Operations Report – January 5th

Crew 272 Operations Report 5-1-2023

SOL: 4

Name of person filing report: Mason Kuhn

Non-nominal systems: None!

Notes on non-nominal systems: The previously mentioned Hab toilet noise does not seem to be an issue anymore.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 206.4

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 110.9

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 218.9

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 253.4

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: None were used today, no EVA

Summary of Hab operations: I gathered the upper deck trash and toilet room trash. It has been placed in the rear airlock for pickup.

WATER USE: 19.6 gallons

Water (static tank): 311.5 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All suits 1-11 are currently charging. All radios are charged and off of the charging docks.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Watered and monitored all crops. Harvested herbs for use in tonight’s ravioli dinner, beans and microgreens for snacks, and dill to include in tomorrow’s bread. Watered experimental crops, and watered new crops in regolith and soil experiments. Planted black nebula carrots.

WATER USE: 7 gallons total

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours

Harvest: 10g microgreens, 5g thyme, 2g basil, 3g chive, 15g beans, 25g dill

Summary of ScienceDome operations: The Crew Geologist investigated many rock & mineral samples from our previous EVAs, and several other crew members joined to watch and learn from her. The ring light magnifier in the SciDome was used.

Dual split: On

Summary of RAM operations: Retrieved WD-40 to use on a stateroom’s squeaky door hinge, then put the WD-40 back in the RAM. Yesterday evening, I recognized a low-battery chirp from a CO alarm in the RAM (1 chirp, once per minute). Today I went to replace the 9V in it, but it was not chirping anymore. I will continue to check every sol to see if the chirping returns.

Summary of any observatory issues: N/A

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support:

  • Request for trash to be taken from the rear airlock in the morning
  • Request for information on the usability of the sink in the ScienceDome


Mason Kuhn

Crew Engineer


Operations Report – January 4th

Crew 272 Operations Report 4-1-2023

SOL: 3

Name of person filing report: Mason Kuhn

Non-nominal systems: Suit Charger #1, Hab toilet,

Notes on non-nominal systems: I swapped the battery of suit 1 to suit 2, and then charged suit 2 (battery 1) with charger 1. The voltage reading after about 2 hours was unchanged at 10.38 V. I then moved the battery of suit 1 back to suit 1. I took charger 11 (since nobody seems to be using the lightweight suit) and attached it to suit 1 (battery 1). After 2 hours the voltage reading of battery 1 was 13.37 V. From this, I believe the issue is with charger 1 and that there is no issue with suit 1.

No new issues to report with the Hab toilet.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: N/A

Beginning charge: N/A

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: N/A

Beginning charge: N/A

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 218.9

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 59%

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 253.4

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 51%

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Curiosity and Perseverance were used on the long EVA today. On our way out

Summary of Hab operations: Before the toilet tank was emptied, crewmates noticed bad-smelling liquid coming from below the toilet. I emptied the toilet, and then that liquid was cleaned and sanitized extra. This was a result of waiting a bit too long to empty the toilet.


Water (static tank): 331

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All suits except suit 11 are plugged in. Charger 11 is being used for suit 1 because charger 1 was determined to be weak. All other suits are charging. Suits 7-10 were used on the EVA from 1030 to 1340 (returned 50 minutes early). All radios 1-7 are fully charged and have been removed from the charger.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Watered and monitored all GreenHab crops, no new plantings. Monitored experimental crops growing in paper substrate, set up new experiments using potting soil and mixture of substrate gathered on today’s EVA with bleached and unbleached seeds.

WATER USE: 7 gallons

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours

Harvest: 1g basil, 1g thyme, 1g oregano

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

Dual split: On

Summary of RAM operations: Retrieved a DMM and measuring tape around 0750 which have been in the lower deck of the Hab all day. I was checking suit charges and transmitter 9V battery charges throughout the day. The measuring tape has been used to track our water usage throughout the day (to find which operations use the most water) due to very high usage yesterday.

Summary of any observatory issues: N/A

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

  • Request for info on rover battery:
  • On today’s EVA, we noticed some strange battery data. On the way to our destination, both Perseverance and Curiosity were going around 80% speed on mode M (always in mode M), and the battery of each drained to 60-66% charge. We had to stop due to a rover reaching 60% charge and continue on foot. On our way back, both rovers were going around 60% speed on mode M (always in mode M), and the battery of each drained less than 10%. Going both directions, we slowed down significantly when the road terrain required slower speeds.

In short, is it normal for the rover battery to drain ~40% one way and ~10% on the way back? We were curious about if a slight speed decrease usually makes such a huge difference in battery usage.


