EVA Report – November 14th

Crew 215 EVA Report 14-Nov-2019
EVA # 05
Author: Jennifer Lane
Purpose of EVA: Continuing with our sweep for micrometeorites.
Start time: 0915
End time: 1145
Narrative: Returning to Micrometeorite site 5 (MM5), todays crew managed to sweep 30 of
our pre-created grid squares (30m2) for micrometeorites using the magnet on a stick
method. These samples are all bagged and labelled and will later be analyzed to
determine if any of the magnetic particles picked up, are in fact micrometeorites.
Destination: South on Cow Dung Road to the Micrometeorite site, and then back on Cow
Dung Road North to return to the hab.
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518473E 4248960N
Participants: Guy Murphy, Steve Whitfield and Larissa Wilson
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: South on Cow Dung Road and then on foot 75m to the
Mode of travel: Spirit Rover and Curiosity Rover

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