Operations Report – February 8th



Crew 274 Operations Report 2/8/2023

SOL: 10

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Toilet. Robotic Observatory.

Notes on non-nominal systems: Mission Support will install a new toilet holding tank between crews. Robotic observatory is closed until further notice.


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 208.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 75%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 112.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 76%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 220.7

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 80%

Currently charging: No

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 255.4

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 71%

Currently charging: No

General notes on rovers: Rovers Spirit and Opportunity were used for the morning EVA and plugged in when they returned, as it was a cloudless day and before noon. Curiosity and Perseverance were utilized for the afternoon EVA, but returned after noon, so were not plugged.

Summary of Hab operations: Toilet tank was emptied this morning and habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 36 gallons as of 5:30pm

Water (static tank): 278 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged yesterday and are off chargers. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants from 1:01 – 1:32 pm.

WATER USE: 12.68 gallons

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: No.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Tyler Hines’ experiment is continuing to be monitored. Forty LDEF seeds placed in the GreenHab are continuing to be monitored as well.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: The MDRS Robotic Observatory is inoperable until further notice due to a mechanical issue described in Sol 9’s Operations report.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: N/A

Operations Report – February 7th

Crew 274 Operations Report 2/7/2023

SOL: 9

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Toilet. Robotic Observatory.

Notes on non-nominal systems: Mission Support will install a new toilet holding tank between crews. Robotic observatory is closed until further notice. Please see more detailed explanation under “summary of any observatory issues.”


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 208.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 49%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 112.4

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 72%

Currently charging: No

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 220.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 76%

Currently charging: No

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 255.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Rover Spirit was used for the morning EVA and plugged in before noon to charge as it was a beautiful, cloudless day outside. Opportunity and Curiosity were used for the afternoon EVA, but returned after noon, so were not plugged in to charge.

Summary of Hab operations: Hab is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: Mission Support facilitated a water delivery before we were able to measure our water usage.

Water (static tank): 314 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged yesterday and are off chargers. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants from 10:27 – 11:01 pm and harvested a number of vegetables.

WATER USE: 13.74 gallons used. By the GHO’s calculations, approximately 22 gallons will be remaining at the end of the mission, after Saturday morning’s watering.

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: Yes. 99 grams of tomatoes, 26 grams of lettuce, 30 grams of carrots, 26 grams of spinach, and 8 grams of kale microgreens. Total: 189 grams.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines’ experiment is continuing to be monitored; cress microgreens have been harvested. Forty Long Duration Exposure Facility seeds were relocated to the Greenhab and are sitting on a shelf in a wet paper towel in order to further support the germination process.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: One side of the dome is not opening because the straps that provide tension for the doors were wrapped around the motor. The stress on the straps is severe enough that there is no way to release that tension to try and rewrap it. The crew has been informed that the MDRS Observatory is inoperable until further notice.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: N/A

Operations Report – 6th

Crew 274 Operations Report 2/6/2023

SOL: 8

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Toilet

Notes on non-nominal systems: Mission Support will install a new toilet holding tank between crews.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 208.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 220.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 255.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: No

General notes on rovers: No rovers were utilized today.

Summary of Hab operations: Toilet was drained into the septic system this morning.

WATER USE: 39 gallons as of 4:09 pm.

Water (static tank): 249 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged yesterday and are off chargers. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants from 11:23 – 12:00 pm.

WATER USE: 12.68 gallons used

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: No

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines’ experiment is continuing to be monitored; Cress microgreens are almost completely sprouted.

Dual split: Still on a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: No observatory issues.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: N/A

Operations Report – February 5th

Crew 274 Operations Report 2/5/2023

SOL: 7

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Toilet.

Notes on non-nominal systems: Mission Support will install a new toilet holding tank between crews.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 208.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 220.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 255.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 44%

Currently charging: No

General notes on rovers: Rover Perseverance was used during today’s EVA. The team returned after noon, so they were not plugged in.

Summary of Hab operations: Habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 26 gallons as of 5:45 pm.

Water (static tank): 288 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged after EVA completion and taken off the chargers after the red charging lights turned off. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants from 2 – 2:40 pm.

