Sol Summary – November 7th

Sol: 9
Summary Title: Visiting more canyons.
Author’s name: David Mateus
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: The team initiated their Martian day at 7 a.m. with a Colombian breakfast, “calentao”, followed by the preparation of the EVA. The EVA #7 team left for Tharsis Montes at 9 a.m., they explored the Canyon located there, and when the crew at the hab was about to launch the rescue simulation, the winds increased, so the flight of the drone was canceled, the EVA team came back to the hab. The winds kept increasing, which scrubbed the EVA # 8.
The crew continued the day at the hab, planting microgreens and radish at the greenhab, and working on the individual projects.
Look Ahead Plan: Revisit Tharsis Montes to 3d map the Canyon
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Windy
Crew Physical Status: Nominal.
EVA Tharsis Montes
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist report, Photos, Operations report, Green Hab report, Astronomy report, EVA #7 Report, EVA #8 request.
Support Requested: none

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