Crew 221 GreenHab Report 13FEB2020
GreenHab Officer: Jessica Todd
Environmental control: Heating. GreenHab door shade cloth (40%) (30%) on. The door opened today from 10:14 pm to 2:22 pm.
Average temperatures: 18°C
Hours of supplemental light: 19:30 to 00:00
Daily water usage for crops: 16.51 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0.52 gallon
Water in Blue Tank: 152.3 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 2
Changes to crops: I repotted the avocado into a larger pot with fresh soil and perlite and removed the prickly weed. Didn’t water the narcissus, so the pots can dry out.
Narrative: Today was a garden maintenance day. I repotted the avocado (which is doing surprisingly well!) into a much larger pot and removed the horrid prickly weed that was growing around it. I added some perlite to a few of the newly potted plants and tidied up the radish and carrot beds. Fresh carrots for dinner, yum!
More news on the Martian corn, it’s now growing out of all but 1 Martian pot (apparently Martian clay isn’t ideal for corn growing), even a little resilient sprout out of clay mixed with earth soil.
Our mungbeans are trying to sprout, but I don’t think the Martian climate is agreeing with them. We also harvested some of the older greens, in preparation for working on those plant beds tomorrow.
Harvest: 26g Chard, 7g Rocket, 8g Spinach, 42g Carrots, 12g Lettuce.
Support/supplies needed: NA
Other Notes: Can I clarify; the tap I can use is the big antique looking one at the tunnel entrance to the GreenHab with the big orange tape that says “do not use”? Also, Shannon, you would like me to pick all the plants in the two-tier grey pot by the door (i.e. the chard, spinach and rocket on the top, and the sprouting spinach on the bottom) or just the top pot?