Journalist Report – January 17th

Crew 187 Journalist Report – 17JAN2018


[Sol 05]

[Apollo 18]

Have you ever imagined that millions of kilometers away from Earth on a desert planet within a small research station where seven people live coincidentally one of them would celebrate 24 laps to the Sun? It’s possible.

Today there was no exercise routine but instead there was singing, congratulations and hugs combined with a good dose of milk with coffee and dehydrated egg with canned ham. The birthday girl thanks her flower, chocolates and Martian passport to her new family.

Since the morning, the entire crew has worked in their personal research projects and to carrying out a series of cognitive tests that apparently have caused momentary frustration in some people in the crew. To remember sequences of figures of lions, flowers and umbrellas is difficult, although after all we are already on Mars.

In the greenhab the work doesn´t stop and the dirty suit full of dust of our officer knows it, who by the way also has found in the Porg a new friend who accompanies him to take care of the plants. There we have noticed that beans are appearing and that in one of the plants have started to grow three small tomatoes, so, hopefully, future crews can prepare a good tomato puree.

And speaking of tomato puree and how functional it could be in the habitat, the 187 crew has an answer: a lot. We came to this conclusion after experiencing another of the culinary wonders of the best chef on Mars, our crew scientist who prepared a delicious western dish – very common in fast food restaurants in Hanksville, a small town near some place that simulate our new planet-better known as hamburgers. They have literally been the most spectacular homemade hamburgers prepared with powdered meat and dehydrated cheese that may exist in the universe.

The night is upon us and what remains of the sol will be used in eating a birthday pizza and watch the classic movie October Sky to remember that even in the least expected place at the least planned time there are dreams and goals of young people who look for answers in the sky. And here we are.

LATAM II will continue to inform.

Tania Robles, MDRS Crew 187 Journalist

Astronomy Report – January 17th

Name: Cynthia Fuertes Panizo

Crew: 187

Date: 17JAN2018

Sky Conditions: N/A

Wind Conditions: N/A

Observation Start Time: N/A

Observation End Time: N/A


· This report is to inform a little anomaly found yesterday in the Musk observatory. There is a finger on the glass of the telescope (picture 1).

· The photo of the power supply of Astronomer laptop is attached (picture 2).

Objects Viewed: N/A

Problems Encountered:N/A

Operations Report – January 17th

Operations Report

Subject Line: Crew 187 Operations Report 17JAN2018

Crew 187 Operations Report 17012018

SOL: 05

Name of person filing report: L. Diaz

Non-nominal systems: None

Notes on non-nominal systems: Generator system limping along with a now-nominal routine.

Generator (hours run): 12h 00min

Generator turned off, charging battery at 8:30

Generator turned on at 20:40

Solar— SOC

@ 8:37: 52%

@ 19:30: 96%

Diesel: 50%

Propane: 99%

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV): 4.75 Gallons

Water (trailer): 125 Gallons

Water (static): 260 Gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used: No

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used: Yes

Water Meter: 01297674 Gallons

Toilet tank emptied: No

ATVs Used: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: – Gallons

# Hours the ATVs were used today: –

Notes on ATVs: ATVs were nominal.

Deimos rover used: No

Hours: –

Beginning charge: –

Ending charge:

Currently charging: No

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director only.

Hours: Director discretional hours

Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Maybe

Spirit rover used: No

Hours: –

Beginning charge: -%

Ending charge:

Currently charging: No

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: –

Beginning charge: -%

Ending charge:

Currently charging: No

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: –

Beginning charge: –

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: None

Summary of internet: All nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All nominal

Summary of Hab operations: All nominal

Summary of GreenHab operations: All nominal

Summary of ScienceDome operations: All nominal

Summary of RAM operations: Not Operational

Summary of health and safety issues: All nominal

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Operations Report – January 18th

Operations Report

Subject Line: Crew 187 Operations Report 18JAN2018

Crew 187 Operations Report 18012018

SOL: 06

Name of person filing report: L. Diaz

Non-nominal systems: None

Notes on non-nominal systems: Generator system limping along with a now-nominal routine.

Generator (hours run): 11h 20min

Generator turned off, charging battery at 8:02

Generator turned on at 18:09

Solar— SOC

@ 08:36: 38%

@ 17:03: 79%

Diesel: 50%

Propane: 98%

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV): 4.75 Gallons

Water (trailer): 125 Gallons

Water (static): 230 Gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used: No

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used: Yes

Water Meter: 01298392 Gallons

Toilet tank emptied: No

ATVs Used: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: – Gallons

# Hours the ATVs were used today: –

Notes on ATVs: ATVs were nominal.

