Sol Summary – January 19th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 18-01-2024

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Peanut butter for breakfast and dinner

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Today is the last day of sim for Crew 290. We had a luxury breakfast of pancakes and Funk (Ben)’s dalgona coffee, prepared some science write ups, and reminisced on our time in sim. At 3:00, sim officially came to an end and the crew ventured outside for the first time without EVA gear in two weeks. While Melon (Madelyn) drove to a nearby town with Mission Support (shoutout to Ben Stanley again), the crew enjoyed the afternoon out of sim exploring the area around Hab Ridge. The last-minute cleaning and packing has begun after dinner, with the crew on schedule for a 10am departure tomorrow and a handover to Crew 291!

Look Ahead Plan: Packing up

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: Cloudy

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 11

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report

Support Requested:

Trash pickup in the rear airlock

Sol Summary – January 22nd

Sol: 1
Summary Title: Arrival on Mars
Author’s name: Andrew Wheeler
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Training for sim was all but complete. Instruction for operating rovers was given by mid morning and, after a final crew expedition to the top of Hab Ridge to identify Devil’s Toenails, Crew 291 entered sim at midday and prepared for life on Mars for the next two weeks. Utilizing the skills just learned, Alex, Clare and Rob headed off to Marble Ritual in Spirit and Opportunity to familiarize themselves with the constrictions of space suits in field operations. After an hour and a half, it was Scott, Steve and Andrew’s turn in Curiosity and Perseverance, to experience the joys of EVA with a backpack and helmet. All agreed it was the most fun they had all day.
Look Ahead Plan: Weather dependent, tomorrow will see the deployment of various sensors and initial testing of the rover outside the hab.
Anomalies in work: Nothing to report.
Weather: Low heavy cloud but not threatening rain or snow. Temperature increasing to high single digits Celsius and humidity dropping from 90% to 75% during the day. Faint to no wind.
Crew Physical Status: nominal
EVA 1 with Alex, Clare and Rob to Marble Ritual in Spirit and Opportunity, then EVA 2 with Scott, Steve and Andrew to Marble Ritual in Curiosity and Perseverance.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA report, EVA Request(s)
Support Requested: Nothing to request.

Sol Summary – January 15th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 15-01-2024

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Patches, Presentations, and Potatoes

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Chopper (Rebecca) kicked off the day with a trip to the Science Dome to prepare our pH setup for the afternoon’s EVA. Roots (Anna) spent the day continuing glove dexterity experiments and working as CAPCOM for Melon (Madelyn), Funk (Ben), and Freebee (Anja)’s EVA. The afternoon EVA was a success, with one MADMEN sample site fully processed in the field and 12 REMI collections completed. During EVA, PODO (Nicole) did a deep clean of the Hab to keep the living spaces tidy. Funk made a dinner of black bean burgers, biscuits, and mashed potatoes while Roots and Chopper processed samples, Melon evaluated today’s geology, and Freebee worked on post-EVA data logging and reporting. The crew had fun with team bonding yesterday and are looking forward to continued success, both in our scientific endeavors and in creating memories together!

Look Ahead Plan: Continued sample collection and analysis

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: Warm and windy

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: none

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request

Support Requested:

Perseverance rearview mirror was broken prior to our arrival, noted in the Engineering EVA (EVA 05) report. The broken glass fell out of the mirror on today’s EVA. We want to note that between the broken parking brake and now a lack of ability to see behind us, we likely will not request use of Perseverance and will distribute our rover requests among the remaining 3.

We are particularly interested in an EVA to Skyline Rim. Are we able to attempt an EVA plan to drive the 1103 footpath with the rovers, to connect to the Sagan Street 1103 rover road that leads directly to Skyline Rim?

Our furnace reset works, but we are having to do it regularly whenever it is windy.

