GreenHab Report – December 7th

Crew 287 GreenHab Report 07-12-2023

GreenHab Officer: Dulsaikhan Zorig

Environmental control: (heater- used, fan- not used, door open- 4 hours)

Average temperatures: 70.8

Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am

Daily water usage for crops: 0.008 cubic meters / 8 liters /

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: All plants

Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 0.6705 cubic meters / 670.5 liters /

Time(s) of watering for crops: 10.30 am and 8 pm

Changes to crops: The red cabbage, planted on December 4th, has successfully sprouted.

Narrative: As our simulation concludes today, I find myself already missing the vibrant and beloved greens from the GreenHab. Our Tereza is blooming. I affectionately named our tomato that way. And here is another beautiful cucumber called Holly. She is so calm and growing well in her big blue tank. Upon entering the GreenHab, they greet me with a cheerful "Hello, Cutie," eagerly anticipating the arrival of the next heartwarming GreenHab officer. Middle of the endless desert and mountains, they thrive alongside the Utah winter.

Over the 12-day period, we utilized approximately 86.5 liters of water. Our total harvest comprised 375 grams of microgreens, featuring varieties such as radish, kale, red cabbage, sunflower, and beans. The microgreens salad offered a delightful natural taste.

As part of our conservation efforts, we saved and rested the soil for the next crew.

Currently, the GreenHab is flourishing with a variety of crops, including kale, cress, arugula, parsley, dill, cucumber, carrot, mint, red cabbage, radish, broccoli, pea, sunflower, oregano, basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, chives, lettuce, lavender, rosemary, corn salad, Dutch lambs, and more. The newly planted microgreens are thriving and showing robust growth.

Harvest: None

Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 6th

Crew 287 GreenHab Report 05-12-2023

GreenHab Officer: Dulsaikhan Zorig

Environmental control: (heater- used, fan- not used, door open- 4 hours)

Average temperatures: 68

Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am

Daily water usage for crops: 0.013 cubic meter / 13 liters /

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: All plants

Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 0.6835 cubic meter / 683.5 liters /

Time(s) of watering for crops: 9.30 am

Changes to crops: Broccoli, planted on November 30th, has successfully sprouted. Radish planted on big blue tanks also sprouted.

Narrative: Tereza almost bloomed today. Beans and sunflowers have been planted.

Harvest: Red cabbage 187 g

Support/supplies needed: None

Supplemental Operations Report – December 17th

Date: 12/17/2023
Name of person filing report: Sergii Iakymov
Reason for Report: Routine
Non-Nominal Systems: Intern trailer heater, Perseverance rear view mirror.

Power system:
Solar: Nominal.
SOC Last 24 hours: Max 100%; Min 68%; Avg 81.1%.
VDC Last 24 hours: Max 58.62V; Min 41.5V; Avg 49.87V.
Generator run time: 4330.1 hours. New spare coupling and bushing for stepper motor ordered and received.

Propane Readings:
Station Tank: 67%
Director Tank: 72%
Intern Tank: 71%
Generator Tank: 47%

Hab Static Tank – 387 gallons
GreenHab – 160 gallons
Outpost tank – 450 gallons
Science Dome – 0 gallons
Hab Toilet Tank emptied: No

Sojourner rover used: Yes, around campus.
Hours: 195.9
Beginning Charge: 100 %
Ending Charge: 100 %
Currently Charging: Yes
Notes on Rovers: Perseverance parking brake non-functional, rear view mirror is broken.

ATV: ATV’s Used: None. Nothing to report.

Hab Car used and why, where: To Hanksville for supplies. Need to be serviced.
Crew Car used and why, where: To Hanksville for supplies. From Grand Junction by crew.
General notes and comments: All nominal."

Summary of Internet: All nominal.
EVA suits and radios:
Suits: All nominal
Comms: All nominal

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why: All nominal
Summary of Hab Operations: All nominal
Summary of GreenHab Operations: All nominal
Summary of SciDome Operations: All nominal
Summary of Observatories Operations: All nominal.
Summary of RAM Operations: All nominal.
Summary of Outpost Operations: Director’s trailer heater is replaced and functional. Intern trailer heater isn’t functional, a diagnostic will be conducted next week.
Summary of Health and Safety Issues: All nominal.