Mason Kuhn

Crew Engineer

Operations Report – January 3rd

SOL: 2
Name of person filing report: Mason Kuhn
Non-nominal systems: Hab toilet, EVA suit charger #1
Notes on non-nominal systems: No new issues with the toilet, just the sound that has been previously noted. EVA suit charger #1 has a voltage of 12.2 V whereas the rest are ~13.7 V. Suit 1 charge will not exceed 10.4 V, and 12.5 V is requested by mission support as the minimum for use on EVAs.
Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 206.4
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 67%
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: Yes
Hours: 110.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 72%
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: Yes
Hours: 218.2 (educated estimate, forgot to record after training)
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 76% (educated estimate, forgot to record after training)
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: Yes
Hours: 252.9 (educated estimate, forgot to record after training)
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 76%
Currently charging: Yes
General notes on rovers: Crew 272 had rover training this morning prior to entering Sim. All 4 rovers were used during training. EVA 1 from 1330 to 1445 used Spirit and Opportunity. EVA 2 from 1500 to 1615 used Spirit and Opportunity.
Summary of Hab operations: The damaged clothes hanging board in the 2nd stateroom from the right was fully repaired and is nominal.
WATER USE: 49.5 gallons
Water (static tank): 360.5 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (On or off): On
Toilet tank emptied: Yes
Summary of internet: Nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suits 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 were used on EVAs. All suits are currently charging. All radios 1-7 were used during EVAs or as HabCom. They have been recharged and removed from the charging docks.
Summary of GreenHab operations:
WATER USE: 7 gallons
Heater: On
Supplemental light: 4 hours
Harvest: 20g beans, 3g basil, 3g chives, 6g dill, 28g carrots
Summary of ScienceDome operations:
Dual split: On
Summary of RAM operations: Retrieved a Phillips head screwdriver to repair a state room’s clothes hanging area. Replaced the screwdriver & DMM in the RAM at 1730. Took a measuring tape at 1730 to measure static tank water volume & put it back in the RAM immediately after.
Summary of any observatory issues: N/A
Summary of health and safety issues: One crew member got a small hand cut from an open can, and it was treated by washing, Neosporin, and a band-aid.
Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support:
Concern for Mission Support: Commander Kshitij is concerned that there is some airflow issue in the loft because his loft stateroom gets drafty and much colder than the rest of the Hab during the night.

Operations Report – January 2nd

SOL: 1
Name of person filing report: Mason Kuhn
Non-nominal systems: GreenHab door, Hab toilet
Notes on non-nominal systems: GreenHab Officer noted that the GreenHab door does not fully close. Dr. Rupert mentioned the toilet was non-nominal and made different sounds, but there are no additional issues to report.
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: No
General notes on rovers: None were used. Perseverance is still parked near the GreenHab
Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: approximately 33 gallons
Water (static tank): 410 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (On or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: No
Summary of internet: Nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suits are charging after use during photo time. The radios have all been charged, removed from the charger to avoid battery damage, and are ready for EVAs tomorrow. Intercoms are nominal.
Summary of GreenHab operations:
WATER USE: 5 gallons
Heater: On
Supplemental light: 4 hours of use
Harvest: 41g beans, 5g chives, 2g thyme, 5g dill, 140g Daikon radish
Summary of ScienceDome operations: The crew toured and looked around, but no activities were done.
Dual split: On
Summary of RAM operations: The crew toured and looked around early on, and later I retrieved and replaced a tape measure after using it to calculate the static tank water volume. Also, a DMM was taken and was not replaced. It is in the Hab on the lower deck. I will put it back tomorrow morning after checking the suit voltage readings.
Summary of any observatory issues: N/A
Summary of health and safety issues: see HSO report
Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support:
I request permission to fix a state room’s clothes hanging area. One of the screws has come out of the wall and the threads in the wall from the screw are no good. The repair will involve making 2 new holes, ~1 inch to the side of each existing hole. The wall can be spackled if requested by mission support (dependent on if there is any spackle in the RAM’s inventory).

HSO Beginning of Mission Checklist – January 1st

Submitted by: Megan Rush

Crew: 272

Date: 1/2/2023

Part 1: Using the attached Safety Equipment Inventory, locate, test and confirm operation of all safety equipment. List any equipment not found and/or missing:

All safety equipment found and operational.

Part 2: Locate and confirm the emergency escape routes in the Hab are functional and clear:

Stairs – third footstep still broken, temporarily repaired with a wooden block.

Emergency window – operational.

Commander’s window – operational.

