Sol Summary – Nov 9th

[title Sol Summary – November 9th]

[category sol-summary]

Summary Title: New Crew Arrives
Author’s name: Guy Murphy
Mission Status: Simulation mode ended first light this morning.
Sol Activity Summary: Two of the crew members travelled to Grand Junction this morning to collect the new crew. After stopping at Hanksville for lunch, the four new crew members Steve Whitfield, Jennifer Lane, Shane Usher and Larissa Wilson arrived at the MDRS at around 3pm. The remainder of the afternoon was spent settling them into the campus. In the evening, the crew put on a special dinner for the new crew, Shannon, Atila and David.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow Sandy Dance and Dianne McGrath will depart the station and orientation of the new crew will occur in preparation for commencing the full simulation on Monday morning.
Anomalies in work: –
Weather: Another sunny, clear day on Mars
Crew Physical Status: Crew in excellent health.
EVA: None undertaken
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report.
Support Requested: None

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