Sol Summary – February 20th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 20-02-2020


Summary Title: Routine day on Mars

Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou

Mission Status: Work in progress

Sol Activity Summary:

In the morning, the crew woke up with matinal workout session.

The purpose of today’s EVA was to find a path up to the Hab Ridge from the Kissing Camels. This was a success and the view from up here was splendid.

In the afternoon we worked on our own experiments.

In the end of the afternoon our HSO Nicolas organized a cooperation game for us.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow, we will explore the northern area of the Hab, we will make sure to pay more attention to the way we communicate during EVAs. Also with the weather report, we need to prepare the possibility of a rainy day on Saturday. For that we chose to send two of us on an EVA in the afternoon to bring back the LOAC, which can’t stay two days without a battery replacement.

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: mostly clear

Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound

EVA: experiments maintenance and exploration of the Kissing Camels and Hab Ridge

Reports to be filed: Journalist report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Photos Report, Photo of the Day, Operations Report

Support Requested: Nothing to report

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