EVA Report – March 4th

Crew 275 EVA Report 04Mar2023

EVA # 16

Author: Adrien Tison (crew botanist and EVA leader)

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA is to perform the photogrammetry experiments with the 3D map.

First, as it is on the way to Candor Chasma, we will change the batteries and collect the data of MegaAres, Purple Air, LOAC, and the Field Mill.

We will then go to Candor Chasma where the two subjects of the experiment will try to find some specific checkpoints, while the operators of the experiment onsite will take time measurements and draw their trajectory on a map. In addition, the two subjects will be equipped with a step counter.

Start time: NA

End time: NA


The EVA was cancelled because four crew members were away from the MDRS, due to medical reasons.

Destination: Between the Hab and Marble Ritual near the road.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518500

Participants: EVA Leader: Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist & Subject), Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist & Subject), Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist & Operator), and Corentin Senaux (HSO & Operator)

HAB COM: Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: NA

Mode of travel: NA

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