GreenHab Report – January 11th

Crew 290 GreenHab Report 11-01-2024 (Sol 4)

Greenhab Officer: Ben Kazimer

Heater on (Shifted to 70⁰F, fan off, door closed

Average temperatures: 0748: 62.2⁰F, 19%, Sensor then moved to middle of greenhab away from door, 1410: 86.7⁰F 15%, 1703: 71.2⁰F, 19%

Hours of supplemental light: Nominal 4 hours overnight

Daily water usage for crops: 6.5 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1.2 gallons

Water in Blue Tank 168.6 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops:

1/10 2211: ½ gallon misting;

Today’s watering0929: 4.5 gallons with 4 tablespoons fertilizer, ½ gallon misting, 1410: ¾ gallon misting, 1658: ¼ gallon misting

Changes to crops: Trimmed flowering pieces of dill, cleaned up dead leaves from tomatoes and cucumbers. Big harvest! Details below.


Last night after comms closed, I checked on the greenhab as the automatic lights didn’t click on. Now I don’t easily scare, but walking through the abyss (pressurized tunnels) from the hab to greenhouse at 2230 in whipping winds and no light, I was on edge. Mission support helped me troubleshoot the lights and cleared me to rev the heater up to max power. Doing this slightly worried me but I was more worried about the cold shocking the crops than overheating causing a bit drier environment. To that end, I checked in on our green neighbors at 0748 today and was greeted by many happy faces! Everyone got a good fertilizing and misting, along with some trimmings and a massive harvest. The crew is currently grazing on the deconstructed salad as we write up reports and all three greens are getting great reviews; the arugula has to be the spiciest and most flavorful I’ve ever had! Operationally, Roots (Anna) hung out in the greenhab for a bit while I harvested and trimmed, starting up a fun clay experiment in the warm environment. When I stopped by the greenhab at 1410 right before science training, I read out a tepid 87⁰F. This prompted me to set the heater to a Goldilocks 70⁰F. I’m still struggling to keep the humidity up despite 3-4 mistings a day, so I’m considering bringing our hab humidifier to the greenhab to see if it makes a significant difference. The rest of the crew may revolt against this as the humidifier is the only remedy we have to perpetual bloody noses. Updates tomorrow will follow on whether or not I am mutinied and thrown out the airlock. Music update: Fred again… great dance party with my captive audience of plants.

Harvest: 80 grams Red Cabbage, 56 grams Kale, 19 grams Arugula

Support/supplies needed: None!

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