Sol Summary – January 8th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 08-01-2024

Sol: 1

Summary Title: Jumping into Sim

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

We began by completing the required training to enter sim, with a few photo ops along the way. At around 13:30, the crew officially entered sim and began prepping for EVA 01. Madelyn, Anna, and Anja completed suit and comms checks ahead of schedule. On entering the airlock for depressurization, some comms issues caused a delay leading to re-pressurization and suit adjustments. The EVA then proceeded successfully, with the crew noting important changes that need to be made for future EVA success in scientific expeditions (including glove selection and headset placement). While the EVA crew was out, Becka, Ben, and Nicole shared CAPCOM duties and settled into their roles. Becka and Nicole worked to establish a microbiology lab in the Science Dome and managed to troubleshoot several equipment difficulties as they came up. Ben hydrated plants (along with trying some Grateful Dead music therapy on some less-than-stellar cucumbers), planned meals for our time on Mars, and cooked a very popular lunch of fried rice and leftover curry. The crew is planning to spend some time stargazing tonight if the weather allows, to check out the view of the constellations from the red planet!

Look Ahead Plan: Complete training EVA 02, conduct the first research EVA to collect GPR data, complete Science Dome setup

Anomalies in work: Finding Shannon’s pH meter

Weather: Cold and windy! Winds picked up by the end of EVA 01

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 01, Marblehead ritual completed with Madelyn, Anja, and Anna

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA report, EVA Request(s)

Support Requested:

Assistance in locating Shannon’s pH meter, confirmed for use in the pre-mission research meeting – already addressed by Ben S. Thank you! Our crew is very grateful.
Does the laminar flow hood in the Science Dome have any time limitations for how long we can use it? We don’t plan on using it for over 3-4 hours at a time.
Additional botany guidance if possible – see Greenhab report for details

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