Sol: 2
Summary Title: Martian Halloween
Author’s name: David Mateus
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: The crew started their day bright and early at 8 a.m., filled with enthusiasm for their first Extravehicular Activity (EVA). Throughout the morning, they meticulously finalized the planning for the EVA, ensuring every detail was in place.
By 10:30 a.m., preparations were underway as the first team began donning their spacesuits. They successfully embarked on their EVA mission by 11:05 a.m. This team was tasked with collecting soil samples and piloting a drone for remote exploration of Candor Chasma. The objective was to gather preliminary data for an upcoming EVA to this intriguing location. Their mission was completed efficiently, and they returned by 12:15 p.m.
Following a brief respite, the second team embarked on their EVA at 1:30 p.m. Their objectives included piloting the drone, collecting more soil samples, and, notably, installing a vibration sensor kit on the generator to ensure its smooth operation. They wrapped up their tasks and returned to Hab at 2:56 p.m.
In the afternoon, following the conclusion of the EVAs, the crew gathered for a comprehensive debriefing session. This meeting was crucial to critically analyze the day’s events, pinpoint any errors or oversights, and derive actionable insights to enhance the efficiency and safety of future Extravehicular Activities.
As the day ended, in a delightful twist, the crew decided to celebrate the spirit of Halloween. They organized a party, allowing them a moment of relaxation and bonding amidst their rigorous duties. You can look forward to catching a glimpse of this celebration, as we’re excited to share photos from the event tomorrow.
Look Ahead Plan: Continue with the projects and
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Clear skies
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: By 10:30 am, preparations were underway as the first team began donning their spacesuits. They successfully embarked on their EVA mission by 11:05 a.m. This team was tasked with collecting soil samples and piloting a drone for remote exploration of Candor Chasma. The objective was to gather preliminary data for an upcoming EVA to this intriguing location. Their mission was completed efficiently, and they returned by 12:15 p.m.
Following a brief respite, the second team embarked on their EVA at 1:30 p.m. Their objectives included piloting the drone, collecting more soil samples, and, notably, installing a vibration sensor kit on the generator to ensure its smooth operation. They wrapped up their tasks and returned to Hab at 2:56 p.m.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist report, Photos, Operations report, GreenHab report, EVA 1 Report, EVA 2 Report, Astronomy report.
Support Requested: The astronomy pictures show a circle mark; this could require cleaning the lent of the robotic observatory. Also, We need to add a new email address to the mailing list of mission support because our HSO is having issues sending emails from her current email to mission support; the new email is andrea10stars1g .
Sol Summary – October 30th
Summary Title: Waking up on Mars.
Author’s name: David Mateus
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: At 6:50 a.m., four crew members woke up to witness the transit of the Chinese space station, Tiangong. By 8:00 a.m., breakfast was served, following which the crew began outlining the EVAs for the subsequent day. We also conducted a comprehensive food inventory, ensuring optimal resource distribution for the mission, and crafted AI-assisted meal plans. Our crew astronomer analyzed the data from the images captured using the robotic observatory. Overall, each crew member acquainted themselves with their roles and initiated their projects.
Look Ahead Plan: Perform our first EVAs and start our EVA projects.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Clear skies during the morning
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: none to report
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Astronomy Report, Operations Report, Green Hab Report, EVA request 1, EVA request 2.
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – May 26th
Crew 281 Sol Summary Report 26 May 2023
Sol: 12
Summary Title: The bittersweet ending
Author’s name: Ritupriya Patil (XO)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Today was team’s final and longest, all female EVA. 4 hours of walking, climbing (a little) and driving the rover with the space suits and life support systems on their backs. The high dessert “Martian” environment reminded the crew that space is challenging. However, the crew forged through with their love for exploration. The three-part objective of today’s EVA was to run payload drone tests, acquire images for previously done geotechnical survey, and explore the Special Region (aka Hanksville Burpee Quarry).