Sol Summary – January 16th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 16-01-2024

Sol: 9

Summary Title: pHunctional pHamily

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Chocolate chip pancakes were such a hit that we had to revisit them for a late pre-EVA breakfast today. With Melon (Madelyn) on CAPCOM, the crew of Chopper (Rebecca), Freebee (Anja), and PODO (Nicole) ventured to the site identified on yesterday’s EVA for another round of MADMEN and REMI collection. During the EVA, Funk (Ben) baked bread and autoclaved water, and Roots (Anna) imaged all of our previous MADMEN samples. For dinner, Funk made taco bowls for Taco Tuesday and taught PODO to chop cilantro. Tonight, the crew will make ISRU clay items courtesy of Roots (who took the initiative to collect smectite and experiment with methods to make it into moldable clay). The crew is in good spirits as we head into our final targeted MADMEN EVA tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: A long hike in EVA gear, off of rover roads, for MADMEN’s (hopefully) final sample site

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: Warm and windy

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: none

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request

Support Requested:

Perseverance rearview mirror – broken glass has been disposed of in the RAM as instructed.
Water filter beeping, per previous communications

Sol Summary – January 17th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 17-01-2024

Sol: 10

Summary Title: (Panda) rolling into the last sols

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Some snowy forecasts and poor visibility at today’s EVA destination led the crew to opt for postponing the planned MADMEN collect. The crew spent the morning doing team bonding activities and some science, then broke for lunch and workouts. The workouts turned into another kind of bonding, with group yoga evolving into Roots (Anna) teaching the crew her former rhythmic gymnastics exercises. After workouts concluded, the team split off to complete their science and logistics tasks for the day. Funk (Ben) made a dinner of jambalaya, and the crew is hoping to do arts and crafts tonight with ISRU clay made by Roots.

Look Ahead Plan: Attempt #2 of a long hike in EVA gear, off of rover roads, for MADMEN’s (hopefully) final sample site, and a REMI EVA

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: Cloudy

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: none

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Request

Support Requested:

Is an EVA report required for an aborted EVA?

Sol Summary – January 18th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 18-01-2024

Sol: 11

Summary Title: MADMEN? MADMEN.

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Last night, the crew had a simulated emergency with fire alarms and acting from Mission Support (shout out to Ben Stanley). The crew responded well and completed the emergency protocol in under 45 seconds! This morning’s activity was a long EVA, with Freebee (Anja), Funk (Ben), and Roots (Anna) spending close to 4 hours in the field at Aonia Terra. With Melon (Madelyn) on CAPCOM, the crew successfully selected the sample site to fill the last terrain type needed for MADMEN. REMI had a successful outing too, collecting 11 different samples. Chopper (Rebecca) and Melon attempted to cook a pasta lunch for the crew, with some help from Funk on return from EVA. After lunch, Chopper and parts of the crew spent time in the Science Dome processing EVA samples. Freebee made chicken pot pie for dinner and the crew settled in for the last night in sim.

Look Ahead Plan: Last day of sim!

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: Cloudy

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 11

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report

Support Requested:

Sol Summary – January 13th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 13-01-2024

Sol: 6

Summary Title: pHenomenal Day

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

The day kicked off with French toast and fried potatoes courtesy of Freebee (Anja) and Funk (Ben). The whole crew headed over to the Science Dome to prep EVA procedures and evaluate yesterday’s samples. There, PODO (Nicole) made the most exciting discovery of the day – a working pH meter, tucked away in the Science Dome! This is one that we can bring in the field as our experimental protocol had originally described, instead of requiring an in-hab workaround. We bumped our EVA back by an hour to give time to adjust the protocol and prepare the new sample setup. Chopper (Rebecca), Funk, Roots (Anna), and PODO set off on their EVA to Chandor Chasma with Melon (Madelyn) on CAPCOM and Freebee setting up the Science Dome. Two promising sample sites were collected, which the crew will continue analyzing in the coming days. Freebee is making a dinner of beans and rice, and the crew is looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: Rest day, catch-up work time in the hab, team bonding

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: Windy, but less so than Sol 4

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 07 to Chandor Chasma, with Rebecca, Ben, Anna, and Nicole

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, Mid-Mission Report

Support Requested:

Additional CR2032 3V lithium batteries for the pH meter. The meter takes 4, and there are two meters in the Science Dome. If there are 8 batteries available, that would be great!
The temperature sensor broke in the field today, with a wire to the battery broken. Are there any 9V battery connectors available? If so, we can solder it to repair.

