Crew 271 EVA Report 24-DEC-2022

Crew 271 EVA Report 24-12-2022

EVA #8

Author: Marc Levesque

Purpose of EVA: A simulated search and recovery for a lost survey drone.

Start time: 1100

End time: 1306

Narrative: Prior to the EVA, a search area was developed based on the last known position of the drone before it lost contact with its operator. With this, the EVA team proceeded on foot to the search area about 1km northeast of the Hab to start a line search across the rugged terrain of the area. After completing a search of the original area with no success but with time available, the search area was expanded to the south, still without success. On their return to the Hab, the team unexpectedly located the drone to successfully recover it.

Destination: A search grid approximately 1km northeast of the Hab. Bounding coordinates are: SE corner (0518835, 4251457), SW corner (0518651, 4251487), NW corner (0518656, 4251626), NE corner (0518858, 4251582). Find location: 0518563, 4251297.

Coordinates: As above in UTM WGS 84

EVA Participants: Levesque, Iakymov, Eifert, Guariniello

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road to search grid and return

Mode of travel: Walking

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