The crew at 0738 hrs, finished the rover checks, then continued to set up for a drone payload test. The objective was to deliver a lightweight medical kit to a simulated injured astronaut. The experimental drone flights were to establish a proof of concept in an emergency scenario, and in extreme climate (like a high desert). MDRS was the perfect place for this. 9 tests were performed, 3 out of those were with zero payload to set up a baseline experiment for a DJI Mavic mini weighing about 250 g. In honor of Team Pegasus, the drone was affectionately named “Peggy”. Ana (Crew Scientist) enacted as the injured analogue astronaut, KC (Crew Engineer) was the HabCom and recorded the flight data; Ritu (XO, EVA Lead) was the drone pilot and experimental flight test lead. There were 2 payloads 25 g and 40 g that were retrieved by Ana, stationed 60 m away from the pilot during the 6 payload tests. The crew was successful in procuring the payload and flying the drone back safely with the harness intact. Special care was taken, and wind checks were performed prior to each flight. Post flight battery usage after each flight varied based on the combination of the payload weight and winds (between 3-5 knots). On an average the battery usage was from 8% – 15% on the payload flights (higher usage for heavier payload).
The data from this experiment will be used in calculating and scaling the analysis for a bigger drone system that would be capable of carrying heavier load and be flight capable in high winds, and lower air density to simulate the Martian atmosphere. This analysis will further feed into design to build a drone delivery system on Mars.
Next stop for the crew was Marble Ritual, to acquire vertical images and videos for previously done geotechnical survey at the site. Some great shots of the MDRS campus tucked in the red “Martian” terrain were captured from Marble Ritual.
Final objective for today’s EVA was to explore the Special Region. The crew drove north on Cow Dung Road passing the now known landmarks of Pooh’s Corner, Galileo Road, Cowboy Corner, intersection to Brahe Hwy 1572, and then left on Gateway to Lith to reach the destination, formerly known as Burpee Quarry. The crew witnessed sediment depositions from a large river that must have run through the quarry area and created a bend. Ritu got aerial imagery of the location and Ana collected 7 rock samples (226g) and soil samples (299g). The crew accomplished all the EVA goals for the last one for this mission; and with a bittersweet emotion drove back to the hab.
For lunch the crew had leftovers, also Megan (Commander) baked brownies to celebrate the crew’s final EVA accomplishment. After munching on the delicious treat, Megan, Ritu, and Ana helped with the GreenHab harvest and clean up. KC completed inventory lists for the end of mission checks. It was a long day and no time to rest since the simulation would end at 6 pm. We also squeezed in time for report and mission summary writing.
At 6 pm the crew opened the Hab airlock and stepped out in their flight suits, they were also wearing the mission patches and respective country flags (India, Portugal and USA) with great pride! Sergii (Mission Support) captured the end of mission walk out of the airlock. This was end of the 12 Sols we spent in the Hab: working on 13 EVAs, running the Ham Radio for 6 days, keeping the GreenHab operational, conducting 4 geotechnical surveys of the area, recording drone footage on all EVAs and conducting 19 drone payload tests, and other experiments. Sergii was invited for dinner after the simulation ended and everyone enjoyed the salad and herbs harvested from the GreenHab; along with Rajma Chawal (Indian red bean stew served with rice) that Ritu made for dinner. A nice cup of cardamom spiced chai was a perfect end for the crew’s last dinner together in the hab.
The crew did a sweep through of all the buildings and started wrapping up the experiments and cleaning. Some walked to the Musk Observatory for star gazing and enjoyed the last starry night at MDRS.
It was an honor to be able to participate in exploration of this “Martian” landscape. This was a humbling experience, and the crew would do it again in a heartbeat!