WATER USE: 12.64 gallons used

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: No.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines’ experiment is continuing to be monitored; Cress microgreens have made significant progress and are continuing to sprout.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: No observatory issues.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: Based on our average water usage and the fact that we are a larger crew, we have calculated that the minimum water level of ~145 gallons (“31 inches” from the top of the lid) is likely to be reached on Sol 10. We would like a resupply of the 125 gallons of H2O, as offered at the beginning of our mission, as a safety net. Thank you!

Operations Report – February 4th

Crew 274 Operations Report 2/4/2023

SOL: 6

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: N/A

Notes on non-nominal systems: N/A


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 208.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 220.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 55%

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 254.6

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 41%

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Rovers Curiosity and Perseverance were used during today’s EVA. The team returned before noon, so they are plugged in and charging.

Summary of Hab operations: Habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 33 gallons as of 6:00 pm.

Water (static tank): 314 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged after EVA completion and taken off the chargers after the red charging lights turned off. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants this morning from 1:30 – 2:00 pm.

WATER USE: 13.74 gallons used

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: Yes. Tomatoes – 232 g, green beans – 374 g, spinach – 19 g, micro greens – 21 g, basil – 13 g, dill – 1 g; total: 660 g.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines’ experiment is continuing to be monitored; Cress micro greens have made significant progress and have begun to sprout.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: No observatory issues.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: N/A

Operations Report – February 3th

Crew 274 Operations Report 2/3/2023

SOL: 5

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: N/A

Notes on non-nominal systems: N/A


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 208.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 45%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 220.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 46%

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 254.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Rovers Spirit and Curiosity were used during today’s EVA. The team returned before noon, so they are plugged in and charging.

Summary of Hab operations: Habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 26 gallons – at 5:50 pm.

Water (static tank): 347 gallons remaining.

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged after EVA completion and taken off the chargers after the red charging lights turned off. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants this morning at 12:30 – 1:00 pm.

WATER USE: 12.62 gallons used

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: Nothing harvested today.

Summary of Science Dome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines’ experiment is continuing to be monitored; Cress micro greens have made significant progress and have begun to sprout.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: No observatory issues.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: We are very interested in managing our water usage. Is there a bottom limit we should shoot for at the end of the mission?

Operations Report – February 1th

Crew 274 Operations Report 2/1/2023

SOL: 3

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Oven light; toilet (now nominal)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Oven light still needs a new bulb. We previously reported that the specifications of the oven light bulb type were emailed to mission support by crew 272 engineer. The toilet required draining into the septic tank this morning, so that was completed. It is now nominal.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 207.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 219.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 254.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: None of the four rovers were used on EVA. They are all charging from last night.

Summary of Hab operations: Habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 23 gallons

Water (static tank): 393 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Radios were charged after mission completion yesterday and taken off the chargers after the red charging lights turned off. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants this morning at 1100-1130 am.

WATER USE: 17 gallons used.

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: 186 grams

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines’ experiment is fully setup continuing to be monitored.

Dual split: On.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: The Musk Solar Observatory shutter doors were returned to nominal operating state by the engineers. They checked the voltage on the battery and manually actuated the switches, which fixed the issue.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: The propane alarm went through its full startup cycle again when power swapped over to the generator in the evening. This seems to happen whenever power is swapped over from one power source to another.

Operations Report – January 31th



Crew 274 Operations Report 1/31/2023

SOL: 2

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Oven light, crew toilet

Notes on non-nominal systems: Oven light still needs a new bulb. We previously reported that the specifications of the oven light bulb type were emailed to mission support by crew 272 engineer. Around 1 pm the toilet started giving off a foul smell and Mission Support was contacted, as the crew suspected the toilet had an issue. Mission Support came to the habitat and assessed the situation, informing the crew engineers Lojek and O’Hara that Mission Support had to empty the toilet. There was a miscommunication regarding when the toilet requires emptying into the septic system, so Mission Support clarified what the correct answer is. We would recommend a drawing or diagram and more clear language be added to the Mission Handbook regarding the function of the habitat’s toilet. We appreciate the prompt response and clarification of toilet procedures. The toilet is now fixed and working nominally.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 207.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 219.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 254.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: None of the four rovers were used on EVA. They are all charging from last night.

Summary of Hab operations: Habitat is now in nominal condition.

