Crew 290 Operations Report 16-01-2023
SOL: 9
Name of person filing report: Anna Tretiakova
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: Not Applicable
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (After EVA and before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Opportunity rover used: Yes
Hours: 155.8 hours
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 74%
Currently Charging: No
Curiosity rover used: Yes
Hours: 263.8 hours
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 73%
Currently Charging: No
Perseverance rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (After EVA and before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General Notes on Rovers: Perseverance mirror shards were discarded in the RAM metal waste basket. Rovers are in nominal condition.
Summary of Hab Operations:
WATER USE: 17.6 gallons
Water (static tank): 321.4 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: No
Summary of Internet: internet is nominal during times 18:00 to 22:00
Summary of Suits and Radios: Radios nominal. Suits nominal.
Summary of Greenhab Operations:
WATER USE: 2 gallons for science dome and 7.25 gallons Greenhab.
Heater: on
Supplemental Light: off
Harvest: 33g cilantro
Summary of Science Dome Operations:
Continued imaging the microtubular devices, making new ones and testing the pH.
Dual Split Heater or AC: On
Summary of RAM Operations: (Tools used, work done):
Measuring tape was used to measure the water level. Some work on Remy the Robot.
Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal
Summary of health and safety issues:
All crew in good health and happy spirits. No safety issues.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:
– The beeping water filter, but that is already being dealt with.