GreenHab Report – December 14th

Crew 288 GreenHab Report 14-12-2023
GreenHab Officer: Ryan DeAngelis
Environmental control: Heater on automatically. Turned fan on from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm today to reduce high temperatures (99 degrees according to the guage at one point). Door was kept closed.
Average temperatures: 99 peak, but dropped down to 75 after fan was kept going.
Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am (four hours).
Daily water usage for crops: 3 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): __3_ gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 5:00 pm (watered later due to attempt to dry out soil on cucumbers and tomato plants.
Changes to crops: Harvested half a bed of baby kale, some parsely, cilantro, and arugula.
Narrative: I walked into the GreenHab at approximately 11 am, and noticed that it was extremely hot due to it being a very warm day. I turned the fan on to cool it down. I harvested parsley at around 11:30 am. I returned around 5 pm to water the plants, turn off the fan, and harvested a lot of kale, some arugula, as well as some cilantro. Planning to check on the plants one more time this evening before going to bed.
Harvest: Kale: 103 grams, Parsely: 8 grams, Arugula: 8 grams, Cilantro: 7 grams. Total: 126 grams.
Support/supplies needed: Same cucumber plants and tomatoes not doing that well, continuing to discuss with ecology expert and observing (currently seeing if drying out soil is helping).

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