Journalist Report – November 19th

Sol 6

Author: Izabela Shopova

Title: Saturday on Mars

Saturday. Our first weekend on Mars. After the eventful EVA yesterday the crew has planned an early morning EVA for today to take advantage of the sunrise light. We all got up at 7, had a quick coffee and climbed down the stairs to assist the 3 crew members who were going out on an EVA. The sun was shining bright and clear through the porthole, but we could feel the morning chill in the air. Radio comms and life support systems were checked and the crew stepped into the airlock.

The EVA went according to plan, with no surprises and emergencies today. The rovers performed very well and our crew biologist Caitie was excited about the five different types of lichens she found on the rocks. The good thing about an early EVA is that when it is over and the debriefing is done, it’s not even lunchtime yet. We allowed ourselves the luxury of planning a break to relax and to catch up on all the other projects we are working on. Every day here feels as if every minute of our time is filled with writing journals, responses to surveys, daily health checks, reports and plans. And for the lucky 3 of us who have a Paro assigned (an adorable artificial intelligence therapeutic robotic baby seal) – we also manage to squeeze a few minutes of cuddling with our Paros.

In the afternoon we exercised, took some quiet time to read, write in our diaries and study. Jennie’s inspirational presentation about the importance of being authentic as women in our professional and personal life sparked an interesting discussion in the hour before the VR First Aid Training session. This time we improvised by immobilising a broken ankle. And this afternoon it was finally my turn to have a quick, rather cold ‘combat shower’ as Commander Jennie calls it. We have all had a shower by now and are looking forward to our next scheduled date with hygiene.

The weekend appears to make us crave homemade food. I have noticed that the limitations of our food supplies have forced us to get really creative in the kitchen. We are taking turns to cook and surprise our crewmates with yet another amazing meal, turning our rigorously scheduled meal times into opportunities for having fun, bonding, and bringing in a bit of home comfort in our busy martian routine. So far in the first week of the mission, we had pasta and pancakes, vegetable soups and stir fry, homemade yogurt and freshly baked bread, moon pies and fruit yogurt, mac&cheese and omelets, fresh salad with microgreens harvested from the GreenHab and even a Cincinnati Chilli – a secret family recipe. Elizabeth and I have conspired for days, planning our shepherd’s pie for tonight’s dinner, so we got busy and whipped up a big dish of messy, cheesy, homemade deliciousness.

And we have big plans for Thanksgiving!

Thank you Mission Support.

GreenHab Report – November 19th

Sol 6
GreenHab Officer: Caitlyn Hubric
Environmental control: (heater, fan, door open?) heater on, door closed, 20% humidity
Average temperatures: 43.3ºC/13.5ºC
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: 21.6 L ≈ 5.71 gal
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gal
Water in Blue Tank ~271 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: twice, morning and night, 9am-6pm
Changes to crops:
-The sugar snap peas look very good and the wood stakes are working for support. I plan to let them grow a little taller with the wood stakes before changing their support to the wire cages so they can get taller.
-Is the dill in the big blue bin intended to be harvested as a microgreen or grown to maturity?
-The plants in the greenhouse are doing very well! There is a single planter on the wood pallet that is labeled mint that has nothing growing. I have watered it the last few days and there are still no signs of growth. I plan to replant tomorrow using the seeds that were provided to me.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams) N/A
Support/supplies needed: N/A

EVA Report – November 19th

EVA # 7
Author: Jas Purewal
Purpose of EVA: Biological sample collection (focus on lichen and any soil around the roots of plants encountered)
Start time: 8:00 AM
End time: 10:15 AM
The crew went to explore “The Peanut” area for biological samples. We took Curiosity and Opportunity via Cow Dung Rd and Galileo Rd. Once on Galileo Rd we explored “The Peanut” on foot for an hour and a half. The crew biologist collected 5 different samples of lichen. After successfully collecting the biological samples the crew returned safely back to the hab at 10:05 and did a walk around the hab to inspect it and check propane levels before entering the airlock and completing the EVA.
Destination: The Peanut
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520000, 4253000
Participants: XO, BIO, HSO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
North on Cow Dung Rd (0110) to Galileo Rd (1104) on Rover
Proceed to The Peanut on foot
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking (Oppy, Curi)

Commander Report – November 19th

Sol: 6
Summary Title: Lichens on Mars!
Author’s name: Dr. Jenni Hesterman, Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Commander Report:

After a good night’s sleep, the crew was up early to watch a beautiful sunrise break across the Martian landscape. Three members then set out to The Peanut to collect biological samples of lichens and soil around the roots of plants. The crew biologist was excited to find several colorful lichen nestled in the rock formation. She will accomplish further tests to identify their species.

