Crew 261 GreenHab Report 02-05-2023
GreenHab Officer: Cécile Renaud
Environmental control: Door open from 06:40 to 20:15
Average temperatures: (67,6°F at 06:40, 84°F at 10:45, 89°F at 12:20, 91,2°F at 14:30 and 73,8°F at 20:15)
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: 8,5 gal at 06:40 AM + 6,3 gallons at 07:00 PM. Total = 14,8 gal
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 3 gal.
Water in Blue Tank: 149,2 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 06:40 AM and 20:10 PM
Changes to crops: N/A
Narrative: Nothing to report. Tomatoes will be harvested at SOL 4. Some cucumbers are still growing. Mint/chives are in a very good state, microgreen and tomatoes are less healthy but still in a really good state.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams) Cucumbers: 1223g, mint: 23g
Support/supplies needed: None