Crew 220 (MAU) Sol 11 Summary 30Jan2020
Summary Title: Hey Sol Sistah!
Author’s name: Shawna Pandya, Commander
Mission Status: aMAUzing
Sol Activity Summary: As our Mission winds down, we are working together to coordinate the final touches on our projects, studies, technology demonstrations and academic activities. The morning at MAU started with a team breakfast as we hosted our second-ever MDRS ambassador, MDRS GreenHab Officer Bhuiyan, whose presence delighted us all, and who herself seemed to enjoy the visit. Next, the MAU and MDRS teams united to conduct a joint search-and-rescue, triage and evacuation exercise that tested the skills the two crews had learned this mission. The day continued with expert-led knowledge transfers and demonstrations as various crew members led demonstrations of virtual reality, ultrasound and medical technologies. The evening will end with some medical teaching regarding airway management, as well as arts and wellness actvitities, including a Mars Circle.
Look Ahead Plan: As our Mission winds down, we will be filling the final Sol with one last advanced medical drill involving search-and-rescue, triage and evacuation, and some final wellness, arts and teaching activities.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: -6C low / 5C max, 0C average.
Crew Physical Status: MAU-velous, dahling
EVA: Successful search-and-rescue, medical triage and evacuation mission accomplished today.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary
Commander’s Report
Photo Report
Operations Report
EVA Report
EVA Request: Pending.
Support Requested: Can you please bottle some of the Mars magic for us to take back to Earth?