Upon return, the EVA crew undertook an external inspection of the Hab and then accessed the airlock. After waiting the prescribed amount of time for depressurization, they entered the station.

Over a lunch of tortilla soup and fresh bread, the crew accomplished another first aid training module on the Oculus VR, learning how to brace and splint a broken ankle with supplies found in the Hab. They also participated in a guided roundtable session to discuss personal challenges and professional opportunities for women in the science profession.

After an ambitious start, we are learning the importance of achieving balance between EVAs, research, team building and relaxation/renewal activities. Life on Mars will be a marathon, not a sprint, and we will need to pace ourselves accordingly for mission success.

Supplement Operations Report 8Nov2022

[title Supplement Operations Report – November 8th]

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert
Reason for Report: Beginning of field season
Non-nominal systems: Septic needs to be pumped (both)
Action taken for non-nominal systems: Waiting
Generator: We started using the generator at night on October 31, 2022. It is running nominally and being manually started and stopped as per our procedures last season.
ScienceDome Dual Split: Currently off but ran perfectly all summer
Solar— Nominal. The power system ran all summer without fail. Daily average SOC was 90%
Solar— SOC % Last 24 hours: n/a
Propane Reading, station tank – full, refilled on Nov 2, 2022
Propane Reading, director tank— full, refilled on Nov 2nd
Propane Reading, intern tank— full, refilled on Nov 2nd
Propane Reading, generator— full, refilled on Nov 2nd
Ethanol Free Gasoline – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – 550 gallons
Water in GreenHab – 200 gallons
Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons
Water (Outpost tank) – 100 gallons
Hab toilet tank emptied: yes, and flushed
Perseverance rover used: yes
Hours: 247.5
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 60 (after arrival from town)
Currently charging: yes
Sojourner rover used: yes
Hours: 183.2
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 62
Currently charging: yes
Spirit rover used: yes
Hours: 194.5
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 66
Currently charging: yes
Opportunity rover used:
Hours: 101.2
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 73
Currently charging: yes
Curiosity rover used: yes
Hours: 205.6
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 72
Currently charging: yes
Notes on rovers: Driven from town on October 16th
ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): none
Reason for use: n/a
Oil Added? no
ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: Honda is the only ATV currently operational. All four require servicing and repair
HabCar used and why, where? Yes
CrewCar used and why, where? Yes
Luna used and why, where? yes
General notes and comments: n/a
Summary of internet: All accounts are nominal.
Summary of suits and radios: All suits are back on campus. New radios are ready and the new repeater is operational, but not performing as predicted.
Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why? Nothing to report
Summary of general operations: Ready for crews
Summary of Hab operations: Nothing to report
Summary of Outpost operations: Nothing to report
Summary of GreenHab operations: The following have been planted for the field season. Planting is basically the same as last season except that the tomatoes and the herbs have been split between 2 gallon pots and the herb garden to see which way is more successful.
Crops planted:
Sweet basil
Lemon balm
Bunching onion (green)
Snow peas
Yellow beans
Carrots (half long)
Cherry tomatoes (red and yellow)
Microgreens (mild mix)
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report
Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report
Summary of any observatory issues: Robotic observatory is operating now that we are back on campus
Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report
Questions, concerns, supplies needed and requests: n/a

