GreenHab Report – December 25th

GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Sol 0:
Avg Temp – 12:16pm (92.8 °F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
Avg Temp: 10:03pm (71.6 °F)
Relative Humidity – 13%
Sol 1:
Avg Temp – 2:38pm (89.2 °F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
Avg Temp: 7:45pm (69.6 °F)
Relative Humidity – 14%
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops:
Sol 0 – 2.05 gallons
Sol 1 – 2.1 gallons
Water in Blue Tank: (200 gallon capacity): 195.85 gallons
Times of watering for crops:
Sol 0 – 2pm
Sol 1 – 3:40 pm
Changes to crops: Fixed cucumber plants, replanted the brocolli/radish plants in bigger pots. Also harvested lettuce, basil, arugula, cilantro, and parsley!
Sol 0: Went in the greenhouse at about 3pm and watered all plants using a total of 1 gallon and 4 liters. I was able to aerate the soils of the tomato plants. The greenhouse was VERY warm with a temperature at 93 degrees Fahrenheit and there was only 10% humidity! Optimal humidity should be close to 40%-60% for temperate plants that are growing vegetables. After watering, I turned on the fan for 15 minutes to reduce the temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. I was able to put sticks in the cucumber plants to help them stand up and grow better with the space. The humidity level also increased to 13%. For today, the only plants we harvested was the basil and lettuce. We used the basil for the quick Jambalaya we made for lunch while the rest of the crew was out fixing the car rentals and we used lettuce (18 grams) for the black bean burgers at dinner. After dinner, I was able to go back into the greenhouse at 10pm and check on the rest of the plants once again. The temperature was 71 degrees Fahrenheit with 10% humidity.
Sol 1: I went to the greenhouse today at 2:38pm and noted a temperature of 89 degrees Fahrenheit at 10% humidity. After watering with about 2.1 gallons of water, the humidity levels went up to 17%. I used up most of the time replanting the radish and broccoli plants. Especially for the broccoli and radish, the pots were becoming small for the roots, so I put them in a bigger pot to aerate the soil and make it comfy! At about 3:40pm, I harvested about 95 grams of kale for the pasta salad that we made for lunch! After lunch, I noticed that there was no spinach planted in the greenhouse, so I used the seeds I brought to set up a new pot! I put about 2-3 seeds in the 8 holes that I made. After that, I rearranged and properly fertilized the carrot plants with the MiracleGro Plant Food (1½ tablespoon) and a sprinkle of Jobes Organic Fast Start Fertilizer.
Sol 0:
Lettuce: 18 grams
Sol 1:
Kale: 95 grams
Parsley: 4 grams
Arugula: 12 grams
Support/supplies needed: Need humidifier in greenhouse??

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