Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 11-01-2024
Sol: 4
Summary Title:
Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Off of Earth, still in class
After a windy night, the crew started strong with a successful engineering EVA to fix rover mirrors, build a ramp to the RAM airlock, collect smectite for ISRU clay projects. Freebee (Anja) also used the EVA to demonstrate loading, unloading, and securing REMI into the rover beds for future traverses. Funk (Ben) used leftover chicken powder and breadcrumbs to make meatballs to compliment the spaghetti for lunch, and worked on operationalizing the pH meter with Roots (Anna) in the afternoon. Melon (Madelyn) planned EVA sites and operations while Chopper (Rebecca) instructed the crew on MADMEN test procedures in the Science Dome. PODO (Nicole) spent time interviewing each crew member for some profile posts on social media. The crew as a whole celebrated scientific success with the first showers of the trip, experimenting with the bucket method. We were excited to note that we are still significantly under our budgeted water usage per day while including showers, and are cautiously scheduling an increase in shower frequency. Looking forward to sewing our mission patches onto our flight suits tonight!
Look Ahead Plan: Sample collection in the field
Anomalies in work: heater restart required due to high winds
Weather: Windy
Crew Physical Status: nominal
EVA: 05 engineering EVA, with Anja and Anna
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request
Support Requested:
1. Approval to load REMI into the rover bed for long traverses on future EVAs