EVA Report – April 24th

Crew 297 EVA 14 Report 24-4-2024

EVA #14

Author: Sarah Lamm

Purpose of EVA:To observe the orange region from orbit.

Start Time: 8:02 AM

End Time: 10:47 AM

Narrative: We arrived about 0.6 miles away from Somerville Overlook as Opportunity’s battery had dropped to 55%. From there we walked to Somerville Overlook to observe the orange region. It seems to have more silica present than previous locations. Seems to be chert that had been partially dyed orange. We also observed bedded layers of shale, silt, and what appeared to be chert. After we left Somerville Overlook, we went back to the intersection of Galileo Road and Watney Road to use the Case robot.

Destination: Somerville Overlook

Coordinates: 12S 521996 4253063

Participants:Pawel Sawicki (Commander) and Sarah Lamm (Geologist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:Cow Dung Road, Galileo Road

Mode of travel: Opportunity

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