Part 3: Inventory First Aid kit and note what needs to be refilled:

Emergency First Aid guide, scissors, tweezers, Antiseptic towelettes, CPR face shield, First Aid tape, gauze bandage, nitrile exam gloves, first aid/burn cream, hand sanitizer, antibiotic ointment, fabric bandages, burn dressing, eye wash, eye pads, instant cold compress.

Needs Refilled: Trauma pad, Triangular bandage, Eye tape

Note any safety issues: None

Note any health/environmental issues: None

Note any missing or recommended health and safety supplies: Trauma Pad, Triangular Bandage, and Eye Tape for the First Aid kit.

HAB Upper deck

HAB Lower deck





CO monitor






Escape ladder



Present, sealed

Fire blanket




Fire extinguisher

Present, need service

Present, needs service

Present, needs service

Present, needs service

Present, needs service

First Aid










(near stairs)


(near bathroom)


Propane alarm



Radios (Channels 1 and 22)






Small fire extinguisher


(expires 1/24/2023)


Smoke alarm






Tow rope


Operations Report – January 1st

SOL: 0
Name of person filing report: Mason Kuhn
Non-nominal systems: Hab toilet releases a bad smell after flushing.
Notes on non-nominal systems: Resolved by using a bit of the air freshener, keeping the lid closed, and the toilet room door closed.
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Unsure
Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Unsure
Curiosity rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Unsure
Perseverance rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Unsure
General notes on rovers: Unable to go check the rovers due to instructions on avoiding the mud. Advised not to plug in rovers after short EVAs unless very sunny.
Summary of Hab operations: We began familiarizing ourselves with each facet of the Hab. Unable to check static tank due to the mud outside.
WATER USE: unsure
Water (static tank): not able to be checked
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (On or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: No
Summary of internet: Nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suits not used, radios nominal
Summary of GreenHab operations: N/A
Heater: On
Supplemental light: Unsure
Harvest: N/A
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Not used
Dual split: Unsure
Summary of RAM operations: Not used
Summary of any observatory issues: Not used
Summary of health and safety issues: see HSO report
Summary of CrewCar use:
Mileage: 210,026
Damage to the vehicle: none
Oil: We checked under the hood and the level on the oil was good. Did not take a numerical reading of the oil, but this will be completed tomorrow.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:
On 2-1-2023, I request a demonstration on how to properly empty the toilet
Request hand soap for the lower deck.
No water to the utility sink on the lower deck, request demonstration for main water valves on lower deck ( I am unfamiliar with the nomenclature of the sinks )

Supplemental Operations Report – December 31st

Supplemental Operations Report 31-DEC-2022

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert
Reason for Report: Routine/ Last day of 2022!

Non-nominal systems: Power system, toilet, cabinet door under sink in Hab

Action taken for non-nominal systems: See notes below for toilet and power system. The cabinet door might not be replaceable and if it isn’t we will go forage through the storage and see if there is an extra one in the cabinets for the ScienceDome

Generator: Running from about 8 pm to 8 am. The generator was repaired on Thursday. The problem was the governor, which had lost a small plastic pin and as a result was unstable and the vibration of the engine was causing the surging. How crazy! We also needed the oil pressure sensor changed as it was faulty and we had the bushings replaced because they would have needed it soon. The technician was great and spent a lot of time showing us what things were commonly needed and how to replace them. I am very grateful to not have to worry every night about losing power! The oil pressure sensor will be mailed to us, but it is easy to replace. He did not have one with him.

Solar— Nominal but we have had some cloudy days and since the generator currently won’t charge the batteries, we have had to use the generator more hours than normal.

Solar— SOC Last 24 hours:
Max 100
Min 44
Avg 65.9
Power system notes: I reprogramed the router so SOC can again be monitored remotely. Yay, me!

Propane Reading, station tank – 73 % (all propane tanks were filled on Tuesday, the 27th, in anticipation of the storm

Propane Reading, director tank— 83 %
Propane Reading, intern tank— 81 %
Propane Reading, generator— 73 %

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 0 gallons

Water (static tank) – 550 gallons
Water in GreenHab – not noted gallons
Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons
Water (Outpost tank) – 400 gallons

Hab toilet tank emptied: See crew operations reports. On the 31st, I did flush the tank three times: 1. Filled it up and emptied what was left from the crew. It smelled. 2. Added a bottle of dish soap and 5 gallons of hot water and emptied. 3. Filled it with fresh water and emptied, then added water and digester so it is usable. Each time I emptied it I still heard the glub, glub, meaning something is still wrong (how do you think my very professional words?)

