Crew 290 GreenHab Report 15-01-2024 (Sol 8)
Greenhab Officer: Ben Kazimer
Heater off (not by choice), fan off, door closed
Average temperatures: 0956: 74.8⁰F, 22%, 1623: 75.9⁰F, 15%, 1955: 51.4⁰F, 20%
Hours of supplemental light: nominal 4 hours overnight
Daily water usage for crops: 4 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None!
Water in Blue Tank 147.05 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops:
0956: 3 gallons watering, ½ gallon misting, 1623: ½ gallon misting
Changes to crops: rearranged tomatoes again, harvested some dill for dinner
Turns out it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows in a Martian Greenhouse (especially the former) as the tomato plants are showing conflicting signs of stress and the heater system is currently on the fritz. I individually inspected every tomato and cucumber plant today on the examination table (my newly acquired sitting stool which has already been sacrificed to my plants) and found that some plants had curling leaves that might indicate heat stress while others had browning leaves with small holes that could be from frostbite. It is quite puzzling so I trimmed most of the stressed leaves and gave them some fresh water and mist. They were all moved further away from the greenhab wall as these showed the greatest stress so I was hoping to see at least some improvements right before I started this report but instead I was faced with disaster! The heater is repeatedly clicking on without providing heat to the now 51⁰F habitat so I am trouble shooting with Mission Support on solutions as trivial power cycling did not change the heater status… updates to follow. In better news, I had a bountiful harvest of the rapidly growing dill which was immediately incorporated into a compound butter that was a tasty topping for our dinner of black bean burgers, cheddar biscuits, and mashed potatoes! Finally, today I spun some classic rap for the plants, ranging from A Tribe Called Quest to MF Doom.
Harvest: 33 grams dill
Support/supplies needed: Heater Repair (In Progress)