kennedy
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Drove from Hab to Robert’s Rock Garden via Cow Dung Road
2) Explored Robert’s Rock Garden to mark (GPS) locations for EVA 13 3) Returned to Hab via same route
Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit

EVA Report – December 3rd

Crew 216 EVA Report 03-Dec-2019
EVA # 12
Author: Whittle
Purpose of EVA: Reconnaissance for EVA 13 (evening EVA)
Start time for EVA: 0830
End time for EVA: 0915
Narrative: Drove to Robert’s Rock Garden, found 4 sites for evening inspection in vicinity of rovers (<10m from road). All sites marked with GPS and track recorded to annotate map for nighttime navigation. Returned to Hab via same route.
Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge (Robert’s Rock Garden)
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518364 4249273.
EVA Participants: Lawson, Whittle, Alexandrova
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Drive from Hab to Robert’s Rock Garden via Cow Dung Road
2) Explore Robert’s Rock Garden to mark (GPS) locations for EVA 13 3) Return to Hab via same route
Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit

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