Sol Summary – February 10th

Crew 310 Sol Summary Report 10-02-2025

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Corner Reflector to Space, do you copy!

Author’s name: Ariadna Farres, Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew members woke up early to start their daily exercise routine. After last night’s birthday celebration, the crew was feeling a little tired, but after breakfast and a morning coffee the energy was up.

Today was a relaxing day, where most of the crew had time to work on their respective projects.

Monica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist), Helena Arias (Engineer), and Marta Ferrer (Filmmaker) went on the first EVA, with the goal of finishing the installation of the corner reflector. They mounted the final bars and moved the antenna to its final configuration. They were excited to finalize the project. Ariadna Farres (Commander), Anna Bach (Resident Artist), Estel Blay (Health and Safety Officer), Marina Martinez (Geologist), Jennifer Garcia (Journalist) stayed inside the base. Ariadna, Anna and Estel had the opportunity of observing the Sun at the Musk Observatory. Marina analyzed geological samples in the science dome and Jennifer did some recording inside the main Hab.

In the afternoon, Ariadna Farres, Anna Bach and Estel Blay went out on an EVA to Cowboy’s Corner and Marble Ritual. During this EVA they collected geological samples, enjoyed the Martian views and tested the handling system of the experimental EVA support system. Around 4:30pm they were back in the station and helped Monica Roca i Aparici and Helena Arias to clean the RAM. After the installation of the corner reflector, the large box inside the RAM was moved to one of the corridors to free some space. Marina, Jennifer and Marta stayed all afternoon inside the base working on their projects.

At 6:30 pm the crew started talking about the EVA plans for the next day and working on their daily reports. They are now looking forward to another dinner on Mars.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew is looking forward to tomorrow’s EVA and to continue working on their research projects that are starting to show good progress.

Weather: Sunny, Temperature 21 F / 52 F

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Crew 310 conducted two EVAs. The morning EVA was around the base to finish the installation of the corner reflector. The afternoon EVA was to collect geological samples and test the experimental EVA support system for future lunar and martian missions.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA request #16 #17, EVA Report #14 #15, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Pictures of the Day.

Support Requested: none

Operations Report – February 10th

Crew 310 Operations Report 10-02-2025
SOL: 8
Name of person filing report: Helena Arias
Non-nominal systems:
Robotic Observatory
Hab secondary structure
Notes on non-nominal systems: Maintenance of the observatory planned for June. There are air leaks in the upper deck of the Hab. Some scratches were covered with duct tape and bubble wrap. Opportunity’s tire is already filled with air and under observation.

Spirit rover used: yes
Hours: 265.4
Beginning charge: 100 %
Ending charge: 85 %
Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: no
Hours –
Beginning charge: –
Ending charge: –
Currently charging: yes

Curiosity rover used: no
Hours: –
Beginning charge: –
Ending charge: –
Currently charging: yes

Perseverance rover used: no
Hours: 304.2
Beginning charge: 100 %
Ending charge: 73 %
Currently charging: yes

General notes on rovers: last check made on SOL 8 (8:00 PM).
Summary of Hab operations: Sport, meals, EVA preparation, computer-based research and 3d printing activities have been made as usual.
Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)
Time of measurements (collect data for the same time window): 7:00 pm
1) Per formula (see notes): 24.506 gal.
2) Smart Home Dashboard (see notes): 30.32 gal.
Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 321.275 296.769 gal.
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (on or off): On
Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): Yes
Summary of internet: used from 7:00 am to 8:00 am and from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm for personal communication and reports.
Summary of suits and radios:
Suits: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9
Radios: nominal
All radio and spacesuit batteries checked before EVA: Yes. All nominal.
Summary of GreenHab operations: plants were watered twice (morning and evening) and some plants were harvested.
WATER USE: 11 gallons
Heater (On or Off): On
Supplemental light (hours of operation): 5h
Harvest (name, weight in grams):
35 g Chinese radish
41 g radish
Summary of Science Dome operations: Marina Martínez and Jennifer García has been working on her experiments.
Dual split: Off
Summary of RAM operations: the reflector box has been removed from the RAM.
Summary of any observatory issues:
Robotic observatory: Not working. Maintenance planned for June.
Summary of health and safety issues: none
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: none

