Crew 212 Sol 6 Summary Report 10-MAY-2019
Sol: 6
Summary Title: Finally, some nice sky
Author’s name: Marlen Castillo Vilcahuaman
Mission Status: A-ok
Sol Activity Summary: For today, we had an EVA in the afternoon. We decided to experiment with some new recipes in the kitchen. We’re glad there’s some sun after some cloudy days.
Look Ahead Plan: An EVA for exploring around the hab some other plant sites.
Anomalies in work: Today, we found that there were 2 missing parts from the Rovers (see Operations Report). This was communicated by the Director. One part was found. The director is currently searching for the other one.
Weather: Sun is shining up.
Crew Physical Status: OK
EVA: 1
Reports to be file: Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Daily Photo Report, EVA Request, Space Suit Report, EVA Report, Astronomy Report
Support Requested: We have 1 bag of burnable trash and 1 bag of non-burnable trash.