Operations Report – January 12th

Crew 290 Operations Report 12-01-2023

SOL: 5

Name of person filing report: Anna Tretiakova

Non-nominal systems: None

Notes on non-nominal systems: Not Applicable


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 241.6 hours

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Charge: 33%

Currently Charging: No

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 155.2 hours

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Charge: 42%

Currently Charging: No

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: (Before EVA)

Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)

Ending Charge: (After EVA and before recharging)

Currently Charging:

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: (Before EVA)

Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)

Ending Charge: (After EVA and before recharging)

Currently Charging:

General Notes on Rovers: Nominal Condition

Summary of Hab Operations:

Kitchen trash was changed and left in the back door seal lock.

WATER USE: 8.5 gallons

Water (static tank): 391.9 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (on or off): on

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of Internet: internet is nominal during times 18:00 to 22:00

Summary of Suits and Radios: Radios nominal. Suits nominal.

Summary of Greenhab Operations:

WATER USE: 5.25 gallons

Heater: on

Supplemental Light: off

Harvest: 29g of cilantro

Summary of Science Dome Operations:

Final preliminary tests were run with the pH soil sensor and imagined the incubated microfluidic devices to see if there was any bacteria growth that happened in 24 hours. Then flushed one and put it on a microscope slide and imagned isolated bacteria. Samples were put back into the incubator. New samples collected on EVA 6 will be prepped for tomorrow.

Dual Split Heater or AC: On

Summary of RAM Operations: (Tools used, work done):

Measuring tape was used to measure the water level. RAM was used as an airlock for EVA 6.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal

Summary of health and safety issues: All crew in good health and happy spirits. No safety issues.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

Please pick up the trash left in the back door seal lock. 1 Burn trash and 1 Not Burn trash.

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