Deimos rover used: Yes

Hours: 101.8 h

Beginning charge: Yes

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: Yes

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director only.

Hours: Director discretional hours

Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Maybe

Spirit rover used: No

Hours: –

Beginning charge: -%

Ending charge:

Currently charging: No

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: -x

Beginning charge: -%

Ending charge:

Currently charging: No

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 39h

Beginning charge: Yes

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: Yesterday I made a typo in the water meter. Please change it for: 01297674 Gallons. Tomorrow I’m going to check the statistics remaining from the another vehicles to fill the Operations Report, I don’t have the actual statistics due the second day of training (SOL 2) the crew used the other vehicles that we don’t have used again until now.

Summary of internet: All nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All nominal

Summary of Hab operations: All nominal

Summary of GreenHab operations: All nominal

Summary of ScienceDome operations: All nominal

Summary of RAM operations: The cage of the Curiosity rover has been stored inside the RAM.

Summary of health and safety issues: All nominal

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: I would like to know how to perform the measurement approaches of propane, which does not have a measurement indicator, and diesel whose indicator is broken. I have been doing this by estimation.

Greenhab Report – January 18th

GreenHab Report

Hernán David Mateus Jiménez


Environmental control:

Ambient with door opening


Shade cloth on

Working Hour: 17:50
Inside temp at working hour: 17° C
Outside temp during working hours: 1° C
Inside temperature high: 26° C
Inside temperature low: 13° C
Inside humidity: 93 %RH

Inside humidity high: 94 %RH
Inside humidity low: 21 %RH

Hours of supplemental light:

For the crops 05:00 to 11:59 PM

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 8 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 17:50

Changes to research plants: none

Aquaponics: Atila is assembling

Narrative: Today, we have received good comments because the changes of the greenhab and the general conditions of it. Also we have received a heavy-duty tarp to be put under the celling and protect the plants that are exposed to the radiation.

The greenhab is becoming a place where the crew member search more inspiration or, at least, to see the green that makes them to remember the Earth. Now the greenhab is visited more often

The lysimeter is working and I am doing a test.

Sol Summary – January 18th

Crew 187 Sol 6 Summary Report 18JAN2018

Sol 6

Summary Title: The eye of tiger

Author’s name: Cynthia Fuertes Panizo

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Is there someone in Earth?

All crew woke up early to do relaxing exercises led by Luis. Then, one by one took the psychological test for Danton’s project while Danton was the Martian chef of the day! he cooked us a delicious combination of Salmon with a salad made of potatoes, cheese and Broccoli. We ate together before our first long EVA take place. The donning’s time started at 13:16, and after 5 minutes of depressurization, the real adventure began! The group already knew each other, it was their second EVA together, this astounding group were formed by Oscar, Danton, Atila and I. We went to unnamed canyon using two rovers (Curiosity and Deimos). A lot of Martian and Terrestrial things happened. Since the moment we arrived, we could feel the magic of the place. We were walking finding deer’s footprints, after 20 minutes we couldn’t believe what we see, we found fresh mountain lion’s footprints, something that reminded us that we are terrestrial. Everyone’s safety is the number one priority, that’s why we stood up in that moment and decided to fly the drone to see if there will be any chance of danger. Fortunately, the drone doesn’t get anything that goes against our safety. In the way back to the rovers, we couldn’t stop to appreciate the saline deposits. As a crew 187, we named this wonderful place as El Dorado Canyon, because El Dorado was an ancient legend about a city full of gold that challenged every explorer who dared to look for it. For us to call it that reflects the curiosity that awoke in us as new explorers of Mars and the desire to leave in there a Latin American mark.

In the moment we arrive to the Hab, Oscar had to get into the airlock because the battery of his space suit was drained and it can represent a potential problem. Danton, Atila and I kept working outside, for 15 minutes more, in the RAM and taking some pictures and videos using a drone.

After this amazing experience, we were so happy to see that the rest of the crew cooked for us, we ate a second lunch together and then everybody started to work in their reports and projects.

This day was a long productive day…Mars, here we are!

Look Ahead Plan:

Danton and I will do a short EVA to make a map of the MDRS.

Anomalies in work:


Weather: Temperature: 3°C, Fair weather, Winds speed: calm, Humidity 38%, Barometer 30.20 in

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, GeenHab Report, Operations Report, EVA Request, EVA Report, and Journalist Report.

Support Requested:

· We found an uncrewed rover in the RAM and we want to know if we can use it because it will be useful for the project of several members of our crew.

