EVA Report – May 4th

Crew 235 EVA Report 04 May 2021

EVA # 2, EVA #3

Author: Jen Carver-Hunter

Purpose of EVA: Specimen collection

EVA 2 Start time: 10:00

EVA 2 End time: 12:00

EVA 3 Start Time: 12:00

EVA 3 End time: 1:30

Narrative: One of our crew’s goals is to collect rock samples that replicate the rocks found on Mars. For today’s EVA, our targeted specimen was petrified wood, which we are using as an analogous specimen for the hematite found on Mars. Because Kissing Camel Ridge has an excellent source of petrified wood, we chose that location for our EVA.

The crew left the hab in vehicles and followed the road south to Kissing Camel Ridge. Crew walked to the southwest side of Cow Dung Road and followed the wash to the west along the ridge. Crew continued along the wash to the source of the petrified wood specimens in the wash. The crew on EVA 2 found a location that they thought might be the source Dr Rupert mentioned. It looked like someone had piled up mounds of petrified wood.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518250, 4249250

EVA 2 Participants: Atila, Krysta, Jennifer, and Thomas

EVA 3 Participants: Jen, Allison, Jeff, and Randall

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road to Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Pathfinder Rover and 2 ATVs

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