Look Ahead Plan: End of mission. The crew will exit the hab at noon tomorrow.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Winds
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Completed 1 today
Reports to be filed:
● Greenhab Report
● EVA Report
● Ops Report
● Journalist Report
● Photo of the Day
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – May 25th
Crew 281 Sol Summary Report 25 May 2023
Sol: 11
Summary Title: Geological miracles
Author’s name: Ritupriya Patil (XO) and Megan Kane (Commander)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
This was another long EVA with a crew of three. The crew entered the airlock exiting at 0753 hrs. They first checked all the rovers and collected the hours and SoC information, and it was verified that all were securely plugged in. They then unplugged Opportunity and Curiosity and headed out for the first destination at 0758 for the intersection of Cow Dung and Watney Road. The area seemed like a former riverbed; the crew saw lots of sedimentary rocks possibly washed by the flowing water in the past. They also witnessed calcite compressions on the sides of the pathway. The crew walked no more than 600 m and explored. Ana (Crew Scientist) collected 7 rocks (1167 g) and 1 Tube of soil (72 g). Ritu (XO, EVA Lead) deployed the drone to capture aerial.
For lunch the crew had leftovers and then worked on mission and research summaries. Rachel accomplished her goal of 50 contacts on her ham radio set up across 2 nations – USA and Canada. KC did his routine checks along with inventory work. Megan prepped green hab for end of mission dismantling. Ana did the same for science dome and the RAM. Ritu worked on the daily reports and EVA planning for tomorrow, which will be the longest of all.
For dinner Megan prepared potato vegetable soup for dinner and then crew jumped on a call with the current Hi-SEAs crew called IKE-LOA. During the call, both crews exchanged their experience with research, facilities and showed around their respective habitats. It was a great way to connect with another crew doing similar mission, Hi-SEAs was on the Moon and MDRS crew was on Mars. This was also a great opportunity to network with other space explorers.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will do 2-person, long range EVA to run some more drone payload tests. Next we will stop at Marble Ritual for images of scanlines that were measured on earlier EVAs. Last stop will be the Special Region in the north.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Winds
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Completed 1 today
Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Report
EVA Report
EVA Request
Ops Report
Journalist Report
Photo of the Day
Support Requested:
Mission support is requested in case of storms if the antenna needs to come down or be retrieved.
Sol Summary – May 24th
Crew 281 Sol Summary Report 24 May 2023
Sol: 10
Summary Title: Drones and winds
Author’s name: Ritupriya Patil (XO) and Megan Kane (Commander)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
The EVA crew went out 0905 hrs and checked the Rovers before heading to the radio antenna. After assessing the antenna and making sure it was working properly the crew moved on to near the science dome. From within the observatory Ritu (XO) commenced the drone payload tests. Six flights were planned. Only 2 were completed due to the wind conditions. During the second flight the drone was able to successfully deliver the payload to the simulated injured astronaut. Unfortunately, winds started gusting while the drone was returning, and it took effort to land it inside the Musk Observatory fence. Which resulted in a minor accident and slight damage to the propellers of the drone causing one of the leading edges to dent. We would like to recommend installation of a windsock for continuous wind information to help mitigate such accidents.
After the drone tests were completed, the EVA crew did a short external inspection of the hab documenting any visible issues. No safety issues were found. Minor findings will be added to the final inspection report.
After the EVA, Ritu made cheddar broccoli and rice casserole. Feeling some exhaustion over the days of EVA, research, and other activities the crew took some afternoon time off to rest. Megan (Commander) and Ritu then began prep for pizza dough for dinner, which turned out great given the dryness and higher altitude at MDRS. After a delicious pizza dinner, the crew jumped in on report writing.
Rachel (HSO) made further progress in contacting other stations on her ham radio station and got clearance to join the Old Man International Side Band Society!
In the Green hab, Megan harvested cucumbers, chives and tomatoes (that went into the yummy pizza sauce!). KC continued his magic to keep the hab running without any problems. There were no operations in the RAM today.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will do 3-person, long range EVA to Barrainca’s Butte. On our way back if the winds cooperate we will stop at Marble Ritual for images of scanlines that were measured on earlier EVAs.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Winds and thunder
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Completed 1 today
Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Report
EVA Report
EVA Request
Ops Report
Journalist Report
Photo of the Day
Support Requested:
Mission support is requested in case of storms if the antenna needs to come down or be retrieved.
