Sol Summary – March 1st

Crew 206 March 1st 2019
Sol 5

Summary Title : Debating Day

Author : Jeremy Auclair

Mission Status : All nominal

Sol Activity Summary : Waking up was harder this morning, we all felt
quite tired. Muscle aches have gone but sport was hard nonetheless.
Benjamin, Cerise and Gaspard went by foot on top of the Hab ridge for
their EVA. They loved the view and did a wonderfull EVA, but they were
kind of hot around 10:00 am. Aurélien, Norbert and I worked on various
projects in the Hab. Norbert worked in the GreenHab, Aurélien prepared
some lunch while I tried to fix some issues with the TELEOP experiment.
There’s some improvement, but it’s not yet done. We ate a light lunch,
and after that we talked for a while. We are all feeling some effects of
isolation and confinement, but we are doing fine. Some of us took a nap
during the afternoon while others worked on their experiment. Aurélien
prepared some bread for diner, it looks great. As the sun sets we are
more and more tired, tonight will be a long night for most of us.

Look ahead plan : Tomorrow morning 4 of the crew will go on an EVA to
test the simulated space suit, they are impatient. In the afternoon I
will try to make TELEOP work, and tomorrow night will be movie night
before the rest day.

Anomalies in work : None

Weather : Sunny in the morning, partly cloudy in the afternoon, wind
increased after 04:00 pm.

Crew physical status : Fine

EVA : Hab Ridge

Reports to be filed : GreenHab, Journalist, Operation, EVA Report, EVA
Request, Astronomy

Support Requested : Lunar calendar (we want to take night time picture
of the sky)

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