Operations Report – January 14th


 Operations Report

Crew 219 Operations Report 14-JAN-2020

Sol: 9

Name of person filing report: Alejandro Perez

Non-nominal systems: N/A

Generator: Run

Hours run: 13

From what time last night: 18:00

To what time this morning: 07:00

List of any additional daytime hours when the generator was run: N/A

Solar- SOC% (Before the generator is run at night): 81%

08:30 = 97%; 09:30 = 99%; 10:45 = 95%; 12:15 = 92%; 13:15 = 87%; 14:15
= 86%; 15:15 = 82%; 16:15 = 81%; 17:50 = 100%

Diesel Reading - 60%

Station Propane Reading- 38%

Ethanol Free Gasoline- N/A

Water (loft tank) (gal) – 50

Water Meter (units)- 0147688,7

Water (static tank) (gal) – 350

Static to loft Pump used –Yes

Water in Green Hab (gal): 161.21

Water in Science Dome (gal): 0

Toilet Tank Emptied –Yes

Diemos rover used: Still in the Work shop


Beginning Charge:

End Charge:

Currently Charging:

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to Director


Beginning Charge:

End Charge:

Currently Charging:

Spirit Rover used- Yes

Starting Hours: 125.4

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Hours: 125.6

Ending Charge: 66%

Opportunity Rover used: Still in workshop


Beginning Charge:

Ending Charge:

Currently Charging:

Curiosity Rover used: Yes

Starting Hours: 131.3

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Hours: 131.6

Ending Charge: 72%

Notes on Rovers: Opportunity and Deimos off-site for maintenance.

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3): No

Reason for use:

Oil Added? No

# hours the ATV’s were used today:

Notes on ATVs:

Habcar used and why, where?

CrewCar used and why, where? In the shop.

General Notes and Comments:

Summary of the internet: Nominal

Summary of Suit and Radios: Checked all suits for battery performance.
All one-piece suit batteries have higher voltage than the replacement
from the RAM.

Summary of Hab: Nominal

Summary of Science Dome operations: Temperature averaging 8°C during
the day and 0°C at night.

Summary of Ram operations: Roof was leaking today.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal

Summary of Health and safety issues: Nominal

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: 
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