Sol: 7
Summary Title: Godspeed, little taters! (in sim)
Author’s name: Julielynn Wong
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Last PM, Crew 208 used our bike-charged battery to power our 3D printer to use biodegradable, food-safe plastic to make a customized mallet finger splint design that was originally printed on the ISS.
Today, Crew 208 continued 3D printing in the Hab, including making a wonderful 3D printed drone map of MDRS prepared by GHO!
ENG + HSO observed many fossil specimens during their walking EVA this AM.
Crew ENG + HSO each exercised for 1 hour to generate power for our bike-powered 3D printing study.
Crew 208 broke sim this PM to charge our electric vehicle for the return journey home.
Look Ahead Plan: Continue 3D printing in Hab and data collection for the bike-powered and thoracentesis studies this PM.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny with winds
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: #6 – walking; #7 – Opportunity + Curiousity rovers
Reports to be filed: Operations, Greenhab, Journalist, EVA Report
Support Requested: None