Crew 223 EVA Report 07-03-2020
EVA # 6
Author: Luc Fortin (Engineer)
Purpose of EVA: Change the batteries for MegaARES and LOAC. Install the
solar oven. Test a protocol for a soundless EVA.
Start time: 09:09 AM
End time: 11:20 AM
Narrative: This EVA was very special for us as it was a soundless one.
So I made an extensive briefing before entering in the airlock to make
sure everybody (including the Habcom of course) had the protocol
(detailed in the EVA request) in mind.
The five minutes (09:09 – 09:14 AM) of depressurization were the
opportunity for each of us to think about their upcoming actions and
tasks. We walked out of the airlock, Aurélien installed the solar oven,
while Clément and Marion checked the 3 rovers, and I checked the level
of water in the static tank. Then Marion, as communicator, was in charge
to communicate through the window all our data to Valentin, the Habcom.
She did it successfully.
Then we drove to the LOAC and MegaARES with one passing between rovers 1
and 2 that went smooth. In 5min, we change the batteries of the 2
instruments, still without a word ! We leaved the place at 09:33 AM and
arrived at Reservoir Dam 11min later. The protocol for the rover ride
was very efficient and safe for both teams.
We walked to the Reservoir which was almost empty. Then we decided to
walk East in the canyon. Landscapes were really amazing. Was also the
opportunity for us to test our communication protocol, especially the 1
to 5 scale, used to know how each EVA team member feels. It was
efficient, but we found that it can be improved. Because two members
answered 3 out of 5 for the fatigue but during the debriefing, we
noticed that they had a really different interpretation of that number
(one was about to ask to go back home, while the other one was almost
ok). So we need to clarify what does each number correspond to, to make
sure we all have the same reference scale.
We leaved Reservoir Dam at 10:57 AM, and arrived at 11:10 AM in the Hab
zone. As planned, the Habcom was waiting for us, looking through the
window with binoculars. He gave us the approval to park the rovers near
the RAM. Marion once again was in charge of communicating the rovers’
data to the Habcom. We brought back the solar oven and entered in the
airlock at 11:15 AM for the 5 last minutes of silence of the day !
It was an interesting experience for all of us, and it was the
opportunity to demonstrate that this type of protocol is efficient and
usable in case of loss of all our radios during an EVA !
Destination: Reservoir Dam.
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 518500 4250800 and 12S 518350 4252800
EVA Participants: Luc Fortin (EVA Leader, Engineer), Aurélien Mure
(Commander), Marion Lebrun (Crew Scientist), Clément Plagne (Journalist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Driving (and walking when off-road)
Vehicles used (If applicable): Rovers Perseverance and Spirit