EVA Report – January 28th


Crew 220 (MAU) EVA Report 28JAN2020


Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Geological EVA

Start time: 1030

End time: 1330

Narrative: The morning was spent on preparing for the Geological EVA by getting lectures on geological soil sampling and analysis at the MDRS station by MDRS Science Officer and expert Morgan Kainu. Afterwards the crew members from both MAU Station and MDRS Station went on a joint geological EVA.

Crew members used the rovers Spirit and Curiosity south on the Cow Dung Road 0110 to the first planned geological site by the Kissing Camel Ridge W. Crew member Morgan Kainu led the search for good sample-sites in the area. After walking along the ridge two samples were collected from different sites along the same area. Both samples collected just North of the Kissing Camel Ridge W along Cow Dung Road 0110.

The Geological EVA then ventured back to the rovers and drove North on Cow Dung Road to North Ridge. The crew members walked West, where samples were taken from something that resembled an ancient Martian stream. Excited to have found traces of water, the crew members went further to investigate, and a total of three samples were collected from the area around the lower parts of the Eastern part of North Ridge.

The Geological EVA was a success and when coming back to the Hab the crew members were very eager to further analyze the soil samples with the guidance by MDRS Science Officer Morgan Kainu.

Destination: MDRS Station and proximity.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4249500, 518000 (Kissing Camel Ridge W) and 4251500, 518500 (North Ridge).

Participants: HabComm: Connie (MDRS). EVA Crew: Shawna, Morgan Kainu, Matt, and Johannes.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Curiosity and by foot.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

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