Sol Summary – May 23rd
Crew 281 Sol Summary Report 23 May 2023
Sol: 9
Summary Title: Moon and Mars
Author’s name: Ritupriya Patil (XO) and Megan Kane (Commander)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Today an all-female EVA crew from Team Pegasus successfully completed a long EVA to explore the Overlook region. There was a lot of planning and contingencies that the crew discussed, especially since there were rains and storms last night. The crew were well prepared and narrowed down Mission Support efforts to specific location/coordinates per time estimations for each spot. They started out at 0758 for the intersection of Cow Dung and Hwy 1572, which was previously termed as White Moon. The area was interesting due to the geological features that made a unique mix as if they were from moon and mars. The crew witnessed shades and combinations of red and white at various locations around, a beautiful sight especially with the sunlight going in and out due to overcast weather. On arrival, Ana (Crew Scientist) collected rock and soil samples and Ritu (XO, EVA Lead) deployed drone for aerial footage. For the next stop, the crew wrapped up and drove on Hwy 1572 until they arrived at the ‘Y’ fork at the Overlook region. Weather was perfect, bright and sunny, there were more samples and some great drone shots collected.
The crew then left for Pooh’s Corner on their way back and acquired vertical and oblique drone images and videos for previously done geotechnical survey. This will aid to georeferencing the region under study. The crew left for MDRS right after and arrived at 1037.
During the EVA Comms did not work once the EVA crew went past Pooh’s corner. At the Hab Rachel and KC managed to set up the SDR to pick up the EVA Crew’s transmissions.
After the EVA, the crew grabbed a snack and jumped in on report writing and completed mid-mission video. KC (Crew Engineer) made a hearty veggie soup with handmade noodles. Which gave the crew an impetus to jump in the next big activity for the day, making STEM educational videos for waves and propagation in the Science dome. Megan (Commander) and Rachel (HSO) directed and shot the movies respectively, and the rest of the crew helped with acting and set up.
Green hab got very hot up to 43 C today, Megan watered and checked on the plants. KC did the routine hab operational checks. Rachel made more contacts on the ham radio station.
Dinner was finishing up the leftovers.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will do 2-person EVA near the hab to check the antenna and conduct a drone payload delivery test. The drone will be launched from the observatory and flown to the crew on EVA. First test will be without a payload second with a payload.
There were no operations in the RAM today.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Winds and thunder
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Completed 1 today
Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Report
EVA Report
EVA Request
Ops Report
Journalist Report
Photo of the Day
Support Requested:
Mission support is requested in case of storms if the antenna needs to come down or be retrieved.
Sol Summary – May 22nd
Crew 281 Sol Summary Report 22 May 2023
Sol: 8
Summary Title: Hair wash day
Author’s name: Ritupriya Patil (XO) and Megan Kane (Commander)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Today’s EVA was at Pooh’s corner. The crew of 3 drove Spirit and Perseverance rovers and reached the site at 0823 hrs. They captured scanline measurements for the boulders Ana Pires (Crew Scientist) approved at Pooh’s Corner. KC Shasteen helped with the Equotip measurements while Ana gathered the Schmidt hammer data. The crew finished a 5 station long scanline and during their measurements Ritupriya Patil (XO, EVA Lead) deployed the drone for aerial imagery. Detailed vertical images and videos of the scanline were captured to help confirm the weathering grade, discontinuities of the rocks. These images and videos will be used for georeferencing the area around the scanline and for further assessment of the geological region. The objective was achieved right before winds gusted to 27 kmph and the drone was secured.
For lunch Ritu (XO) made tofu Thai curry with white rice. Post lunchtime Ritu and Ana worked on tomorrow’s EVA planning, looking at maps, distance and noting time for each stop over during the 2 person EVA. Then Ritu and KC worked in the RAM to build a drone packaging so it can be securely stored during the travel time in a ready to be deployed configuration. This makes the drone launch much faster and efficient.
