Sol Summary – 21st March

Summary Title:
Embarrassingly intense Interview sessions

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status:
Ready to continue simulation on Sol 11, 08:00

Sol Activity Summary:
8:15 Medic inspection
8:25 Breakfast
9:40 EVA: Martin (drug degradation), Maximilien (soil sampling), Ariane (soil sampling), Bastien (cartography)
11:05 End of EVA – Crew meeting – Relaxation
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Scientific & academic work – Interviews (Ariane)
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 CapCom

Look Ahead Plan:
Sol 11: See attached image

Notes: EVA for Mario (pictures), Sophie (must place her muon detector outside), Bastien (cartography), Michael (support). Scientific in the afternoon. Frederic has plenty of academic work to perform. Most of the projects should ideally be finished by sol 11, sol 12 (last simulation fay) being kept in backup.

Anomalies in work:

Very cloudy in the morning, blue sky in late afternoon (allowing a one hour telescope session).

Crew Physical Status:
A bit tired.

See EVA report.

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA#11 report
EVA#12 request for Sol11
Engineer report

Support Requested:

Sol Summary – March 20th

Crew 190 Sol Summary Report
20 March 2018

Sol 9

Summary Title:
Here comes the sun.

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status:
Ready to continue simulation on Sol 10, 08:00

Sol Activity Summary:
8:00 Gym
8:15 Medic inspection
8:25 Breakfast
9:40 EVA: Sophie (muography), Martin (drug degradation), Frederic (bacteriology), Mario (pictures), Michael (support)
11:35 End of EVA – Crew meeting – Relaxation
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Scientific & academic work
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 CapCom

Look Ahead Plan:

Morning: EVA: Maximilien (soil sampling, pictures), Martin (samples checking), Ariane (soil sampling for bacteriology), Bastien (cartography, drone). Sophie will work on the telescope (scheduled on the morning, but could be switched with her analysis on the muon detector during the afternoon, depending on the sky).

Afternoon: Scientific and academic (not mentioned in the schedule) work for everyone.

Notes: busy days to come before the end of the rotation. We keep Sol 13 (March 24th) for clean up and crew switch with crew 191.

Anomalies in work:


Cloudy in the morning, blue sky in late afternoon.

Crew Physical Status:
A bit tired today.

See EVA report.

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA#10 report
EVA#11 request for Sol10
Engineer report

Support Requested:

Sol Summary – March 18th

Crew 190 Sol Summary Report
Sol 7

Summary Title:
Chilly day.

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status:
Ready to continue simulation on Sol 8, 08:00

Sol Activity Summary:
10:00 Gym
10:30 Breakfast
10:50 Relaxing
12:30 Lunch
14:00 EVA: muography (Sophie), cartography (Bastien), soil sampling (Maximilien, Frederic), Photos (Mario)
14:00 Food inventory
15:50 Team meeting
17:00 Cleaning
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 CapCom

Look Ahead Plan:
Sol 8:

Notes: EVA (Maximilien, Martin, Ariane, Michael: see EVA request); scientific work for the others.

Sol 8 to sol 12:

Notes: The last days are quite charged, however we still have March 24th in backup.

Anomalies in work:
We spotted many tracks in the desert, had visual contacts with motorbikes.

Very windy. Sunny in the afternoon. Cold.

Crew Physical Status:
Better thanks to a longer night ! (Sunday sleep in!)

See EVA report.

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA#9 request for Sol8
Engineer report

Support Requested:

Sol Summary – Marth 18th

Today, it was planned to have a day off to relax, make the food inventory, clean up a bit the station and leave on EVA. After waking up, Michael and Sophie began a gym session while others were just relaxing up to midday. After that we had a Sunday lunch composed of mashed potatoes with chicken and compote. Our bellies being fully filled up, five crew members left for an EVA towards “yellow moon” to take soil samples, pictures and exploit the drone (see EVA report). Unfortunately, the weather was too windy and as a consequence it was impossible the fly with the drone. We came back to the Hab at 15h47 and we started to clean our living place. Shannon came to spoke with us about tracks found in the desert. This morning we have seen motorbikes and probably ATVs riding off road.

Tonight we will have the dinner and a board game time to strengthen the team spirit.

