Green Hab Report – May 2nd

Hello Mission Control,

Please find below the Green Hab Report for May 2, 2018.

Green Hab Report

Date: 2 May 2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with door open but only for few hours in the afternoon

Shade cloth: on

Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 34.5 C

Low: 15.4℃

High: 52.1℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 10 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 1000am and afternoon 445pm.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: No significant changes.

Support/supplies needed: None

Greenhab Report – May 1st

GreenHab Report

Date: 1May2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open

Shade cloth: on

Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 22.1 ℃

Low: 16.8℃

High: 52.7℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: Yellowing resolving, plants seem to be in slightly better health.

Daily water usage for crops: 7.75 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 0800 and at 1730.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: Yellowed plants are are turning green again after extra watering. Started singing to them today. Selections included Queen (Greatest Hits). If they rise from the dead overnight, we’ll be on to something.

Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – April 30th

GreenHab Report

Date: 30Apr2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open

Shade cloth: on

Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 24.3 ℃

Low: 15.5℃

High: 50.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: Yellowing resolving, plants seem to be in slightly better health.

Daily water usage for crops: 7.25 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 0800 and at 1845.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: Yellowed plants are are turning green again after extra watering. It may or may not help that we are talking to them gently but lovingly.

Support/supplies needed: None

Greenhab Report – April 29th

Green Hab Report
Date: 29 Apr 2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open but only for few hours in the afternoon
Shade cloth: on
Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 34.6 C
Low: 14.7℃
High: 51.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 8.5 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 900am and afternoon 445pm.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: None

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: No significant changes. Plants that were yellowing are turning green again after extra watering.

Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – April 28th

GreenHab Report

Name: Shawna Pandya

Date: 28Apr2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open

Shade cloth: on

Fan: Used today

Average temperatures: 39.0℃

Low: 15.5℃

High: 52.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: Less yellow with additional watering

Daily water usage for crops: 10 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: Once at 0900 and again at 1700

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: No.

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: Picked a few tomatoes. Assembled red wagon – the latest ‘Mars Rover’!

Support/supplies needed: None

Greenhab Report – April 27th

Name: Anima Patil-Sabale
Date: 27 Apr 2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open but only for few hours in the afternoon
Shade cloth: on
Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 34.8 ℃
Low: 15.5℃
High: 50.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 11 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: 10:15am and 5:15pm

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: No.

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: None

Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – 27 April 2018

Name: Shawna Pandya

Date: 26 Apr 2018

Environmental control: Ambient with door open but only for few hours in the afternoon

Shade cloth: on

Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 42.1 C

Low: 26.6℃

High: 42.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 5 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: Once at 0900

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: No.

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: Picked kale, thyme, rosemary, sage, swiss chard and red lettuce.

Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – April 24th

Green Hab Report

Name: Doug Campbell

Date: 24 Apr 2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with door open but only for few hours in the afternoon

Shade cloth: on

Fan: not used today

Average temperatures: 39.2 C

Low: 16.7℃

High: 48.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 6.5 Gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 900am and afternoon 445pm.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: An apple seed that sprouted in the hab was transferred to a pot in the green hab.

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: No significant changes.

Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – April 23rd

GreenHab Report
Name: Doug Campbell
Date: 23 Apr 2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with door open but only for few hours in the afternoon Shade cloth: on
Fan: on for one hour

Average temperatures: 36.2 C
Low 11.7℃
High 51.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 5 gal

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning at 900am and afternoon 445pm.

Morning research observations: None

Changes to research plants: An apple seed that sprouted in the hab was transferred to a pot in the green hab

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: No significant changes. Picked 2 tomatoes and two peppers.

Support/supplies needed: None

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