Sol Summary – February 15th

Crew 221 Sol Summary Report 15Feb-2020


Summary Title: Touch down Earth awaits

Author’s name: Maria Grulich, M.Sc.

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Update since last Sol Summary: The team prepared the Mission summary of Crew 221 Earth2Mars, reporting about the mission and what we achieved from our original plan. Besides a few drawbacsk on the weather station and geology testing we fulfilled all our objectives.

After the work was done the team gathered together and went through our personal mission goals and our original expectations. We also asked everyone before the mission what are their special skills and after two weeks spending each minute together, they may have developed new once. After this the crew commander handed every member of the team a self-written certificate about achieving to live two weeks on Mars together at the Mars Desert Research Station and handing them the “New Horizons” Pin of the European mission of Alexander Gerst a German Astronaut as a reminder what they achieved. To finish up the Valentine’s Day we exchanged our gifts that we brought from our countries before to give to our secret Valentine! Even our seventh crew member in our heart who could not come send her gift and was very well received.

The crew went to bed the last time on Mars….

To wake up on Earth Saturday morning!

The first morning on Earth the crew commander, crew engineer, and crew Greenhab officer ran out with their pyjamas to breath fresh Earth air without an EVA suit!

Once the rest of the crew was awake, we had breakfast and get started to clean as we required all hands-on deck. After a few hours everything was cleaned and we were ready to meet crew 222 at the rock shop!

Crew 221 prepared some soup and one last time crew commander made some German bread for both crews.

Crew 221 went out for a walk to conquer the North Ridge as it has become a tradition started by crew 205 and continued by crew 219 and now 221.

The rest of the time was spent to train crew 222. The official handover was done at 4:30pm!

Both crews will be heading to Stan’s for hamburgers at 6:00pm before our last time sleeping in our crew quarters and leaving the station tomorrow at 8:00am!

Crew 221 signing off…

Anomalies in work: None

Update mouse in hab: no new mouse caught

Weather: morning cloudy light winds, afternoon partially sunny light winds

Crew Physical Status: Crew feeling good

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

Photo Report

Operations Report

Commander Report

GreenHab Report

Support Requested: None

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