WATER USE: 29 gallons

Water (static tank): 416 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: During the first EVA of the day, suits 7, 8, 9, & 10 were used. During the second EVA of the day, suits 2, 3, & 7 were used. Helmets were cleaned before, between, and after EVAs. All radios were charged after mission completion and taken off the chargers after the red charging lights turned off.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants this morning at 0846-0910 am.

WATER USE: 14 gallons used.

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours

Harvest: None

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines completed initial setup of research equipment. Experiment is being monitored.

Dual split: On.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: The Musk Solar Observatory had issues in the afternoon (about 3 pm). The “black box” would not open the shutter. The Crew Astronomers included more detail in their own report. We would appreciate any advice on troubleshooting, as we plan to take a look at it tomorrow.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: The propane alarm went through its full startup cycle when power swapped over from the generator to the solar panels in the morning around 7 am. Is this something to be expected? Is this something we should be concerned about in any way (during power swap-over)? (Dr. Rupert responded to this question and stated that it was likely due to slow power turnover, will let know if it happens again). Copy on choosing a suit and using that the whole time.

Operations Report – January 30th


Crew 274 Operations Report 1/30/2023

SOL: 1

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Oven light

Notes on non-nominal systems: Oven light still needs a new bulb. We previously reported that the specifications of the oven light bulb type were emailed to mission support by Crew 272 Engineer.


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 207.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 91%

Currently charging: No

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 91%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 219.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 91%

Currently charging: No

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 254.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 87%

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: All four rovers were used on EVA during second rover training mission to Marble Ritual. The chargers were set aside upon return to the Hab.

Summary of Hab operations: It was noted that the oven light was not working and that Crew 274 had also reported the same. The oven currently has no bulb in it, but the bulb cover is still present. No showers were taken today.

WATER USE: 46 gallons

Water (static tank): 445 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits 1 & 4 were not utilized during EVA suit training due to Suit 1 blowers not turning on and Suit 4 having a crossthreaded coupling. The crossthreaded coupling for the vent fans on Suit 4 was fixed after the EVAs were completed. Suit 1 remains an issue and has not yet been troubleshot. Suits 2, 3, 5, & 6 were utilized during both the first and second EVAs. Helmets were cleaned before and between EVAs and different helmets were utilized for different crew members.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants this morning at 0830-0930 am.

WATER USE: 12 gallons used.

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours

Harvest: None

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GreenHab Officer Tyler Hines continued setting up his equipment in the ScienceDome.

Dual split: Unknown, request MDRS Support guidance on what this is.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: N/A

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: What is the “dual split?” in the ScienceDome? Should we attempt to troubleshoot EVA 1?

Operations Report – January 13th



Crew 272 Operations Report 13-1-2023

SOL: 12

Name of person filing report: Mason Kuhn

Non-nominal systems: Oven light

Notes on non-nominal systems: No additional issues


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 207.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 73%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 112.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 78%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 219.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 253.9

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Spirit and Opportunity were used on the EVA. They performed nominally. The chargers were draped over the front bumper upon return to the Hab. Perseverance is still at the outpost temporarily.

Summary of Hab operations: Post-sim cleanings to be conducted in the afternoon (upper deck, RAM, Sci Dome, GreenHab), and cleanings of the lower deck will be completed this afternoon with touch-up cleanings taking place in the morning of Sol 13.

WATER USE: 11.8 gallons (by 2:30pm and before cleanings that use water)

Water (static tank): 142.8 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits 1, 5, 9, and 10 were used on the EVA. All suits performed nominally, and all are cleaned & currently charging. All radios have been charged to full, and they have been removed from the charging docks. The EVA crew had no communication issues.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Monitored and watered GreenHab crops, with a bit of extra watering due to higher temperatures. Fertilized in the afternoon. Harvested beans, chives, thyme, and dill. Planted cilantro and radishes. Cleared out dead leaves and overgrowth, distributed organic matter around GreenHab to recycle nutrients, and swept and cleaned the floor & cabinets.

WATER USE: 9 gallons

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours

Harvest: 15g beans, 3g chives, 15g thyme, 30g dill

Summary of Science Dome operations: Crew items were removed from the Science Dome, and cleanings according to the checklist to be completed shortly

Dual split: On (from approximately 8:00 pm to 8:00 am)

Summary of RAM operations: All tools from the RAM that were in the lower deck have been returned to the RAM after final measurements were made, cleanings were conducted.

Summary of any observatory issues: N/A

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: N/A

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