Concerning the food inventory, we will need some food supplies. It would be really appreciated if a space ship can bring us these food supplies.

Regarding the station, a part from the MDRS aeration felt. During the EVA, we tried to dismantle the wheel of the broken rover. Unfortunately, the tools provided do not fit.

Sol 6 Summary – March 17th

Crew 190 Sol Summary Report
Sol 6

Summary Title:
The Phoenix great escape!

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status:
Ready to continue simulation on Sol 6, 08:00

Sol Activity Summary:
8:15 Medic inspection: memory and reflex tests
8:40 Breakfast
9:30 EVA: Mario (photos), Maximilien (soil sampling), Ariane (support), Michael (support)
9:30 Others: Scientific work
11:00 EVA ended; Crew meeting before lunch
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Scientific work: muography (Sophie), cartography of MDRS (Bastien), chemistry/biology (Ariane, Martin, Maximilien, Frederic), GreenHab (Mario), Phoenix operations & troubleshooting (Michael)
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 CapCom

Look Ahead Plan:
Sol 7:

Notes: an EVA is planned in the afternoon, involving Maximilien, Fred, Sophie, Bastien and Mario. Remaining of the day will be dedicated to scientific work.

Sol 7 to Sol 12:

Notes: previsional planning for the second week of the rotation. Very likely to be modified.

Anomalies in work:
We finally get the Phoenix fully working (except the GPS). Unfortunately, Phoenix got trapped in a tiny hole in the soil; we organised (Michael & Bastien) a rescue mission. Phoenix is now back home, a bit scared though.

Sunny in the morning. Cloudy in the afternoon. A bit cold.

Crew Physical Status:
A bit tired, hard to wake up.

See EVA report.

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA#8 request for Sol 7
Engineer report

Support Requested:

Sol Summary – March 16th

Crew 190 Sol Summary Report
Sol 5

Summary Title:
Phoenix awaken! But still a bit buzzy.

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status:
Ready to continue simulation on Sol 6, 08:00

Sol Activity Summary:
8:00 Gym
8:15 Medic inspection: memory and reflex tests
8:40 Breakfast
9:30 EVA: Bastien (cartography – 3D mapping), Martin (experiment check), Sophie (muography), Fred (photos)
9:30 Others: Scientific work
11:00 EVA ended; Crew meeting before lunch
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Scientific work: muography (Sophie), video extraction & compilation (Bastien), chemistry/biology (Ariane, Martin, Maximilien, Frederic), GreenHab (Mario), Phoenix troubleshooting (Michael)
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 CapCom

Look Ahead Plan:
Sol 6:

Notes: EVA (Max, Mario, Ariane, Mick) in the morning (scientific work for the others). Scientific work in the afternoon.

Anomalies in work:
Today we tried to get the Phoenix remote controlled rover working; after fixing some battery issues, we noticed that the rover was not able to connect to the (dedicated) router wifi. We had to manually change the clock of the rover it self in order to fix that problem: the rover had the correct date, but not the router, which we cannot fix (probably the internal clock battery of the router is dead). With similar date/times, router and rover are now able to talk to each other. The video transmission is working, but the commands are still bugging (can’t move the wheels, and cams movement is working randomly).

Sunny in the morning. Cloudy in the afternoon. Nice weather.

Crew Physical Status:

See EVA report.

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA#7 request for Sol6
Engineer report
GreenHab report
HSO report

Support Requested:

Crew 190 Sol Summary 14Mar2018

[title Sol Summary -March 14th]

Crew 190 Sol Summary Report
Sol 3

Summary Title:
Exploration X Science X Pancakes

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status:
Ready to continue simulation on Sol 4, 08:00

Sol Activity Summary:
8:00 Gym
8:20 Breakfast
9:10 EVA: Sophie, Mario, Frederic, Michael
9:15 Cleaning and social activity preparation: Maximilien, Martin, Ariane, Bastien
10:55 EVA ended; Crew meeting before lunch
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Scientific work: muongraphy (Sophie), video extraction & compilation (Bastien), chemistry/biology (Ariane, Martin, Maximilien, Frederic), GreenHab (Mario), operations research and academic work (Michael)
18:00 Redaction of the reports
19:00 CapCom

Optimized Look Ahead Plan:
08:00 – 08:20 Gym
08:20 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:30 – 12:30 EVA: Ariane, Bastien, Maximilien, Michael
09:30 – 12:30 Scientific work: Martin (pharmacology), Sophie (muography, telescope), Mario & Frederic (green hab)
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 18:00 Back to scientific work: Ariane & Maximilien (chemistry), Bastien (cartography), Michael (operations research)
18:00 – 19:00 Redaction of the reports
19:00 Capcom

To be updated March 15 2018

Anomalies in work:

Cloudy and a bit cold in the morning. Showers in the afternoon, preventing Sophie from telescope activity.