Journalist Report – February 10th

Crew 310 Journalist Report 10Feb2025
Author: Jennifer García Carrizo, Crew Journalist
The crew woke up after a great birthday celebration of one of the crew members. They ate space cake, a fantastic pizza, and danced while enjoying a piñata. They started the day with some exercise before breakfast, and were enthusiastic about another exciting day of exploration.
Monica Roca i Aparici and Helena Arias embarked on an early morning EVA to move the antenna of the corner reflector to its final position that Hypatia II hasbeen setting up behind the MDRS station. Now it is finally finished!
Meanwhile, crew geologist Marina Martínez has been working hard all day in the Science Dome, analyzing samples from past EVAs. She is using two instruments that give chemical compositions of the collected samples: the VANTA Max, a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer provided by Evident Scientific, which today was fixed in a workstation in the lab, and the Spectroscout, a portable energy-dispersive XRF spectrometer provided by SPECTRO.
At the same time, Ariadna Farrés, Estel Blay, and Anna Bach took advantage of the station’s solar telescope to observe the Sun, while Jennifer García Carrizo continued her work on sustainability. Today she focused on what astronauts eat and how they dress in space. While clothing might not seem directly related to sustainability, raising awareness is crucial—after all, the textile industry is one of the most polluting on Earth.
To support this mission, Hypatia II has collaborated with the Spanish brand Sepiia, which has provided the crew with innovative clothing—t-shirts and pants that repel dirt, odors, and stains, and best of all, they don’t need ironing! A major advantage on a mission like this, where, of course, there is no washing machine.
Let’s continue the Hypatia II adventure, filled with science, discovery, and forward-thinking solutions for a sustainable future!

EVA Report – February 10th

Crew 310 EVA Report 10-02-2025

EVA # 14

Author: Mònica Roca (Mission Specialist)

Purpose of EVA: Installing the last bar in the Corner Reflector structure that will hold the antenna in its final configuration. Moving the antenna to its final configuration. Fixing to the ground the coaxial cable from the antenna to the received located inside the HAB, with pegs.

Start time: 09:30

End time: 12:30

We exited the base through the RAM airlock and walked slowly uphill to the concrete patch, with the last bar and the tools needed. We also took the drone with us and took some images and videos of the Corner Reflector installation. We proceeded to the CR and installed the last of the bars. Then, we moved the antenna to its final configuration, using the three mounted bars that hold the stick with the antenna on top. We attached the stick to the bars and levelled the antenna and stick. After some adjustments, the installation worked perfectly. Finally we fixed the coaxial cable to the ground with pegs.

With this EVA we have completed the Corner Reflector installation. We are correctly receiving data fro the GNSS antenna, and the first satellite pass from Sentinel-3B will be on the 14th of February at 17:51:40 UTC and Sentinel-3A on the 17Feb at 04:56:16 UTC.

Destination:20 meters NW the HAB

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 5185000 E, 4251700 N

Participants: 3: Mònica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist) (EVA Leader), Helena Arias (Engineer), and Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:

Walk up the little hill behind the HAB (20 meters NW).

Mode of travel: Only walk.

Sol Summary – February 12th

Crew 310 Sol Summary Report 12-02-2025

Sol: 10

Summary Title: Phobos rises on Mars

Author’s name: Ariadna Farres, Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

The morning started with an Early EVA, to take advantage of the morning light to film the martian landscape for the documentary. Marta Ferrer (Filmmaker), Monica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist), Helena Arias (Engineer) and Anna Bach (Resident Artist) took the rovers and went towards the area close to North Ridge to fly the drones and film some of the landscape. The crew had a hard time finding the right spot to start the filming, and several conversations between the EVA team, the Base team and mission support took place to ensure the success of the EVA and stay with the plan.

Ariadna Farrés (commander) stayed in the base and managed to observe the Sun. Estel Blay (Health and Safety Officer) continued to monitor the effects of different coatings of the solar panels. Mariana Martinez continued to analyze geological samples and Jennifer Garcia (Journalist) filmed the crew in different areas inside the base for her Hypatia’s Odyssey project.

The afternoon EVA was conducted by Estel Blay and Ariadna Farres around Roberts Garden. This was a calm EVA, where they tested the experimental EVA support system. Inside the base, Jennifer Garcia kept filming the crew in different situations inside the base, and explaining the crew’s sustainable practices. Anna Bach, worked on her children’s book, while Helena Arias was fixing one of the 3D printed solar panel configurations for Estel’s Blay project. Marian Martinez kept analysing geological samples. Monica Roca i Aparici flew the drone from the Musk observatory to scan the exterior of the MDRS base.