Supplemental Operations Report – November 19th

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert
Reason for Report: Routine
Non-nominal systems: Both septic tanks were pumped out on Nov 11th.
Action taken for non-nominal systems: N/A
Generator: Oil, oil filter and air filter changed Nov 12th. We are running it about 13 hours a day right now, which is normal for this time of year.
ScienceDome Dual Split: off
Solar— Nominal.
Solar— SOC Last 24 hours:
Max 100%
Min 68%
Avg 76.1%
Propane Reading, station tank – full, refilled on Nov 17, 2022
Propane Reading, director tank— full, refilled on Nov 17th
Propane Reading, intern tank— full, refilled on Nov 17th
Propane Reading, generator— full, refilled on Nov 17th
Ethanol Free Gasoline – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – 250 gallons
Water in GreenHab – 150 gallons
Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons
Water (Outpost tank) – 300 gallons
Hab toilet tank emptied: check regular operations reports
Sojourner rover used: yes
Hours: not noted
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 100
Currently charging: yes
Notes on rovers: All rovers have been serviced this week. Battery contacts were cleaned, batteries were filled with distilled water, seats were patched. Opportunity has died in the field twice this season, once with each crew.
ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): Honda
Reason for use: charging battery
Oil Added? no
ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: Currently waiting to be picked up for serving
HabCar used and why, where? Yes, to town
CrewCar used and why, where? Yes, to town and to Grand Junction
Luna used and why, where? No
General notes and comments: Nothing to report
Summary of internet: All accounts are nominal but I keep getting kicked off the network, which I find super annoying.
Summary of suits and radios: We replaced 6 of the new EVA radios with longer whip antennas but did not see a noticeable increase in clarity of communication. Next step is to get the addition to the repeater installed and see if that changes things.
Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why? Nothing to report
Summary of general operations: Nominal
Summary of Hab operations: Finished the winterizing of the pipes between static tank and Hab. Next fall we will replace this with a direct line from the tank to the building. But for this window it is heat taped and foam wrapped, so should be ok. The tank heater will be installed today as well.
Summary of Outpost operations: I carpeted my living/kitchen areas with leftover carpet squares. I’m fancy now! Sergii installed LED lights in the living area of his trailer for better working light. We purchased new lights for the 110V lights in each trailer but they won’t work in mine. We have an additional set we will install in the Hab shower room and toilet next weekend. Sergii took a CO monitor from the Hab because he did not have one in his trailer. The propane alarm is also not working in that trailer so we will be replacing that as well. We have used the new washing machine and are quite pleased with it. Sergii also added some holes in the floor under the sink to keep the kitchen pipes from freezing at night. He insulated some of the windows with silver bubble wrap insulation as well. It’s been colder than normal for this time of year.
Summary of GreenHab operations: Thermostat was replaced and is working correctly for the first time in a couple of seasons.
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report
Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report
Summary of any observatory issues: Nice to see the dome open most nights!
Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report
Questions, concerns, supplies needed and requests: n/a

Sol Summary – November 18th

Sol: 5
Summary Title: Misstep on Mars
Author’s name: Jas Purewal
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Crew headed out for a morning EVA to the junction of Cow Dung Rd and Brahe Hwy to test the recently serviced rovers. Opportunity overheated on the return leg of EVA. The crew waited for ~ 10 mins but Oppy still didn’t start. They left Oppy in the field and returned back to the hab. As there was more time left in the EVA, the EVA crew learnt that they should have waited another 20 mins for Oppy to cool before returning. Lesson Learned. The rover keys were brought back to the hab and left in the RAM for the outpost team to retrieve.
In the afternoon the crew reviewed the EVA and lessons learned. Discussed mission and EVA planning. Did VR first aid training and practised splinting a broken ankle. We also spent some much needed relaxation time, played chess and made Mac n Cheese (with a kick). The crew Biologist made LB and PDA plates in the Science Dome.
Look Ahead Plan: One morning EVA planned from 8am to 10:30am. XO, HSO and Biologist taking Spirit and Curiosity to explore “The Peanut” via Cow Dung and Galileo Rd to collect biological samples with a focus on lichen and any soil around plants. In the afternoon we will do more VR first aid training and team development training. The crew biologist will analyse the collected samples and use the LB plates to grow collected samples in the Science Dome.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Rather nice. 42F, sunny, clear. No rain.
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: EVA 6 – Crew headed out for a morning EVA at 9:30am to the junction of Cow Dung Rd and Brahe Hwy to test the recently serviced rovers. Opportunity overheated on the return leg of the EVA. The crew waited for ~ 10 mins but Oppy still didn’t start. They left Oppy in the field and returned back to the hab. As there was more time left in the EVA, the EVA crew learnt that they should have waited another 20 mins for Oppy to cool before returning. Lesson Learned. The rover keys were brought back to the hab and left in the RAM for the outpost team to retrieve.
Reports to be filed:
Commander’s report
EVA report
EVA request
Operations report
Sol Summary report
Journalist report

