Journalist Report – April 24th

Crew 297 – Janus 1 Journalist – David Laude

"The surface of Mars is a place of bare rock sculpted by wind, with canyons and valleys much deeper than the Grand Canyon on Earth." – Steven Squyres

Today’s Sol 10 brings with it a sense of urgency as Sol 12 will be our last for this team of researchers and explorers.

Curiosity carried the morning EVA team, Matt and Matt, to the exact coordinates for the NPS and it was recovered quickly, although it was hidden in an extremely challenging spot by the previous team. Around noon, they returned to the Hab and began their on-foot journey to Skyline Rim. By 12:40 they had reached the top of the ridge line behind MDRS, and continued with the long march across the Amazonis Planitia. They reached the Skyline Rim and proceeded with ground testing to determine the feasibility of burying the NPS in that region. After testing was completed, they headed back to the Hab.

Sarah and Pawel traveled to Somerville Overlook to observe the orange region.

The last of the crew members biographies to present is that of the Journalist/Engineer:
"David Laude was present for the memorable and impressive launches of Apollo 11, the first Space Shuttle and subsequent Shuttle night launches. He also met several lunar astronauts and like many others, dreamed about space exploration. David began a lifelong passion for electronics and space technology in elementary school. With a B.S. and a M. Eng. in Electrical Engineering, he designed integrated circuits for Harris Semiconductor (now Intersil), Ford Aerospace (now unknown), Ford Motor Company and Linear Technology Corporation (now Analog devices). David is currently retired from the work force and is a lifelong learner who enjoys working with talented people. He also has formal training in Anthropology and Archaeology. He is a member of The Planetary Society and a founding member of The Mars Society. His hobbies include radio controlled airplanes, electronics, musical instrument synthesizers, music composition and antique radio restoration. Utah, with its stark beauty and remote areas, is one of his favorite states. He previously served as a crew member at MDRS on Crews 80, 181, 228 and 265 in the roles of commander, executive officer and engineer."

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