Sol Summary Match 20th} MsoNormal face=”Arial, sans-serif”>[status draft

Crew 264 Sol Summary Report 3-20-22

Sol: 1

Summary Title: A Successful Rocket Launch!

Author’s name: Ben Easter

Mission Status: We are a slightly different crew of 20 students as well as instructors from the University of Colorado. Our time at MDRS is part of a CU-Boulder course on Medicine in Space and Surface Environments. The students have learned Wilderness First Aid and CPR, and they will be learning how to provide this care during medical contingency simulations on Mars. The group arrived yesterday and erected a dome for our classroom space (see pictures).

Sol Activity Summary: Today we had an orientation to MDRS, the facilities, radios, rovers, and navigation in the field. We then performed an EVA to collect soil samples and simulate a medical contingency. We are currently preparing for the launch of a rocket tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we are launching a rocket that is the student’s design project for the course. They have created a payload module for safe medication storage.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Overcast in the morning, growing windy this afternoon

Crew Physical Status: Crew passed Physical Readiness Test

EVA: Medical Contingency Simulation

Reports to be file: HSO, Operations Report

Support Requested: None at this time.

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