Crew 221 GreenHab Report 15FEB2020
GreenHab Officer: Jessica Todd
Environmental control: Heating. GreenHab door shade cloth (40%) (30%) on. Door opened today from 10:30 am to 3:48 pm.
Average temperatures: 18.25°C
Hours of supplemental light: 19:30 to 00:00
Daily water usage for crops: 16.4 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallon
Water in Blue Tank: empty (using static tank), being refilled tomorrow
Time(s) of watering for crops: 2
Changes to crops: The cucumber plant has a new cucumber, ready for harvesting in a few days. Harvested all the spinach chard, rocket and spinach from the grey pot by the door and reseeded. Harvested all icicle radish and reseeded with fresh radish. Should sprout in the next 2-3 weeks.
Narrative: This is my last report as GreenHab officer for Crew 221. It’s been a wonderful experience being entrusted with the care of these plants for the last two weeks. I don’t consider myself much of a gardener, but I’ve developed a real love for watching plants grow and harvesting my own greens from a garden I’ve helped to keep alive in the harsh environment of Mars! In preparation for the arrival of crew 222, today was GreenHab clean up! The whole GreenHab was swept and cleaned, all plants watered, and the remnants of our mungbeans and corn experiments packed up. Shannon came by and we discussed some final harvesting, so for the next few hours I harvested a huge pot of greens and a planter of radishes, and replanted them all. I went through and relabeled a few of the pots, including the chamomile and mint I planted a few days ago (enjoy some lovely fresh brew tea Crew 222!). This evening it was time for my final watering of the GreenHab. I introduced Crew 222’s GreenHab Officer Bleuenn to the ways of the GreenHab and tried to impart as much Mark Watney knowledge as I could. I hope she finds the job as rewarding as I have! Good luck my little Martian botany friends, you’re in safe hands xx
Harvest: 60g chard, 12g rocket, 26g radish greens.
Support/supplies needed: NA
Other Notes: The bottom row of pots on the central shelves behind the benches have not sprouted in two weeks and I can’t find any evidence of roots/shoots/seeds. I cleaned out the pots, removed the labls, and left the soil there for replanting. The GreenHab tank was empty this morning, so on Shannon’s instructions we used water from the tap outside the GreenHab that is fed by the static tank. Crew 222 started refilling the GreenHab tank today so hopefully tomorrow they will start their sim with a full 300 gallon tank.