Rachel (HSO) checked into OMISS Old Man International Side band Society through the ham radio setup. She is working through troubleshooting the power reception she is having. While Ana worked on closing the set of scanlines and working further on research and synergies with Ritu. KC and Rachel had a hair wash day to clear their heads (get that?!).
In the green hab, Megan (Commander) watered and checked on the plants. KC (Crew Engineer) did routine checks on hab operations – batteries, tunnels, flushed toilet and water levels. Ana cleaned up her robotic scoop in the RAM after a successful mission today.
In the science dome Megan checked on the cacao seeds and made a video recording the changes to the seeds.
For dinner Rachel made stamppotten a mashed potato dish from the Netherland. It rained in the late afternoon and there were storms, but the antenna stayed upright.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will do a 2-person, long range EVA to the Overlook region. It will be an all-female crew exploring the Martian surface and capturing aerial footage. On our way back we will stop at Pooh’s Corner for images of scanlines that were measured on earlier EVAs.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Windy
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Completed 1 today
Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Report
EVA Report
EVA Request
Ops Report
Journalist Report
Photo of the Day
Support Requested:
Mission support is requested in case of storms if the antenna needs to come down or be retrieved.
Sol Summary – May 21st
Crew 281 Sol Summary Report 21 May 2023
Sol: 7
Summary Title: Radio contacts, robotic arm and drone drills
Author’s name: Ritupriya Patil (XO) and Megan Kane (Commander)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Today we did our EVA around the hab with a three-tier objective. First was to test Ana’s (Crew Scientist) Pegasus scoop, a robotic rock sampling device, it passed the testing and has now demonstrated TRL 6. The second objective was to perform a drone test to simulate emergency assistance and deliver a lightweight medical kit to an injured astronaut. This was also successful and Ritupriya (XO, EVA Lead) was able to fly the drone and deliver a 30 grams payload using her DJI Mavic Mini to the astronaut in need during the simulation. This was a 60 m long distance at 10 m altitude covered by the drone and the payload was received in 1 minute and 19 seconds. There will be more drills to iron out some of the kinks in the procedures. The third objective was to do a quick check on the ham radio antenna and ensure there was no damage due to the usual “Martian storms” that hit MDRS in the late afternoons. After inspection there were no issues reported and the antenna survived the high winds.
For lunch KC made fusilli pasta with freeze-dried veggies, black bean burger “meatballs” and alfredo pasta. After that filling lunch, Megan (Commander) tempted us with her freshly baked and piping hot cinnamon rolls which were just scrumptious! We did notice the difference in baking times possibly due to higher altitude!
Post lunchtime lull died soon since we immersed ourselves in mid-mission summary reports and I started my daily reports for our mission. Meanwhile Rachel (HSO) was able to establish contact on the ham radio setup with NR1Z.
In the green hab, Megan (Commander) did some pruning and watered the plants. KC (Crew Engineer) did routine checks on hab operations – batteries, tunnels, toilets and water levels. Ana cleaned up her robotic scoop in the RAM after a successful mission today.
In the science dome it was quiet today, cacao seeds still doing well.
For dinner we had corn tortillas with freeze-dried – guacamole, bean burger filling, beef and some canned tuna. It rained in the late afternoon and there were storms, but the antenna stayed upright.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will do an EVA for 3 and cover Pooh’s Corner for second scanline measurement at the site and take detailed vertical and diagonal images and videos of the scanline to confirm the weathering grade and discontinuities of the rocks. On our way back we will stop at Marble Ritual for images of scanlines that were measured on earlier EVAs.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Nominal
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Completed 1 today
Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Report
Ops Report
Journalist Report
Photo of the Day
Support Requested:
Mission support is requested in case of storms if the antenna needs to come down or be retrieved.
