Crew 206 Green Hab Report – 03-MAR-2019
GreenHab Officer: Norbert Pouzin
Environmental control: Heating and Cooling w/ ambient air (3 hrs)
Shade Cloth (40%)
Average temperatures:
Low: 19.0°C
High: 28.8°C
Hours of supplemental light: 0 Hours
Daily water usage for crops: 3.2 gallons
Water in Blue Tank: 254.2 gallons
Crops watered at 0900 hours (1.05 gallons) and 1800 hours (2.15 gallons):
1) 09.00 AM 24.9° C / 29 %
2) 12.30 AM 26.4° C / 26 %
3) 16:00 PM 22.3° C / 33 %
4) 18:00 PM 23.7° C / 36 %
Changes to crops: None.
Narrative: Today was a rest day, so we didn’t work on the greenhab. We only harvested some herbs for our delicious meals.
Harvest: 8 g of basil and 2 g of parsley.
Support/supplies needed: None.