Around 6:30pm the crew gathered together around the Must Observatory to admire the full moon. This was a nice moment to finish the day before starting to work on our daily reports.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew is looking forward to finishing most of the filming inside and outside of the base.

Anomalies in work: LilyGo #8 has not refreshed since 9:45am

Weather: Sunny, Temperature 19 F / 35 F

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Crew 310 conducted two EVAs. Morning EVA’s goal was to film the crew on an EVA for the documentary Marta Ferrer is working on. Afternoon EVA’s goal was to test the experimental EVA support system.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA request #20 #21, EVA Report #18 #19, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Pictures of the Day.

Support Requested: none

Astronomy Report – February 12th



Crew 310 Astronomy Report 12-02-2025
Name: Helena Arias Casals
Crew: 310
Date: 12-02-2025
Robotic Telescope Used: RCOS-16
Objects to be Imaged this Evening: Any from the list (depending on the visibility)
Christmas Tree Cluster
Rosette Nebula
Thor’s Helmet
Albino Butterfly Nebula
Monkey Head Nebula
Wizard Nebula
Letter Y Cluster
Skull and Crossbones Nebula
Blinking Planetary Nebula
Cat’s Eye Nebula
Cigar Galaxy (M82)
Images submitted with this report: none (could not observe, it was cloudy)
Problems Encountered: none
Solar Features Observed: total number of sunspots 6, with no big groups.
Images submitted with this report: none (they are being processed)
Problems Encountered: none

EVA Report – February 12th

Crew 310 EVA Report 12-02-2025

EVA #18

Author: Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker)
Purpose of EVA:
Take images in different locations with a drone and a camera of the EVA crew exploring, as well as landscapes, for the documentary film (Marta Ferrer).
Map the North Ridge region with the drone for the drone mapping project (Mònica Roca).
Start time: 08:50
End time: 12:30
We left the base through the airlock and took the rovers to drive north on Cow Dung Road 0110, up to North Ridge, looking for a nice place to take images and videos for the documentary. Looking at the landscape, we went past the North Ridge when the Main Hab contacted us to warn us we were passed the North Ridge. Then, we turned around and went back, parked at the junction with Galileo Road 1104, and asked for permission to drive slightly souther, between Gateway to Candor road and Pooh’s Corner. We got permission to stop the rovers at the junction with Gateway to Candor road. We parked the rovers there and walked a couple of hundred meters south. Once we reached this point, we stayed there for some time to take images and videos. Later we took the rovers again and continued driving south to the junction with the MDRS. We stopped there and continued taking some videos. Finally, we took the rovers and drove back to MDRS.
1st stop: Stopped at Cow Dung road 0110 and Galileo Road intersection.
2nd stop: Parked at Cow Dung road 0110 and Gateway to Candor road intersection and then walked south a few hundreds meters.
3rd stop: Parked at Cow Dung road 0110 with the entrance to the MDRS.
Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 4252200 N 519000 E, 4251700 N 519000 E, 4251500 N 518800 E, 4250750 N 518300 E.
EVA Participants: Marta Ferrer (Documentary filmmaker), Anna Bach (Executive officer & Artist), Mònica Roca (Mission Specialist) and Helena Arias (Crew Engineer).
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: We drove up and down the Cow Dung Road 0110.
Mode of travel: Driving and Walking.
Vehicles used (If applicable): Spirit (Marta Ferrer and Mònica Roca), Opportunity (Anna Bach and Helena Arias).

Journalist Report – February 12th

Crew 310 Journalist Report 12Feb2025
Author: Jennifer García Carrizo, Crew Journalist
The crew of Hypatia II started a new Sol at the MDRS with great excitement! While part of the crew headed out for an EVA to film the Martian landscape with a drone, journalist Jennifer García Carrizo and Commander Ariadna Farrès remained at the station. They discussed sustainable water-saving practices at the MDRS’s. For instance, how to wash dishes, clean the surfaces, and shower effectively to consume as less water as possible. It is key to turn off the faucets when not in use, use minimum water flow, and only shower when necessary—no more than once every three days.
At lunchtime, Marina Martínez explained the female cyclicity with its different phases to the crew, having a moment of connection. After that, the crew returned to their tasks. They are near the end of the mission and need to focus on documenting all the experiments and results.
However, the most magical and unforgettable moment of the day was when the whole crew gathered together to watch the full moon rise from the Musk observatory. This was a perfect moment to step away from their work at the MDRS and truly connect as a crew.