Crew 215 Sol Summary Report 11-NOV-2019
Sol: 1
Summary Title: Operational
Author’s name: Andrew Wheeler
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary: First sol on Mars saw us hitting the ground running. After a morning brief, we headed south of the hab in search of locations for setting up a sampling grid for micrometeorites and a source of hydrated minerals. No locations for hydrated minerals were identified, however two sites MM5 (518462E 4248949N) and MM6
(519990E 4248036N) for a sampling grid were identified and a grid established at MM5.
This being Remembrance or Armistice Day, activity was interrupted at 1100 with one minute’s silence for the fallen. Lest We Forget. Back at the Hab, the afternoon was spent preparing for fully deploying the sampling grid, troubleshooting space suits and preliminary monitoring of psycho/social stressors in isolated environments. A curry dinner followed by fruit salad rounded out our day.
Look Ahead Plan: Science EVA to MM5 site to set out of the micrometeorite sampling
grid. Monitoring of psycho/social stressors.
Anomalies in work: N/A
Weather: Marginally below freezing overnight, slight breeze, clear skies.
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: Reconnaissance EVA. See EVA report
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Operations Report, Science Report, GreenHab Report, EVA Request, EVA Report, Journalist Report, Daily Photos.
Support Requested: See Operations Report