Sol Summary – May 20th
Crew 281 Sol Summary Report 20 May 2023
Sol: 6
Summary Title:
Author’s name: Ritupriya Patil (XO) and Megan Kane (Commander)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
First EVA was at the Kissing Camel Ridge. The crew of 3 drove Opportunity and Curiosity rovers and reached the site at 0755 hrs. The first objective was to capture scanline measurements for the boulders Ana Pires (Crew Scientist) approved on the East ridge. KC Shasteen helped with the Equotip measurements while Ana gathered the Schmidt hammer data. After finishing 5 station long scanline. Ritupriya Patil (XO, EVA Lead) set up to deploy the drone. Detailed vertical images and videos of the scanline were captured to help confirm the weathering grade, discontinuities of the rocks. There were also 4 translational drone passes along the scanline that captured the details of the boulders under geophysical analysis. These images and videos will be used for georeferencing the area around the scanline and for further assessment of the geological region.
For the second EVA the crew of 2 erected ham radio antenna to the northwest of the Hab. A coaxial cable was retrieved from where it had been passed through the tunnel wall. The cable length dictated where the station could be installed. It took 3 attempts to find a location where the ground spike could be deployed successfully. Once deployed the ground wire and the mini were attached. This was followed by the antenna and lastly by the coaxial cable. Grounding pole could not be deployed, and the wire was affixed to a rock. The hazard cones were placed, and the crew returned to the hab.
After the ham radio station set up Rachel Jones (HSO) jumped on the radio and established contact with Dan from Govetown, Gorgia, N4MI. This ham radio testing was approved during the Karman line discussion.
In the Greenhab, Megan (Commander) watered the plants and filled the cooler.
The science dome was quiet today, cacao seeds still doing well.
In the RAM, Ritu (XO) worked on her payload carrying harness for tomorrow’s drone flight test. The objective is to test short distance payload drop off for a simulated medical emergency.
For lunch Ritu (XO) made tomato sauce based pasta with mushrooms. And dinner was stir-fried veggies in soy sauce served with rice, made by KC. After that we buried our heads in report writing and mid-mission research material.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will do an EVA for 3 around the hab to run second test on the Pegasus scoop (rock sampling device) and do a drone payload test and drill for minimum payload weight and distance. Likely do some work around the ham radio antenna.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Nominal
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Completed 2 today
Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Report
Ops Report
Journalist Report
Photo of the Day
Support Requested:
Mission support is requested in case of storms, if the antenna needs to come down or be retrieved.
Sol Summary – May 19th
Crew 281 Sol Summary Report 19 May 2023
Sol: 5
Summary Title: Rock sampling, radios and chocolate
Author’s name: Ritupriya Patil (XO) and Megan Kane (Commander)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
EVA: Today’s EVA was a local MDRS campus surveillance. Crew of 2 did a visual inspection of the hab to ensure there were no safety concerns after yesterday’s storm, and there were none. They then walked over to go to the chosen site for the Pegasus scoop test. While assembling the scoop for the test, the battery connection was damaged and the test was aborted, this was later repaired in the hab by Ana (Crew Scientist) and KC (Crew Engineer). After video documenting the attempted Pegasus scoop test, Ritu (XO) did a drone survey of MDRS facility from 90 m altitude for the purpose of georeferencing the region for future cartographic aid.
In the Greenhab,and harvested microgreens, arugula and lettuce for a fresh salad lunch.
In the science dome, Megan (Commander) transplanted cacao seeds, Ana (Crew Scientist) worked on cartographic maps and other items.
In the RAM, retrieved supplies for projects.
For lunch Ritu (XO) made lentil stew with quinoa and Megan harvested the greens for salads. After the research and hab work, we did report writing. For dinner we ate lentils and rice along with mango chutney and tomato salsa.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will continue scanline measurements at control point 3, Kissing Camel Ridge with a crew of 3. After that, another EVA for the antenna set up for the ham radio experiment will follow in the afternoon.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Nominal
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Completed 1 today
Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Report
Ops Report
Journalist Report
Photo of the Day
Support Requested:
Mission support is requested in case of storms, if the antenna needs to come down or be retrieved.