EVA Report – February 22nd

Crew 293 EVA Report 22-02-2024

EVA # 4

Author: Marie Delaroche (HabCom)

Purpose of EVA: Deployment of two Atmospheric Instruments, the Field Mill and a weather station.

Start time: 9:16

End time: 12:25


9 :11 : Begin depressurization

9:16 : Exiting airlock

Opportunity Hours : 164.2

Opportunity Battery : 100%

Perseverance Hours : 284.4

Perseverance Battery : 95%

9:20 : Moving rovers, loading field mill support system into Opportunity, securing it with tethers.

9:27 : Testing robustness of tether setup

9:30 : Loading Perseverance

9:34 : Rovers loaded, leaving Hab

9:36 : Arrived at weather station site

9:47 : Securing weather station mast into the ground

9:49 : Call from Mission Support reminding the crew to close the RAM Airlock when going out on EVA. This was acknowledged and understood.

9:59: Weather station operational, synchronized with in-Hab tablet

10:01 : Leaving weather station site, returning to rovers

10:05 : Rovers in route

10:09: Arrived at atmospheric instruments EVA site

10:38 : Securing Field Mill mast; dealing with electrical issue.

10:51 : Field Mill secured, moving to MegaAres to perform tests and finish securing the instrument.

11:03: First screw secure, three screws left

11:19 : Starting data collection from LOAC

11:24 : LOAC data retrieved, switching to Mega Ares

11 :34 : Mega Ares fully deployed

11: 50 : Potential issue with Field Mill, performing checks.

12:08 : Decision to leave EVA site. The issue will be fixed during a future EVA.

12:19 : Rovers back at Hab

Perseverance : 61%

Opportunity :72%

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