EVA #004
Purpose of EVA: To collect samples for the biology experiment and conduct field research for geology.
Start time: 10:00 AM
End time: 12:30 PM
Narrative: Long EVA but worth it. It was good fieldwork within the vicinity of a 500m radius. We started our EVA on time at 10 AM, and reached our destination in 20 minutes via the Cow Dung Road 0110, parked our rovers and started our exploration for gypsum and geology structures. Daniel collected the endolith samples he wanted for his experiment. Unfortunately, we missed the gypsum spots and couldn’t collect the sample. I was able to draw out the geomorphology of the area as we wandered in and around the chasm. See the cross-bedding and bird’s eye view of the desert. I was not able to collect the dip angle because of the suit, it takes time to get habitual of the suit and do the fieldwork. Aditya and Rajvi had a great time exploring the field with a biologist and a geologist. Learning never stops. We were back in the airlock at 12:30 PM.
Destination: Cowboy Corner – 518547, 4253056
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518547, 4253056
Participants: Bharti, Daniel, Aditya and Rajvi
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Exited the Hab through the Air Lock, drove the driveway to Cow Dung Road 0110 to the north and reached the Cowboy corner. The crew conducted the field within a radius of 500 m.
Mode of travel: Curiosity Rover and Opportunity Rover, and walked a little bit within a radius of 500m only.