Sol Summary – January 5th

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Sol Twelve: Into Cleaning We Delve

Author’s Name: Aditya Arjun Anibha

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Status:

Crew 289 ended their simulation this morning. However, this did not mean respite as we worked to complete cleaning and packing responsibilities at the station. Adriana and Gabe travelled to Grand Junction to rent spacecraft (cars) for our return back to our respective destinations on Earth. Riya worked on her air quality sensor brought to life in the form of a lego mount called Russell (Gerald now has a friend!) and broke down her hydroponics and examined plants under a microscope. Eshaana collected the last portion of data from her mini agrivoltaics farm. Sara led the charge of cleaning the station and guided Eshaana, Nathan, Riya and Adi in ensuring a thorough job. We extracted a moment to boost morale by cooking soupy Indian Pink Pasta and Chai. With cleaning and packing complete, we look forward to dinner at a burger shack in Hanksville and potentially stargazing again to make the most of our last night at MDRS before we prepare to depart the next morning.

Look Ahead Plan: Crew departure and travel back to respective destinations

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cloudy and windy throughout

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos, Mission Summary, Final Research Report

Support Requested: None

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