Sol Summary – January 14th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 14-01-2024

Sol: 7

Summary Title: pHun Day!

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Our rest day started with crepes with peanut butter, Nutella, and strawberries courtesy of Freebee (Anja). Chopper (Rebecca), Funk (Ben), Roots (Anna), and Freebee spent some time loading microfluidic devices with samples collected yesterday, while Melon (Madelyn) evaluated field photos and rock samples to characterize the sample sites. After a lunch of Funk’s fried rice, Nicole (PODO) and Chopper continued pH measurements while Roots evaluated glove dexterity with Freebee and Melon. The crew is enjoying some personal time and getting ready for our team bonding activities tonight.

Look Ahead Plan: Sample collection and analysis

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: Warm and windy

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: none

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Request

Support Requested:

Trash pickup in the rear airlock.

Sol Summary – January 10th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 10-01-2024

Sol: 3

Summary Title: Hitting rock bottom…in a good way

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Things are starting to come together! After a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and homemade bread courtesy of Anja (callsign: Freebee), the crew kicked off the day with science prep, GreenHab upkeep, and habitat housekeeping. After a light lunch, EVA 04 prep commenced for Freebee, Ben (Funk), and Nicole (PODO), with Madelyn (Melon) as CAPCOM. On EVA 04, REMI and Freebee sampled six different sites within 180 meters of the Hab. The focus of the sites was mostly on sandy and gravelly terrain near small streamways. All systems were nominal during the EVA, and the crew had little to no difficulty running commands and controlling the robot with suits on. A new setup procedure in the RAM airlock also helped alleviate some struggles from EVA 03. EVA 04 was also the first sample collection for MADMEN. Funk performed human factors assessments of salinity field tests and collected the necessary samples from shale in the Curtis foundation near the Hab. EVA 04 was a success and provided Rebecca (Chopper) with samples to run to begin the microbiological analysis goals of Project MADMEN. As always, Anna (Roots) proved to be an excellent Crew Engineer and managed to troubleshoot multiple things as they came up, preventing progression towards serious issues. The crew is settling in for a dinner made by Funk and looking forward to some more crew bonding activities tonight!

Look Ahead Plan: Engineering EVA, science planning

Anomalies in work: pH meter still not functional

Weather: Warm on EVA!

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 04 Science tasks for REMI and sample collection, with Anja, Ben, and Nicole

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request

Support Requested:

Septic tank and toilet solution (see ops report)
For engineering EVA to fix the RAM ramp: any updates on use of a shovel and where to take regolith from?
Can we use GreenHab shovels to assist in sample collection on EVA?

Sol Summary – January 11th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 11-01-2024

Sol: 4

Summary Title:

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Off of Earth, still in class

After a windy night, the crew started strong with a successful engineering EVA to fix rover mirrors, build a ramp to the RAM airlock, collect smectite for ISRU clay projects. Freebee (Anja) also used the EVA to demonstrate loading, unloading, and securing REMI into the rover beds for future traverses. Funk (Ben) used leftover chicken powder and breadcrumbs to make meatballs to compliment the spaghetti for lunch, and worked on operationalizing the pH meter with Roots (Anna) in the afternoon. Melon (Madelyn) planned EVA sites and operations while Chopper (Rebecca) instructed the crew on MADMEN test procedures in the Science Dome. PODO (Nicole) spent time interviewing each crew member for some profile posts on social media. The crew as a whole celebrated scientific success with the first showers of the trip, experimenting with the bucket method. We were excited to note that we are still significantly under our budgeted water usage per day while including showers, and are cautiously scheduling an increase in shower frequency. Looking forward to sewing our mission patches onto our flight suits tonight!

Look Ahead Plan: Sample collection in the field

Anomalies in work: heater restart required due to high winds

Weather: Windy

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 05 engineering EVA, with Anja and Anna

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request

Support Requested:

1. Approval to load REMI into the rover bed for long traverses on future EVAs

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