EVA Report – April 25th

Crew 297 EVA 16 Report 25-4-2024

EVA #16

Author: Pawel Sawicki

Purpose of EVA: This EVA concludes the human-interaction study from CU Boulder, where two cremates will use the User Interface to monitor and interact with Case, as it traverses and records imagery of the points of interest (areas on the way and surrounding the destination).

Start Time: 8:50 AM

End Time: 11:21 AM

Narrative: Drs. Storch and Sawicki ventured out far north to the Gateway to Lith this morning to locate an area suitable for Case to drive around. Although they did not find anything in the vicinity of Gateway to Lith for this purpose, they admired the views of this area. On the way back, an adequate area was indeed discovered and utilized for the human-research interaction study. Case performed well in its given task, requiring minimal human intervention. The robot was then driven manually to test its steep hill-traversing abilities. The equipment was gathered up and the crew returned home to the Hab.

Destination: Gateway to Lith

Coordinates: 12S 518283 4255681

Participants: Pawel Sawicki (Commander) and Matthew Storch (XO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Opportunity

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