EVA Report – January 18th

Purpose of EVA: Aerial mapping of terrain, testing of mid-range EVA protocols, and mid-range operation test of Cóndor Space Suit Simulator.

Participants: Atila, Cynthia, Danton, and Oscar

Narrative: Today we had a successful and interesting EVA, attaining all the main goals, as well as a secondary goal. The crew left the airlock at 13:15. It was the first of an intended set of mid to long range of explorations in the area of MDRS. The crew donned the suits, consisting on 3 Exo suits and the Cóndor Space Suit Simulator. The target area was a canyon located south east from the habitat, which has not been much explored. Given the fact that this canyon has not been named, crew 187 decided to propose for it the name of El Dorado Canyon. A crew of 4 departed in two Rovers, Curiosity and Deimos, going south from the habitat through Cow Dung Road. After a traverse of approximately 15 minutes, passing Robert’s Rock Garden, the crew parked the vehicles and started walking east towards the entrance of the canyon. After traversing a rocky but flat terrain, the crew arrived at the southern edge of the zone, entering the dry riverbed by a small slope, which was found by following prints of a herbivore animal. Upon arrival, the crew started walking East, following the riverbed, quickly finding several elements of interest for future exploration, such as dry salt deposits, which could harbor extremophile microorganisms, frozen ponds, and sedimentary and clastic geological structures. These structures were present during all the traverse, being even more relevant towards the deepest segments. When the crew had made a walk of about 20 minutes from the ridge, a small pond was found, and the observation was made that it was probable to find wild animals around, which was confirmed by finding several prints of was probably a pack of herbivores, also a carnivore feline print was found, which we assume, belonged to a Mountain Lion. The print was presumably fresh, of at most hours, which made the crew to decide to stop the walking exploration, send the drone a few hundred meters ahead, and proceed to return, following the same path. A few samples of rocks with salt deposits were recovered and stored. Unfortunately, upon landing, the drone’s camera mount engine was locked, and the issue is being assessed by Danton. At the arrival to the ridge, the crew started walking West, to find the main road and the Rovers to head back to the habitat. During this walk a coral fossil was found and retrieved. The crew arrived to the Rovers and headed back to the MDRS campus. Upon arrival the Cóndor Space Suit proceeded to the airlock, due to the fact that the battery was drained, and it could represent a hazard to operations. The rest of the crew made a short excursion inside the RAM module to inspect the contents related to the HSO, as well as to store the cage for the Curiosity rover. The EVA ended at 15:55.

We also noticed that the coordinates given by the map do not match the ones provided by the GPS equipment available in the lab, we’d like to further explore this issue.

No incident or anomaly was sustained during the EVA.

Oscar Ojeda – EVA Officer

Operations Report – January 16th

Operations Report

Subject Line: Crew 187 Operations Report 16JAN2018

Crew 186 Operations Report 16012018

SOL: 04

Name of person filing report: L. Diaz

Non-nominal systems: None

Notes on non-nominal systems: Generator system limping along with a now-nominal routine.

Generator (hours run): 13h 30min

Generator turned off, charging battery at 9:30

Generator turned on at 20:40

Solar— SOC

@ 8:03am: 52%

@ 5:30pm: 96%

Diesel: 50%

Propane: 100%

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV): 4.75 Gallons

Water (trailer): 125 Gallons

Water (static): 300 Gallons

General notes and comments: Today we got a refill of propane. Water heater was fixed and it is working now. Also, none of the vehicles were used.

GreenHab Report – January 17th

GreenHab Report

Hernán David Mateus Jiménez


Environmental control:

Ambient with door opening


Shade cloth on

Working Hour: 6:05
Inside temp at working hour: 16° C
Outside temp during working hours: 0° C
Inside temperature high: 25° C
Inside temperature low: 15° C
Inside humidity: 86 %RH

Inside humidity high: 86 %RH
Inside humidity low: 20 %RH

Hours of supplemental light:

For the crops 05:00 to 11:59 PM

Changes to crops: We start to see that some tomatoes start to emerge

Daily water usage for crops: 8 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 40 min

Changes to research plants: Are growing

Aquaponics: Atila has begun the assembly

Narrative: Today the Greenhab have had some changes, because it was necessary more space for aquaponics and the region 7 was exactly under the heater and in front the fan, so the leaves of the tallest plants were burned, so we decided to change the positions of some crops, the storm tanker and the desk.

The lysimeter is working and today I was working in calibration. Atila start the assembly of aquaponics and is almost finished.