Support Requested: Retrieval for Opportunity rover

Operations Report – November 18th

SOL: 5
Name of person filing report: Jas Purewal
Non-nominal systems: Opportunity overheated.
Notes on non-nominal systems: NA
Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: (before EVA) 198.2
Beginning charge: (Before EVA) 100%
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging) 56%
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: Yes
Hours: 103.7
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 77%
Currently charging: No
Curiosity rover used: Yes
Hours: 210.4
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 54%
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: No
Hours: NA
Beginning charge: NA
Ending charge: NA
Currently charging: NA
General notes on rovers: Opportunity overheated. He was abandoned in the field to be rescued at a later time.
Summary of Hab operations: put notes here
WATER USE: 50 gallons
Water (static tank): 350 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (On or off) off
Toilet tank emptied: Yes
Summary of internet: Good
Summary of suits and radios: optimal
Summary of GreenHab operations: None
WATER USE: 5.02 gallons
Heater: On
Supplemental light: Off
Harvest: None
Summary of ScienceDome operations: None
Dual split: (Heat or AC, On or Off) Heat, Off
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done) Plumbing adhesive and tape currently in main hab. We put Opportunity’s keys in the RAM to be retrieved.
Summary of any observatory issues: NA
Summary of health and safety issues: none
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Still waiting on more trash bags please for toilet bins and for general bins. Pillows please.

Journalist Report – November 18th

Sol: 5
Title: Mars hits back
Author: Izabela Shopova, Crew Journalist
Another gold and blood sunrise. Mars is trying so hard to win our hearts over. The alien landscape with its breathtaking beauty is slowly getting under our skin, just as the martian dust is making itself at home in our nostrils, ears and hair.

The crew slept well for the whole night – we are finally getting over the jetlag and the adrenalin rush of the first days, and adjusting to our martian home away from home.

Today is the 8th day since we all left our respective homes and hit the road. We have been away from family and loved ones for a full week now and we are starting to feel it. Last night the conversations revolved around our personal life. Photos of partners, family and pets were shared, and funny stories were told. Mars is starting to feel real now.

We appear to have established some routines of our own. Like a family, we always gather around the table for breakfast, even if not everyone eats. SHO checks how everyone feels, we chat for a bit and then we go over our plans for the day, confirming everyone’s responsibilities, who is cooking, who goes on EVA and what other projects we need to work on. Dinner is another time when we get together and once again enjoy a shared meal and a lively conversation, as we discuss the lessons learned and our plans for the next day.

Our morning EVA was going really well today, we felt calm and confident, following our procedures, ticking EVA objectives on the way and generally enjoying the feeling that our crew works like a well-oiled machine when suddenly a disaster struck. Mars hit back. “Opportunity” overheated and stopped, flashing an angry, bright red light on its dashboard.

The incident happened while we were out of radio contact with the Hub, so after two unsuccessful attempts to restart the engine we decided to abandon the rover on the road and return to the Hab early, prioritizing the crew’s health and safety over the vehicle recovery.

“Opportunity was rescued by the outpost team a bit later and upon reconsidering our options and possible responses to the emergency situation, we all agreed that abandoning the rover while we still had time to make additional rescue attempts was probably an error. And potentially a costly one on Mars. The Red Planet taught us another valuable lesson. The crew spent the afternoon reconstructing and studying the details of the EVA, considering the different options and the lessons learned, as well as planning objectives for the rest of the mission. Out here, on the Red Planet, we learn something new and valuable everyday. Mars tests and challenges us, helping us to learn and grow.

Today was no exception.

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