HSO Beginning Of Mission Checklist- November 26th

Name of person filing report: Dulsaikhan Zorig

Note any safety issues: Notes not required
Note any health/environmental issues: None
Note any missing or recommended health and safety supplies: Maybe AED is required

Safety Equipment Inventory 2022-2023

HAB Upper deck HAB Lower deck RAM GreenHab ScienceDome Rovers
CO monitor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Escape ladder Yes
Eyewash Yes Yes
Fire blanket Yes Yes Yes
Fire extinguisher Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
First Aid Yes Yes
Intercom Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nightlight Yes
Propane alarm Yes Yes
Radios (Channels 10 and 22) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Smoke alarm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tow rope Yes

Crew 287 Crew biographies, photos and mission patch 26Nov2023

[title  Crew biographies, photos and mission patch – November 26th]

Crew HSO; Dulsaikhan "Duluu" Zorig:

I specialize in children’s dental care. My professional interests lie in promoting dental health. Since 2020, I’ve been part of the MARS-V program, initially as a member of the program development team. I’ve since taken on the role of leading the module development team.

Outside of work, I enjoy archery, a sport I began training in a year ago. My ambition is to compete in the 2028 World Olympics.

In 2020, I played a pivotal role in shaping the MARS-V analog station program, researching the various protocols used by MDRS. It’s been an exciting journey, and I’m thrilled to be a part of the 287th crew at the MDRS.

Crew Psychologist; Tungalag "Tungaa" Bat-Erdene:

I have a strong interest in business, especially in managing finances and investments, as well as planning strategies and projects. My studies in Business Administration have equipped me with the tools to find new and smart ways to work in these areas.

I’m also fascinated by the study of the mind. Over the last few years, I’ve been learning about psychology and how our brains work, which shows my broad range of interests.

I love tackling new challenges and learning new things, whether it’s in the business world or understanding human behavior. I’m all about getting better and broadening my knowledge.

Let’s discover and succeed together!

Crew Engineer; Munkh-Erdene "Muggi" Altankhuyag:

I work as an electrical engineer with a focus on designing electrical systems at Oyu Tolgoi, part of RioTinto LLC. Since 2021, I’ve been involved with the Mars-V project, where I’ve taken the lead on designing the mission command center and currently serve as the engineering specialist for the 287th crew.

Crew Commander; Enkhtuvshin "Dono" Doyodkhuu:

I have a background in astrophysics, and I’m fascinated by Mars’ evolution and its significance for astrobiology, space resource extraction, and its potential as a secondary home for humanity. Since joining the MARS-V project in 2020, I’ve been part of program development, technology, and foreign affairs teams. Currently, as the operations manager for MARS-V, I’m committed to advancing Mongolia’s contribution to space exploration. I’m excited to lead the 287th crew at the MDRS, where we’re experimenting with Mongolian freeze-dried meals, testing a newly developed Mars analog suit, and refining the MARS-V station program. This experience, alongside my fellow Mars enthusiasts at MDRS, promises to be a profound learning opportunity.

Crew Journalist; Munkhnaran "Sunny" Davaatseren:

I’m Sunny, and I lead the Human Resources for the MARS-V project back home in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. With my HR Management Master’s degree, I focus on guiding our team strategically while nurturing my love for community involvement and the great outdoors, especially hiking.

I played basketball competitively in school, which taught me a lot about working together and staying strong through challenges. These days, as a proud JCI Senator and the founder of the JCI Nomadic chapter, I work hard for community betterment and equal opportunities for all, especially in my role on the board of the JCI Women’s Club.

Whether I’m at work or volunteering, I’m all about creating spaces where everyone feels valued and making a difference that counts. Leading by example, I hope to motivate others to reach for their best and make an impact that matters.

Crew Geologist; Davaa-Ochir "Davaa" Dashbaatar:

As a Geologist and lead of projects with over 20 years of experience in Mongolia and Southeast Asia, my geology background has been a key asset in understanding planetary exploration and science. I have a deep understanding of the unique geological landscape of Mongolia and have leveraged this expertise to successfully lead teams in mineral exploration, development, and production. Throughout my career, I have been instrumental in developing and implementing strategic plans, optimizing operational processes, and building strong relationships with stakeholders for the mining projects. My ability to navigate complex regulatory and environmental challenges has enabled me to successfully deliver on projects and build a reputation as a trusted industry leader.