Crew Physical Status:
In increasingly good shape (thanks to the Gym!) and enthusiasm (pancakes).

See EVA report. Mainly soil sampling and pictures.

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA#4 report
EVA#5 request (Sol4)
Engineer report
HSO report
Astronomy report

Support Requested:

Sol Summary – March 13th

Crew 190 Sol Summary Report
Sol 2

Summary Title:
First Rendez-vous with the Martian regolith

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status:
Ready to continue simulation on Sol 3, 08:00

Sol Activity Summary:
8:00 Gym
8:20 Breakfast
9:30 EVA: Maximilien, Martin, Ariane, Bastien
9:30 Science/Experimental work: Sophie, Mario, Frederic, Michael
11:00 EVA ended; all crew members switch to SC-work.
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Scientific work: telescope (Sophie), cartography (Bastien), chemistry/biology (Ariane, Martin, Maximilien), GreenHab (Mario, Frederic), operations research (Michael)
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 CapCom

Look Ahead Plan: (automatically generated by our optimizer)
Sol 3:

Sol 3 to 7

Anomalies in work:


Cloudy in the morning. Clear blue sky in the afternoon, enabling telescope activity. Warm.

Crew Physical Status:

In good shape and still enthusiastic.

See EVA report. Mainly soil sampling.

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA request for Sol3
Engineer report
HSO report

Crew biographies

(Mission Plan)

Support Requested:

Sol Summary 12th

Crew 190 Sol Sumary Report
Sol 0

Summary Title:
First Rendez-vous with the Martian regolith

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status:
Ready to continue simulation on Sol 2, 08:00
New materials arrived, enabling Sophie’s experiments on Muon’s flows

Sol Activity Summary:
First EVAs: (see EVA reports)
9am to 10am: EVA1 with Maximilien, Martin, Martin and Sophie. 11am to 12am: EVA2 with Ariane, Bastien, Mario and I (Michael). Lunch
Crew meeting: 2pm to 3pm
First experiments from 3pm to 6pm

Global Look Ahead Plan: (generated by our automated scheduler)

Adaptations: Ariane will participate to the EVA; Mario will switch with Martin.

Sol2 to Sol6
Notes: The planning as modelled here does not mention any very short daily activities, such as checking out bacteries evolution (Ariane) or controlling plant grow (Mario). Also, some experiments (e.g. Martin) involve operations in the very beginning and then long period of wait, before final manipulations.

Anomalies in work:

Clean sky, a bit cloudy. Warm.

Crew Physical Status:
In good shape and still enthusiastic.

First outing for all the crew.

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA request for Sol 2
Engineer report

Support Requested:

Sol Summary – March 11th

Crew 190 Sol Sumary Report
Sol 0

Summary Title:
Welcomed by 189 – Learn – Drive

Michael Saint-Guillain (XO)

Mission Status: Ready to start simulation on Sol 1, 07:00

Sol Activity Summary:
Refill of the secondary water tank (550gal): 7am to 11am.
Introduction by Shannon (11h30am to 2pm):
devices etc, power, water, suits, EVAs
Discovering the surroundings by feet (3pm to 5h30pm)
EVA (see EVA)

Look Ahead Plan:
Simulation starts on Sol 1 (tomorrow) 7am with:
sport, breakfast (7-8am)
EVA: 1h30 x2, all crew involved (8h30 – 11h30)
Experimental setups (2pm – 5pm)

Anomalies in work:

Clean sky almost no clouds, hot.

Crew Physical Status:
In good shape and enthusiastic.

Discovering the surroundings with Shannon & Atila.
Visit of the "special region".

Reports to be file:
Commander report
Journalist report
EVA request for Sol 1
Engineer report

Support Requested:

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