Sojourner rover used: yes
Hours: not noted
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 100
Currently charging: yes
Notes on rovers: nothing to report

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): none
Reason for use: n/a
Oil Added? no
ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: Nothing to report

HabCar used and why, where? Yes, to town
CrewCar used and why, where? Yes, to town and to Grand Junction

Luna used and why, where? No
General notes and comments: Nothing to note

Summary of internet: Nominal. HughesNet is being moved from my trailer and will be reinstalled in the Hab for crew use during simulation.

Summary of suits and radios: See crew operations reports.

EVA COMMS: Further changes to the COMMS system did not improve signal. They were: all radios with larger antenna, a rover mounted unit, and extending the repeater antenna by an additional eight feet. The decision was made to reinstall the system on the North Ridge, which was where it was when we tested it last season. Crew 271 did find a route to the top of the ridge, but it is going to take a huge effort to move it. We will do this as soon as we can, but it may be awhile before everything comes together.

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why? RAM exterior needs some repainting.

Summary of general operations: It was so strange to have two external people on site in one week to work on systems. The crew mentioned this and I hadn’t thought about it, but I think I’m so lucky to have found people who can help when we really need it. We had the generator technician and then the electrician and the off-grid guy.

Summary of Hab operations: One of the bean bag chairs broke and the crew threw it away although I had planned to send it back. One of the two doors on the kitchen cabinet under the sink broke and is scheduled to be repaired tomorrow. We noted several things needing attention during the two week period at the end of January when we have no crew. The electrician was also briefed on where and what we wanted done with outlets, etc. He will determine where electrical rewiring needs to be done. The off-grid guy studied the power system and we shall see if he can solve the mystery of why the generator and the inverters won’t get along.

Summary of Outpost operations: General cleanup in preparation for upgrading deck.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Supplemental light 10-2 pm.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Standing desk was returned from the Hab.

ScienceDome Dual Split: on at 65 degrees overnight (when I remember).

Summary of RAM operations: We have a lot of used oil to recycle.

Summary of any observatory issues: Both observatories were used by Crew 271 and some issues were reported to Peter.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns, supplies needed and requests: Happy New Year and welcome to Donald Jacques, our new Site Manager, who arrived at MDRS this evening in his big black bus!

Operations Report – December 17th

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert

Reason for Report: Routine/crew changeover

Non-nominal systems: Hab toilet has something wrong and it is not emptying correctly.

Action taken for non-nominal systems: We will be investigating tomorrow

Generator: Running from about 8 pm to 8 am. We looked into some of the issues surrounding the autostart last weekend and as usual, the power system decided to seek revenge. The router is showing as SOC connect for the generator but the online data is only showing VDC. Sooooo…. We need to figure out which parts of the system need reprogrammed.

ScienceDome Dual Split: on at 65 degrees overnight

Solar— Nominal (see generator notes for some issues with the power system as a whole)

Solar— SOC Last 24 hours:



Avg not showing the way it is currently operating

Propane Reading, station tank – filled Friday %

Propane Reading, director tank— filled Friday %

Propane Reading, intern tank— Filled Friday %

Propane Reading, generator— Filled Friday %

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 0 gallons

Water (static tank) – 550 gallons

Water in GreenHab – 200 gallons

Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons

Water (Outpost tank) – 550 gallons

Hab toilet tank emptied: Yes, it has been emptied every two days this week as there is a blockage.

Sojourner rover used: no

Hours: not noted

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 100

Currently charging: yes

Notes on rovers: nothing to report

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): none

Reason for use: n/a

Oil Added? no

ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0

Notes on ATVs: Nothing to report

HabCar used and why, where? Yes, to town and on SWB field trip to Salt Wash

CrewCar used and why, where? No. It has been in Grand Junction.

Luna used and why, where? Yes, to town

General notes and comments: Camera with alarm (to alert us to trespassers) was installed on the side of the Hab but was too far away to trigger the alarm so we are moving it soon to the old HughesNet mount near the GreenHab

Summary of internet: Nominal.

Summary of suits and radios: See crew operations reports.

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why? Nothing to report

Summary of general operations: Conduit work delayed

Summary of Hab operations: As noted above the toilet has a problem that we need to investigate. I ordered a new humidifier for the upper deck. The one we had was not operational nor was it one I purchased.