GreenHab Report – December 1st

Crew 287 GreenHab Report 01-12-2023

GreenHab Officer: Dulsaikhan Zorig

Environmental control: (heater- used, fan- not used, door open- not opened)

Average temperatures: 69.4

Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am

Daily water usage for crops: 1.4 gallon

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: watering kale, radish, cucumber

Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 193.1 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 5 pm

Changes to crops: Radish and kale planted on 28 November start to sprout. Re-transplanted cucumber not growing well in a big blue pot.

Narrative: The engineer and I made a simple hydroponic wick system. Yesterday plants listened to the Mozart symphony for about 25 minutes.

Harvest: No harvest. The harvest of 28 November is 0.69375 lb radish.

Support/supplies needed: AAA batteries are needed to scale.

GreenHab Report – November 30th

Crew 287 GreenHab Report 30-11-2023

GreenHab Officer: Dulsaikhan Zorig

Environmental control: (heater- used, fan- not used, door open- 10 min )

Average temperatures: 66.5

Hours of supplemental light: None

Daily water usage for crops: 0.79 gallon

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: watering kale, radish, cucumber

Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 194.5 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 5.15 pm

Changes to crops: Number 7 tomato is growing high

Narrative: I re-transplanted cucumbers that two days ago moved to another pot because it seemed unsuccessful. We have plenty of cucumbers in medium pots so I and an engineer decided to make simple hydroponics.

Harvest: Sunflower, pea, radish – 0.09 lb

Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – November 29th

GreenHab Officer: Dulsaikhan Zorig
Environmental control:
heater- used
fan- not used
door open- not
Average temperatures: 66.4
Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am
Daily water usage for crops: Today we didn’t water crops.
Water in Blue Tank ( 200 gallon capacity): 196.04 gallon
Time(s) of watering for crops:
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Transplanted cucumbers are growing well.
Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – November 28th

GreenHab Officer: Dulsaikhan Zorig

Environmental control:

heater- used

fan- used 1 hour 35 minutes

door open- Not opened

Average temperatures: 68.5 °F

Hours of supplemental light: None

Daily water usage for crops: 3.96 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: kale, cucumber, tomatoes, thyme, corn salad, mache, dutch lambs lettuce, dill, basil, sage, radish, red cabbage, cilantro, carrots, pea, parsley, cress, arugula

Water in Blue Tank ( 200 gallon capacity): 196.04 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 5:45 pm to 6:35 pm

Changes to crops: Peas were in the lower deck replaced by radish.

Narrative: I have removed the peas in the lower deck, refreshed and rest the soil until afternoon, and planted radish in one pot.

There are 3 pots of cucumbers densely planted. So I think that transplanting is required.

One is the long pot where I transplanted the separated cucumber. We harvested radish from two other sides.

I thought hilling the tomatoes and cucumbers is helpful for growing so I did.

And we planted kale using an empty space in a blue tank.

For yesterday, I checked all of the crops with a soil moisture meter. Only the radishes in the small pot were almost dry.

About 300ml of water was used.

Here is the questions:

1. Should I open the greenhab door during the day time?

Harvest: Radish 0.111 lb

Support/supplies needed: Electronic kitchen scale’s two batteries

Time(s) of watering for crops: With fertilizer, 5:45 pm to 6:35 pm

Changes to crops: Peas are dead on the lower deck.

Narrative: Greenhab officer transplanted

Support/supplies needed: Electronic kitchen scale’s two batteries

GreenHab Report – November 27th

GreenHab Officer: Dulsaikhan Zorig

Environmental control:

heater- used

fan- not used

door open- not

Average temperatures: 69.4

Hours of supplemental light: 2 hours 30 minutes between 6:01-8:30 pm

Daily water usage for crops: 300 ml

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: watering kale, arugula, radish

Water in Blue Tank ( 200 gallon capacity): 200 gallon

Time(s) of watering for crops: Radish 17:33

Changes to crops: None

Narrative: cucumbers are growing well but their leaves are getting yellow from the edge. Tomatoes are growing well enough. Peas in the big blue tank are also yellowing from the edges. I think they need some sort of nutrients. Radishes are planted very dense so transplanting out is necessary.

Harvest: None

Support/supplies needed: Peas are in the lower deck almost dead even if the soil is moisturized.

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