Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 03-DEC-19
Sol: 9
Summary Title: Ore and mineral survey project
Author: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: Two EVAs were conducted in support of a radioactive ore and mineral survey. In the morning, Mike, Evgenia, and Rich conducted a reconnaissance of the area around Robert’s Rock Garden to identity optimal sites for the evening EVA. The second EVA team of Rich, Andrew and Mike then undertook the survey using an ultraviolet light source in shortwave UV mode.
Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAs are planned. One is to continue filming for Evgenia’s project at Phobos Peak. The second, weather permitting, is to set up a radio repeater to attempt an amateur radio contact with the International Space Station that will be directly overhead the MDRS in the early afternoon.
Anomalies in work: N/A.
Weather: Clear and cold.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVAs: To Robert’s Rock Garden (twice).
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, Astronomy Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – December 2nd
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 02-DEC-19
Sol: 8
Summary Title: Communications and Filming Projects
Author: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: Two EVAs were conducted in support of ongoing projects. In the morning Rich, Andrew, and Marc climbed to the summit of the North Ridge to confirm and map an accessible route and a location for a possible radio repeater site, both of which were accomplished. In the afternoon, Andrew, Michael, and Evgenia drove to the end of Quarry Road and then proceeded on foot for a short ways into Lithe Canyon for the purpose of capturing drone and documentary film footage.
Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAs are planned in support of Mike’s radioactive mineral project.
Anomalies in work: N/A.
Weather: Clear and cold.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVAs: To North Ridge and Lithe Canyon.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, Astronomy Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – December 1st
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 01-DEC-19
Sol: 7
Summary Title: Roker Film Crew
Author: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: The crew spent the day hosting a film crew from Al Roker Entertainment. They were here to film one episode of a six-part series that will focus on different aspects of science. Upon arrival, they first did some filming outside the MDRS before joining us inside for some interviews and filming the Hab, GreenHab, Observatory, Science Dome, and RAM. The afternoon was spent filming an EVA with the episode host and then interviewing some individual crew members.
Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAs are planned to continue work on crew projects.
Anomalies in work: N/A.
Weather: Clear and cold.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: To Kissing Camel Ridge for the Roker film crew.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, Astronomy Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – November 30th
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 30-NOV-19
Sol: 6
Summary Title: Rest and Reconnaissance
Author: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: The crew spent the morning waiting for the ground to dry sufficiently to allow an afternoon EVA. This provided an opportunity for crew rest and pursuing projects for filming, the GreenHab, and astronomy. With sunny weather drying out the landscape, the afternoon EVA was approved and undertaken with caution. While the main objective of the EVA was to reach the summit of the North Ridge to determine a suitable repeater site was not achieved because of ground conditions, a reconnaissance and assessment of route alternatives to reach the top of the North Ridge was accomplished.
Look Ahead Plan: A film crew from Al Roker Entertainment will be arriving around 0900 to spend the day filming the MDRS, the crew, and its activities.
Anomalies in work: N/A.
Weather: Clearing and cold.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, Astronomy Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – November 29th
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 29-NOV-19
Sol: 5
Summary Title: Catch up day
Author’s name: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: The crew took advantage of the windy and wet weather that included snow to catch up on indoor activities and more importantly, rest. Filming continued for Evgenia’s project, Andrew worked on the gypsum project, Michael spent time developing a GreenHab checklist, while others caught up on graduate research papers, completed household chores, or napped.
Look Ahead Plan: An EVA will be requested for tomorrow afternoon after the ground has a chance to dry out to check out the potential north repeater site that was not reached on Wednesday. We will also tend to some household chores in anticipation of the Roker film crew arriving on Sunday.
Anomalies in work: N/A.
Weather: Cold and wet overnight.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – November 27th
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 27-NOV-19
Sol: 3
Summary Title: More work on communications, film, and drone projects
Author’s name: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: We conducted two EVAs today to continue work on the communications, filming, and drone projects. In the morning, Mike, Andrew, Evgenia, and I hiked to two potential repeater sites, one of which was used before. We ran out of time to visit the third and plan to visit it next week, but Evgenia was able to continue with her filming project. In the afternoon, Rich, Michael, and Evgenia drove south to complete yesterday’s EVA that was truncated by communication issues. This also allowed Evgenia and Michael to capture more footage.
Look Ahead Plan: We will conduct one EVA to perform rover cleaning if weather permits.
Anomolies in work: N/A.
Weather: Cold and clear overnight.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: Two EVAs conducted.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: Trash pick up in rear airlock
Sol Summary – November 27th
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 27-NOV-19
Sol: 3
Summary Title: More work on communications, film, and drone projects
Author’s name: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: We conducted two EVAs today to continue work on the communications, filming, and drone projects. In the morning, Mike, Andrew, Evgenia, and I hiked to two potential repeater sites, one of which was used before. We ran out of time to visit the third and plan to visit it next week, but Evgenia was able to continue with her filming project. In the afternoon, Rich, Michael, and Evgenia drove south to complete yesterday’s EVA that was truncated by communication issues. This also allowed Evgenia and Michael to capture more footage.
Look Ahead Plan: We will conduct one EVA to perform rover cleaning if weather permits.
Anomolies in work: N/A.
Weather: Cold and clear overnight.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: Two EVAs conducted.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: Trash pick up in rear airlock
Sol Summary – November 28th
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 28-NOV-19
Sol: 4
Summary Title: Holiday on Mars
Author’s name: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: A morning EVA cleaned the rovers which had become quite muddy from several EVAs accomplished during the hectic first three days of activity. Following that, the crew focused on preparing a lavish-for-Mars sit down dinner that featured roasted chicken and potatoes, stuffing, biscuits, and two fruit pies, with the blueberry/apple taking top prize.
Look Ahead Plan: Anticipated wet weather will curtail any EVA plans, but it will provide an opportunity for filmed interviews of crew members.
Anomalies in work: N/A.
Weather: Cold and windy overnight.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: One EVA conducted.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: None
Crew 216 Sol Summary 26Nov2019
[title Sol Summary – November 20th]
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 26-NOV-19
Sol: 2
Summary Title: Communications, film, and drone projects
Author’s name: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: Today was our second day in sim during which we conducted two EVAs. The first was to test an improved communication system for EVAs using a VHF/UHF 5 watt radio at the Hab and to continue filming for a documentary project. The second continued communications testing to determine the range of the GMRS radio at the Hab versus the VHF/UHF radio and to conduct the first test of the drone project.
Look Ahead Plan: We will conduct two EVAs to identify possible radio repeater sites near the Hab and to continue testing EVA communications to the south of the Hab along with documentary filming.
Anomalies in work: N/A.
Weather: Cold and windy overnight.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: Two EVAs conducted.
Reports to be file: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – November 25th
Crew 216 Sol Summary Report 25-NOV-2019
Sol: 1
Summary Title: First day on Mars
Author’s name: Marc Levesque
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: Today was our first day in sim. With worsening weather predicted, we conducted two EVAs to continue a project from the previous crew and to provide a filming opportunity for a crew member’s project. We also tested a higher powered handheld radio for communications with the second EVA team.
Look Ahead Plan: If weather permits, we will conduct two EVAs to further test communications to the south and east of the Hab while flying a drone to collect video footage for an educational project.
Anomalies in work: N/A.
Weather: Rain and snow overnight.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: Two EVAs conducted.
Reports to be file: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Research Report, EVA Report, and Photos.
Support Requested: Pick up of non-burnable trash in rear airlock.