Summary of Outpost operations: I broke one half of the handle to the output on my trailer’s wastewater pipes because it was frozen. It is still usable. Sergii’s hot water to the bathroom froze last night. It’s been very cold for this early in the season. I’m also using my wall unit to supplement the heat in my house.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Shade cloth was removed. Supplemental light 10-2 pm. Tomatoes all moved to the bed frame. We transplanted the ones from the herb garden into pots as they were not thriving. We removed some of the snow peas to do this, and I replanted snow peas in the herb garden. I thinned the carrots and we replanted microgreens in one of the two raised beds. We also replanted cilantro in clay pot bottoms as they grow better than way. Tomorrow I will clear out the cilantro pot and plant another microgreen.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Used all week for SWBU. I will be removing the broken microscopes and taking them to WA for replace. One of the teachers who was here for SWBU has donated a new microscope that I will pick up in SLC as soon as possible.

Summary of RAM operations: Added a spark plug gap measuring device and a new ratchet handle to the tools.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns, supplies needed and requests: n/a

Supplemental Operations Report – December 11th

Supplemental Operations Report 10-DEC-2022

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert
Reason for Report: Routine/crew changeover

Non-nominal systems: Nothing to report
Action taken for non-nominal systems: n/a
Generator: Running from about 8 pm to 8 am.
ScienceDome Dual Split: on at 65 degrees overnight

Solar— Nominal.
Solar— SOC Last 24 hours:
Max 100%
Min 59%
Avg 75.4%
Propane Reading, station tank – 55 %
Propane Reading, director tank— 57 %
Propane Reading, intern tank— 55 %
Propane Reading, generator— 61% (It’s pretty clear that the propane that was delivered last week was only to the generator tank, as it empties twice as fast as the other three.)
Ethanol Free Gasoline – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – 550 gallons
Water in GreenHab – gallons
Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons
Water (Outpost tank) – 250 gallons
Hab toilet tank emptied: check regular operations reports

Sojourner rover used: no
Hours: not noted
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 100
Currently charging: yes
Notes on rovers: Oppy is no longer overheating

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): none
Reason for use: n/a
Oil Added? no
ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: Nothing to report
HabCar used and why, where? Yes, to town
CrewCar used and why, where? Yes, to town and to Grand Junction. Currently in Grand Junction for a week.
Luna used and why, where? Yes, to town
General notes and comments: We have started troubleshooting the power system issues.
Summary of internet: Nominal.
Summary of suits and radios: See crew operations reports.
Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why? Nothing to report
Summary of general operations: Conduit work delayed due to rain this week.

Summary of Hab operations: The crew reported that the humidifier on the upper deck was not working. We confirmed it wasn’t and in the process discovered that the humidifier was not actually one that we had purchased. Not really sure what happened there!

We fixed the door latch on the second stateroom door. This crew reported that they would have like some way to identify which door was theirs. Maybe we need to revisit the idea of numbers for the door.

We are set up and ready for the teachers of Spaceward Bound Utah Cohort 4 who arrive tomorrow.

Summary of Outpost operations: Sergii’s trailer now has carpet on the large tipout.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Plants were fertilized. Timer was installed but did not work. That was fixed today. I also realized that we still have the 90% shade cloth on so that will be removed tomorrow.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.
Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report
Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report
Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report
Questions, concerns, supplies needed and requests: n/a

Operations Report – December 9th

SOL: 12

Name of person filing report: Ashley Kowalski

Non-nominal systems: Humidifier

Notes on non-nominal systems: Humidifier in kitchen is not working. Crew noticed it was not working during the beginning of the mission, but the Crew Engineer forgot to note it in the Operations Report.


Spirit rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: N/A

Opportunity rover used: No.
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: N/A

Curiosity rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: N/A

Perseverance rover used: No
Hours: N/A
Beginning charge: N/A
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: N/A

General notes on rovers: No additional notes/comments.

Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: ~470 gallons used to-date (~50 gallons today)
Water (static tank): ~200 gallons (This is my best guess without a water gauge, but I am requesting Mission Support to let us know a more accurate value, if possible.)
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (On or off): On
Toilet tank emptied: No.

Summary of internet: No issues with the internet. Connection is good.

Summary of suits and radios: All suits are functioning well and are fully charged.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Additional information can be found in the GreenHab Report.
WATER USE: ~59 gallons (~5 gallons today)
Heater: On
Supplemental light: On
Harvest: 11 grams of carrot tops

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Aerospace media crew performed interviews of Crew 269 in the ScienceDome.
Dual split: Per Mission Support’s message, the heat is on in the ScienceDome and set to 65 F.

Summary of RAM operations: No RAM operations today.

Summary of any observatory issues: No observatory issues.

Summary of health and safety issues: No health and safety issues.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: N/A

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