Journalist Report – January 30th

30th January, 2019.
Sol 2:

Good Morning from Mars!

The Morning had never been so fascinating when you get an opportunity to observe a completely new horizon from a tiny window. It looks like the sun has spread his arms to hug the mountains and the mountains blush and become red! This is the Crew Journalist and Health and Safety Officer(HSO) Sonal Baberwal reporting live from the lower deck of the habitat observing the beauty of nature.

Preparing and serving powdered food in breakfast, are we really on Mars or on the preparation to be on Mars? What do you think does the powdered food taste like? Well, let me tell you there is an advancement. From the time where there was no flavour in the paste food served to astronauts till the time powdered food had got a great taste.

By the way, did I mention about preparation? Yes, we are preparing for bringing new life here on Mars. The tiny seeds are getting prepared for germination and see the Martian world around them. Looking forward to seeing the GreenHab officer and the crew trying some experiments with the soil in hope for the leaves of the plant to rise over this soil.

And the most awaiting moment comes here. The very first EVA experience, the very first experience to wear the spacesuit. I feel the words are becoming less to describe the emotions of having this experience and getting dressed. It feels more exciting than a bride getting dressed for her wedding!

We had 2 EVAs. Wait a minute, we had only one EVA planned, so where did a sudden EVA come from? Don’t you think it’s like a fairytale that you have been invited for an EVA on a special authorization by Mission Support for a special guest and photographer Mr. Jad Davenport. The first one was performed by Kunal (Space Bot) and Avishek (carbon flight) to an opportunity to participate in the photography session. This was followed by the EVA by Patil (cosmos) and Sonal (Mars bag) to collect soil samples.

The day went busy but awesome and with a lot of exciting activities. Looking forward to the new day with new hope! Stay connected with the Crew204 and we invite you to be the part of the mission towards the destination!

Sonal Baberwal, Crew 204 Journalist

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