Sol Summary – March 9th

Crew 263 Sol Summary 09-03-2022

Sol: 16

Summary Title: Productive day

Author’s name: Cerise Cuny

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning, just as yesterday, we did not have a morning sports session altogether, as four of us had to preserve our energy for the EVA. The EVA went very well, we were able to do a very good amount of LIBS analysis. We were very impressed by the Summerville formation. Meanwhile, the three other crew members did some sport and prepared an excellent meal: rice salad with tuna and vegetables.

All day long we performed the ultrasound experiment for the French Space Agency. We are improving in terms of speed and quality of the acquisitions. We had diverse activities for other experiments such as Aquapad, Plant gravitropism, Spiruline growth with urine, etc. Lea and Marine had a lot of geological post-processing to do after this morning’s EVA and an exhaustive report.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow will be a lighter day in terms of activities. In the morning, a very important EVA for Search & Rescue of Astronauts is planned in the North. Two crew members will go through their last session of a particularly long and exhausting human factors experiment.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Few clouds, except at noon (very cloudy). Light rain in the afternoon. Very high winds in the afternoon. Temperatures between -3 and 12°C.

Crew Physical Status: Very good.

EVA: EVA 20 in the morning. A suit’s battery died during EVA.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report (n°20), EVA Request (n°21), Operations Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None.

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