GreenHab Report – March 14th

Crewmember’s name : Mario Sundic (GreenHab officer & journalist)
Date 14/03/2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with door open.
Shade cloth on.
Fan on, without cooling.

Average temperatures: 25°C
Low : 9,5°C
High : 37°C

Hours of supplemental light: 0 hours

Changes to crops: tomatoes are growing and plants are fine and watered

Daily water usage for crops: 10 gal and 10 gal for hydroponics systems

Time(s) of watering for crops: 3

Moringa research observations: ?

Changes to research plants: N/A

I worked on hydroponics systems, completed the first tower, optimized water flow and plants (mint and coriander) are now transplanted on the first tower.

Support/supplies needed: N/A

Greenhab Report – March 13th

Crewmember’s name : Mario Sundic (GreenHab officer & journalist)

Date 13/03/2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with door open.

Shade cloth on.

Fan on, without cooling.

Average temperatures: 30°C

Low : 18°C

High : 37°C

Hours of supplemental light: 0 hours

Changes to crops: No change

Daily water usage for crops: 13 gal

Time(s) of watering for crops: 3

Moringa research observations: ?

Changes to research plants: N/A

Aquaponics: All fish are dead. No seedlings have sprouted. As they were permanently submerged in cold water, preventing them from sprouting, I have put the pump on a 15on/45off timer and added hydroponics solution in the now empty tank. Hopefully this will allow the seeds to sprout and to grow normally in hydroponic conditions, before new fish are brought and the system is perfected.

Support/supplies needed: potting soil

GreenHab Report – March 10 2018

[category greenhab-report]


10 March 2018

Environmental control:

(door closed)

Heating once the sun was down

80 % Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:

Around 34 °C at 11:00 am, door left open, for 2 hours, around 22 °C the rest of the day

Hours of supplemental light: none

Changes to crops: none

Daily water usage for crops: around 9 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 11:00 am and 7:30pm

Narrative: none

Support/supplies needed: none

Greenhab Report – March 7th

Hi CapCom, here is today’s GreenHab report !
Have a nice evening

GreenHab Report
7 March 2018

Environmental control:

(door closed)
Heating once the sun was down
80 % Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:
Around 22 °C at 9:30 am, around 20 °C the rest of the day

Hours of supplemental light: none

Changes to crops: none

Daily water usage for crops: around 9 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:30 am and 7pm

Narrative: none

Support/supplies needed: none

Greenhab Report – March 6th

GreenHab Report
6 March 2018

Environmental control:

(door closed)
Heating once the sun was down
80 % Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:
Around 25 °C at 9:00 am, around 26 °C the rest of the day

Hours of supplemental light: none

Changes to crops: none

Daily water usage for crops: around 9 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:00 am and 7pm

Narrative: none

Support/supplies needed: none

Greenhab Report – March 5th

Hello again Capcom,

Here is today’s GreenHab report coming from Jérémy:

GreenHab Report
5th March 2018

Environmental control:

(door closed)
Heating once the sun was down
80 % Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:
Around 30 °C at 11:30 am, around 23 °C the rest of the day

Hours of supplemental light: none

Changes to crops: 5 cherry tomatoes harvested

Daily water usage for crops: around 9 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 10:00 am and 9pm

Narrative: none

Support/supplies needed: none



GreenHab Report – March 4th


4th March 2018

Environmental control:

(door closed)

Heating once the sun was down

80 % Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:

Around 24 °C at 11:30 am, around 18 °C the rest of the day

Hours of supplemental light: from 7pm to 9pm

Changes to crops: 9 cherry tomatoes

Daily water usage for crops: around 10 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 11:30 am and 6pm

Narrative: I was a bit surprised and sad to find out that the salads I planned to harvest for dinner had been taken, the crew was looking forward to eating some greens. Perhaps next time the Martians could tell us in advance, so we can plan our meals accordingly.

Support/supplies needed: none

Greenhab Report – March 1st

GreenHab Report
1st March 2018

Environmental control:

(door closed)
Heating once the sun was down
80 % Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:
Around 30 °C at 10am, around 24 °C the rest of the day

Hours of supplemental light: from 7pm to 9pm

Changes to crops: One cucumber plant died

Daily water usage for crops: around 8 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:00 am and 7:30pm

Narrative: none

Support/supplies needed: none

Greenhab Report – February 28th

Hello again Capcom,

Here is today’s greenhab report, coming from Jérémy:

GreenHab Report
28 Feb 2018

Environmental control:

(door closed)
Heating once the sun was down
80 % Shade cloth on

Average temperatures:
Around 37 °C at 10am, around 30 °C the rest of the day

Hours of supplemental light: from 7pm to 9pm

Changes to crops: Cute down all the overgrown tomato leaves to free some space and allow the plants to grow further

Daily water usage for crops: around 11 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:00 am and 7:20pm

Narrative: Today we put the 80% shade on all the GreenHab. We were four and it took us 2 hours, under the burning sun, it was a hassle. But Now it’s done, and it looks good. I worked quite a lot during the afternoon to take care of the plants. The GreenHab looks better day after day, makes me feel good.

Support/supplies needed: wooden sticks to support falling plants



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